
  • the provinces
直省 [zhí shěng]
  • [the provinces] 指各省,因直属中央,所以又叫直省

  • 文书下行直省。--清. 方苞《狱中杂记》

  1. 以往的乡试研究更多是着眼于制度层面的,而关于直省乡试的系统研究则相对较少,基本上还是处于起步状态,具有广阔的拓展空间。

    The previous Imperial Examination study were basically about its " system ", and systematic study about provinces ' Provincial examination are very few .

  2. 他们构想的官制改革方案充实了直省官制通则的内容,为构建三权分立雏形的政权框架提供了理论指导。

    The plan of bureaucracy reformation devised by them provide theoretical guidance for the regime framework of separation of powers and enrich the contents of the province General Bureaucracy .

  3. 房科作为清代职官体系外的非正式机构,事实上成为各直省督抚衙门内部行政职能运作的基本载体。

    " Fangke ", as an informal institution independent of the bureaucracy of the Qing period , had actually become the basic carrier of interior administrative function of each Governor-General Yamun ( Du-fu Yamen ) in each province .

  4. 方法:收集疾病监测信息报告管理系统肺结核网络直报、广东省结核病控制项目报表系统季报表材料进行分析。

    Methods : The data of " China information system for disease control and prevention " and the " Guandong tuberculosis control project information " were analysed .

  5. 临清地处山东省西北部,位于直、鲁两省的交界地带,北可直抵京津地区,西通山西等省。

    Linqing is located in the northwest of Shandong Province , located in straight , Lu border provinces , the North may be leading to the Beijing-Tianjin region , the west , Shanxi and other provinces .