
  1. 从反应机理可以将这个目标转化为降低烟气H2O含量和提高y反应器转化率的问题。

    From the reaction mechanism of this goal can be translated into lower gas H2O content and enhance y reactor conversion rate .

  2. 采用权重和方法将双目标转化为单目标问题,设计了两阶段多种群遗传算法有效确定双目标优化问题的Pareto最优解。

    The weighted linear method is used to convert the bi-objective into a single objective . A two-stage multi-population genetic algorithm is proposed to generate Pareto optimal solution effectively .

  3. 通过将SER优化目标转化为约束条件,将问题简化为非线性约束单目标优化问题,使用非线性最优化求解算法,可以获得唯一最优解。

    Then the problem is simplified into a single objective nonlinear optimization problem by turning the optimal goal into constraint , which the optimal solution of can be obtained by nonlinear optimization algorithm .

  4. 教师是使教育目标转化为现实的人,因此是教育发展中非常重要的因素。

    The teacher , who transforms educational objects into reality , is a very important factor in education development .

  5. 交互设计者必须要将人生目标转化为高层次的产品功能、正式的设计概念和品牌战略。

    Interaction designers must translate life goals into high-level system capabilities , formal design concepts , and brand strategy .

  6. 基于满意度和贴近度将多目标转化为单目标优化模型,并利用最优潮流求解。

    Introduction of goal satisfaction degree and goal close degree , then transform the multi-objective model into the single-objective model . Solve the problem with optional power flow method .

  7. 基于敏感性分析的基本原理,将施工控制目标转化为有约束的极小值问题,推导了结构设计参数对控制目标的敏感因子计算公式。

    Based on the theory of sensitivity analysis , the problem of construction control was translated into a minimum problem with restraints , and the expression for sensitivity index was denied .

  8. 到了二次世界大战后,这三个目标转化为缓冲区、结盟与担心世界大战爆发的内容。

    After the Second World War , these three goals have been transformed into " chasseing buffer zone " , " finding alliance " and " concerning about world war " .

  9. 公共政策执行是政策过程的重要环节,是将政策理想转化为政策现实、政策目标转化为政策效益的唯一途径。

    The implementation of public policy , as an important link of policy process , is the only sound way to convert policy thoughts into reality and policy objective into policy effectiveness .

  10. 交互设计者、视觉设计者和工业设计者必须将人物角色的体验目标转化为可以传递恰当感觉、情感、感情和情调的外形、行为、动作和听觉元素。

    Interaction , visual , and industrial designers must translate persona experience goals into form , behavior , motion , and auditory elements that communicate the proper feel , affect , emotion , and tone .

  11. 课程结构是课程目标转化为教育成果的纽带,是课程实施活动顺利开展的依据,在课程的设计与编制中发挥着承上启下的作用。

    Course structure is the objective of the curricula into education bonds , and is currently a smooth implementation of activities carried out based on the curriculum design and preparation play a role in connecting .

  12. 该方法首先把工艺目标转化为冷却装置选定位置上的钢板温度设定值,使控制系统输入输出关系得到简化,避免了板速和板点温度之间关系复杂难以解析表达的问题。

    It simplifies the control system by considering the process target as the plate temperature in specific spot of cooling aparatus , which avoids the complex resolve expression between the plate speed and spot temperature .

  13. 要提高未来警察素质,一方面必须建立科学的学生素质评价指标体系,即把评价目标转化为具体的可测性、行为化和操作化的指标体系;

    In order to improve probationary police quality , we should establish scientific evaluation index system , that is to transform the evaluation object to a concrete index system that can easily be measured and operated ;

  14. 它从简单的绩效评价工具发展成为战略管理工具,突破了传统绩效评价的局限,为企业提供了一个全面框架来把企业的战略目标转化为一套系统的绩效评价指标。

    The BSC has been developed to be a strategy management tool from the simple performance evaluation tool . It breaks through the localization of traditional performance evaluation and provides the enterprise a frame to transform the strategy to action .

  15. 通过将研究目标转化为最小化浪费空间,采用候选集策略构建分批以减少搜索空间,利用基于浪费空间的启发式来更新信息素,最后还引出一种局部优化策略以进一步提高算法的性能。

    By converting the objective to minimizing the wasted space , a candidate set strategy is used to construct the batches . Besides applying a wasted-space based heuristic to update the pheromone , a local optimization strategy is adopted to further improve the performance of the proposed algorithm .

  16. 价值最大化与利润最大化的目标如何转化为绩效目标?

    How can the goals of profit maximisation and value maximisation be translated into performance targets ?

  17. 目标可转化为动力。

    Definite goal endows your motivation .

  18. 并用模糊优选法将证券组合多目标优化转化为单目标优化。

    Multiple-objective optimal problem is converted into simple objective optimization by using the fuzzy optimum seeking method .

  19. 借助电容值函数特点分析,将多目标函数转化为单目标优化问题,并利用坐标轮换法优化方法。

    Through analyzing the capacitance function 's characteristic , the multi-objectives functions are transformed into simple objective function .

  20. 通过引进向量,把多目标问题转化为单目标问题。

    By introduction of the vector analysis , the multi-objective problem was converted to the problem of single objective .

  21. 适应值函数计算时应用惩罚函数将目标函数转化成无约束优化函数。

    When the fitness function is calculated , applying the penalty function change the objective function into unconstrained optimization function .

  22. 高校课程的实施是高等学校实现教育目标,转化教育成果的途径。

    The implementation of higher education course was the way to achieve the curriculum goals and transforming into educational outcomes .

  23. 这种方法通过严密的数学变换,将不可微的目标函数转化为具有单一极值点的可微函数,从而可以通过最优化方法求取目标函数的全局极小值,从而得到正确的编群结果。

    This method utilizes rigorous mathematical transformation to substitute the non-differentiable objective function with a differentiable function which has single extreme point .

  24. 同时,集团的战略目标必须转化为具体的可操作的绩效目标才能进行衡量和比较,并起到有效的激励作用。

    The strategic objective can only motivate subsidiaries to make efforts if it translates into specific performance objectives which are measurable and comparable .

  25. 在运动跟踪过程中,构造合适的核函数,就可以把跟踪问题中的搜索目标模板转化为均值漂移收敛的过程。

    With the appropriate kernel function used , it will be able to transform the tracking task into the convergence process of mean shift .

  26. 同时,采用能随交通需求的变化而实时变化的加权系数,将交叉口3个优化目标函数转化为单目标函数优化的问题。

    At the same time , the weighted coefficient , changing with traffic request , can transform the multi-optimization problem into a single optimization problem .

  27. 采用了对平移和旋转加权和的形式,将牙齿移动路径规划这个多目标问题转化为可利用单目标算法求解的等效问题,再利用多智能体进化算法对牙齿移动路径规划进行求解。

    Using weight sum of translation and rotation the multi-objective problem is transformed into an equivalent problem which can be solved by using the simple target algorithm .

  28. 后处理的任务就是要把目标数据转化为计算机图形,从而为用户分析这些目标数据提供一种直观方便的手段。

    The task of subsequent process is to change these datum to computer graphics , provide a convenience instrument for the user to analyze the target datum .

  29. 把目标因素转化为费用因素的定量分析方法是一种简便、快捷、相对客观、科学的分析方法。

    Quantitative analysis method transferring target element to cost element is illustrated with examples , which is an easier analyzing way with more relative objectivity and scientific reasonability .

  30. 是的,现在新版相位棱镜通过将目标单位转化为能量形态继而装入体内来实现运输功能。

    Yes , the new Phase Prism now transports by changing the unit they wish to transport into energy , which is stored in the Phase Prism for transport .