
  • 网络direct communication
  1. 朱莉·罗斯负责与卡布尔直接沟通,她提出了以下要求。

    Julie Rose who is in direct communication with Kabul has requested the following .

  2. 12例睫状体与前房完全沟通,9例前房与睫状体上腔之间未见直接沟通。

    Direct communication could be found between the anterior chamber and superciliary cavity in 12 eyes .

  3. 你可以把invokedynamic看做JVM用户与后台的JVM进行直接沟通的途径。

    You can look at invokedynamic as a way for JVM users to communicate directly with the optimizing backend of the JVM .

  4. 我们力求通过与员工的直接沟通,而非依靠第三方,建立Christie和员工之间的互信。

    We strive to establish a strong mutual trust between Christie and its employees by dealing directly with each other rather than through a third party .

  5. 我有权利与上司直接沟通。

    I have the right to communicate with the manager directly .

  6. 我本就打算和你的体验之间直接沟通。

    I intend to be directly communicated with your experiences .

  7. 卖家和买家不需要直接沟通,做成交易没多大风险。

    Sellers and buyers need not communicate directly , so closing deals is less risky .

  8. 廉政专员出席茶叙与市民直接沟通。

    ICAC commissioner meets citizens face-to-face .

  9. 耐克得到的不光是一名英雄般的运动员,还是一名很上镜的发言人,能和观众直接沟通。

    Nike gained not just a hero athlete but also a telegenic spokesperson who connected with audiences .

  10. 联合国秘书长表示,他们欢迎世界上最大的两个经济体之间的任何直接沟通。

    The UN chief says they welcome any direct communications between the world 's two largest economies .

  11. 在预见到任何有可能阻碍直接沟通的问题时,公开及时的告诉领导这一点。

    Inform the manager openly and immediately about any potential problems they are aware of direct communication .

  12. 这就是一些人丧失了直接沟通技能并与他人疏远的原因。

    That 's why some people have lost the skill of direct contact and get alienated from others .

  13. 如此一来,米多斯夫妇的书直接沟通了顾客,与零售商及出版商不存在任何利益瓜葛。

    Thus , the meadows have a direct route to their customers and owe nothing to retailers or publishers .

  14. 随后,这些供应商可以持续编辑、更新页面,同时与客户直接沟通。

    The vendors can then edit and update the page constantly as well as communicate directly with the customer .

  15. 直接沟通在操控的舞蹈中丢失,因为那时隐秘涵义比直白更具力量。

    Direct communication is lost in the manipulative dance , as covert meaning has had greater power than direct meaning .

  16. “鬼”不能与“人”直接沟通,因为两者构成的微粒及其构筑和运作差异、差距实在太大了。

    A ghost cannot communicate with a man , because the differences in their particles and structures are too big .

  17. 呼叫中心的设立能提高服务效率,节约成本,便于与客户直接沟通了解其需求。

    The establishment of call centers can improve service efficiency , save operating cost and learn customers'needs by direct communication with them .

  18. 我是这么翻的:为什么你想在一家与美国公司有直接沟通的跨国公司工作?

    Why do you want to work for an International company as be in direct contact with other companies in the USA ?

  19. 信心一旦结合了祈祷,便成了一个人与宇宙大智直接沟通的触媒。

    Faith is the element , the " chemical " which , when mixed with prayer , gives one direct communication with infinite intelligence .

  20. 同时,需要你与客户直接沟通提供技术解决方案,并与团队成员分享技术知识。

    This position will require you to have client facing discussions about technical solutions and transfer technical knowledge to the rest of the team .

  21. 委员会在六月举办了人力资源培训论坛,以加强财经业界、培训机构和大学生之间的直接沟通。

    In June , it organised a Forum on Human Resources Development to promote direct exchange of views among the industry , universities and students .

  22. 有了互联网,这个工作已经变得更加简单,因为你可以搜索并直接沟通&以前我们可没有这个。

    The job has become easier with the Internet since you can search and communicate directly & something that we didn 't have in earlier days .

  23. 并通过活动及时听取业主意见,让业主也参与到对产品的品评分析,并使发展商与业主信息直接沟通、面接触。

    Make them to take part in the products'presentation analysis and give them a chance to have a straight communications with the developer of the estates .

  24. 在缺乏直接沟通的网络环境中,服务质量成为网上银行体现差异化和竞争优势的关键因素。

    In the absence of direct communication network environment , service quality has become a key factor of internet banking reflecting the differentiation and competitive advantage .

  25. 在项目实施阶段,通过专业组领导和协调员直接沟通,保证技术协调,并受各项目经理的监督。

    Technical coordination during project execution phase will be guaranteed through the direct communication of discipline leaders and coordinators , and supervised by the respective project managers .

  26. 白宫原本希望,下周一上午举办的这一论坛,将为奥巴马尝试与中国年轻人直接沟通提供一个很好的机会。

    The White House had hoped the Monday morning forum would be Mr Obama 's one big chance to try and communicate directly with young Chinese people .

  27. 丹尼斯告诫人们不要理解错误研究发现,并不是说面对面的交流,打电话等直接沟通方式没有用。

    Dennis warns people against misinterpreting these findings to suggest that face-to-face meetings , personal phone calls and other direct forms of communications aren 't as useful .

  28. 花旗银行为每位贵宾特派一名财富管理经理,专责与您直接沟通,提供贴身的个人化服务,全面照顾您的理财需要。

    Citibank provides you with a designated citigold Relationship Manager who will communicate directly with you to provide personalized service and care for all your financial management needs .

  29. 正因为不需要让你的程式与资料库直接沟通,你也可以透过更改设定轻松更换资料库软体。

    And since none of your code communicates directly with the database , you can switch from one database engine to another by simply changing a configuration setting .

  30. 在双边问题和涉及第三方的问题上,需要完善政府间的直接沟通渠道,建立危机防范机制。

    On bilateral issues and issues affecting a third party , it is necessary to improve direct communication channels between the two governments and establish crisis prevention mechanism .