
mánɡ kǒnɡ
  • Blind hole;foramen cecum;foramen caecum
盲孔 [máng kǒng]
  • [blind hole] 没有泥浆或其他循环流动介质把钻屑带到地面上的一种钻孔

  1. 其中舌盲孔和其下瘘管与口腔不通为亚类。

    Lingual foramen cecum and fistula without connection with oral cavity was classified into subtype .

  2. 舌盲孔和其附近网状瘘管与口腔通畅者,此网状分枝以下瘘管、囊肿必须切除。

    If lingual foramen cecum and nearby network fistula are connected with oral cavity , the network fistula and cyst must be excised .

  3. 盲孔法测定时计算公式中A、B值的研究

    Study on the A 、 B values in calculating formula of blind hole technique

  4. A、B标定值对盲孔法测定焊接残余应力精度的影响

    The Influence of Calibration Value A , B on the Measuring Accuracy of Residual Stresses by Hole-drilling Technique

  5. 基于ANSYS的盲孔螺栓联接的有限元仿真

    FEM simulation of blind bolt connection based on ANSYS

  6. 埋/盲孔多层PCB制作工艺

    Manufacturing Technology of Multilayer PCB with Buried / Blind Via

  7. 300M钢零件深盲孔内键槽的磨削加工

    Grinding Internal Keyway in Deep Blind Hole of 300M Steel Part

  8. 干砂对EPS模样垂直向下盲孔充填性的研究

    Research on the Filling of Dry Sand for Vertical Pipe with Bottom Blind hole for EPS Pattern

  9. 盲孔开裂是导致印制电路板(PCB)电气断路的主要原因之一。

    Failure of blind via is one of the main causes of an open circuit in printed circuit board ( PCB ) .

  10. HDI刚挠印制板中的埋盲孔工艺研究

    Research on the Process of Buried / blind Via in HDI Rigid-flex Board

  11. 本文主要介绍了激光钻孔技术在HDI多层盲孔板制造技术方面的应用。

    This article introduced application of laser drill in manufacturing of HDI multilayer blind via PCB .

  12. 脉冲直流PCVD技术在盲孔底部沉积Ti-Si-N薄膜

    Deposition of Ti-Si-N Thin Films at the Bottom of Deep Hole by Pulsed-D.C. PCVD

  13. 提出深孔、盲孔零件如电池壳等电镀镍工艺及镀液配方,研制成功BH光亮剂和BH深镀剂。

    A new bright nickel plating process and itS solution is provided for battery cases or partS with deep and blind holes .

  14. 在高速PCB设计中,过孔设计是一个重要因素,它由孔、孔周围的焊盘区和POWER层隔离区组成,通常分为盲孔、埋孔和通孔三类。

    Vis design is an important factor in high speed design . It is composed of drill hole , pad area around hole and power layer isolate area , and is classified as blind via , buried via and through via .

  15. 本文利用盲孔应力松弛法测定焊接残余应力,发现标定值A、B不是与应力无关的常量。

    It was found during residual stresses measurement by hole-drilling method that the calibration values A , B , parameters used for calculation of residual stresses , were not constants but dependent on the stress level at which A , B were to be determined .

  16. 针对不锈钢零件的细深组合盲孔精加工刀具,在分析刀具刚度对加工精度的影响基础上,采用ANSYS软件对其进行有限元分析。

    Aiming at finish machining tool for long-deep blind holes combination of stainless steel parts , based on analyzing rigidity of machining tool influencing upon machining precision , the Finite element analysis ( FEA ) of tools rigidity was made with ANSYS software .

  17. 采用盲孔法配合计算机数据采集技术对7种不同规格或状态的ERW直缝套管残余应力分布状态进行了测定。

    The distribution of the residual stress in ERW straight-seam casing tube of seven kinds of sizes is determined by Mathar method in combination with data collection and processing by computer .

  18. 鸡胚发育到55h,在第2鳃弓腹端咽底面形成一盲孔,系甲状舌管原基。

    When the chicken embryo has been incubated about 55 hours . the primordium of the thyroid lingual duct began to develop at the floor of the branchial arch ⅱ .

  19. 采用低压注射成形制备盲孔细长管毛坯,结合自蔓延高温合成热等静压(SHS-HIP)烧结技术,探索快速、高效合成复杂形状零件的低成本制备工艺。

    In order to explore a low cost technique which can fabricate complex shape parts efficiently , Low-Pressure Injection Molding ( LPIM ) combined with Self-propagation High temperature Synthesis synchronous densification by Hot Isostatic Pressing ( SHS-HIP ) technique are employed to fabricate slender tubes with blind hole .

  20. 精冲盲孔工艺研究与应用

    Study and application of the technology for fine blanking dead hole

  21. 加工钛合金大口径深盲孔的研究

    A Study on Drilling Large Blind Deep Holes of Titanium Alloys

  22. 膛壁盲孔测温技术在内弹道测试中的应用

    Applications of blind hole temperature measuring technology in interior ballistics tests

  23. 新型手机用印制电路板盲孔的开裂分析

    Cracking Analysis on Blind Vias of PCB for Novel Mobile Phones

  24. 激光钻孔在盲孔多层板的应用

    The Application of Laser Drill in Multilayer PCB of Blind Via

  25. 高压高强免烧盲孔砖生产工艺

    Process of High Pressure and High-Strength Non-Fired Blind Hole Brick

  26. 图像识别在盲孔检测中的应用

    The Application of Computer Graphics in the Blind Hole Detection

  27. 细深组合盲孔精加工刀具的有限元分析

    FEA of Precision Machining Tool for Long-Deep Blind Holes Combination

  28. 高压缸体锻件冲盲孔方法研究

    Study on process for pressing blind hole of forged hi-pressure cylinder casing

  29. 盲孔法测定焊接残余应力适宜测试时间研究

    On Suitable Testing Time of Blind Hole Technique for Measuring Residual Stress

  30. 盲孔法测量残余应力的钻削加工应变

    Drilling strains in measuring residual stress with hole-drilling strain-gage method