
yǎn kē yī shēng
  • ophthalmologist;eye doctor;oculist;ophthalmiater
  1. 不知眼科医生能否在下星期五给我安排一个时间。

    I wonder if the oculist could fit me in next Friday .

  2. 我六岁大的时候,我的父亲听说在巴尔的摩有一个著名的眼科医生,他曾成功地医治过许多看似无望的病人。

    When I was about six years old , my father heard of an eminent oculist in Baltimore , who had been successful in many cases that had seemed hopeless .

  3. 眼科医生现在采用激光手术来矫正近视。

    Ophthalmic surgeons are now performing laser surgery to correct myopia .

  4. 眼科医生MayGriffith将向我们做详细解释。

    Eye surgeon May Griffith explains how it made .

  5. 两国的眼科医生都倾向于采用小梁切开联合小梁切除术。印度患者接受联合手术的比例更高(p<0.01)。

    The combined trabeculectomy and trabeculotomy operation was preferred by both Chinese and Indian doctors whereas a higher proportion of Indian patients received the combined operation ( p0.01 ) .

  6. 戴维•英沃斯塔德(DavidIngvoldstad)是内布拉斯加州奥马哈市(Omaha)MidwestEyeCare的私人执业医师,身为眼科医生,他从病人身上看到的健康问题远远不止眼睛本身。

    As an ophthalmologist , David Ingvoldstad sees much more about his patients ' health than just their eyes .

  7. DavidHunter医生表示,在波士顿儿童医院,他作为儿科眼科医生并没有观察到儿童视力问题的增加。

    Dr. David Hunter says he has not seen an increase in his practice as a pediatric ophthalmologist at Children 's Hospital Boston .

  8. 方法:68例眶周骨折伴复视的患者,分别由口腔颌面外科、眼科医生检查,通过X线平片或CT片综合分析,明确复视的原因。

    METHODS : 68 cases of orbital facture associated with diplopia were examined by maxillofacial surgeon and oculist , by analyzing the CT and X-ray films of whom to make clear the reasons of diplopia .

  9. 一旦有AMD发生,调查者需要找到相关医疗文件进行回顾调查,并发放给眼科医生一份AMD调查问卷。

    When AMD was reported , investigators sought consent to review medical records and sent an AMD questionnaire to the diagnosing eye physician .

  10. 克里斯蒂娜·科瓦列夫斯卡娅是纽约第一个在眼睛里镶嵌铂金饰片的人,手术由在林荫大道LaserVision诊所的眼科医生埃米尔·陈操刀,他将厚度约3.5毫米的铂金片嵌入科瓦列夫斯卡娅右眼的白眼球中。

    Kristina Kovalevskya is the first New Yorker to visit Dr Emil Chynn at Park Avenue Laser Vision to get a ' cute ' heart-shaped sequin , measuring 3.5mm , placed on the white of her of right eye ball .

  11. 经我允许后,Opternative公司的联合创始人阿龙·达莱克(AaronDallek)与常驻加州的一位眼科医生进行了沟通,询问他为什么在审核我的检查结果后选择不出具处方。

    With my permission , Aaron Dallek , the company 's co-founder , spoke with the California-based ophthalmologist who reviewed my exam to find out why he chose not to issue a prescription .

  12. 一位在StHelier医院(就在伦敦城外)工作的眼科医生,是英国首位使用一种叫做Stellairis(见图)的新设备的人。

    PAUL URSELL , an ophthalmic surgeon who works at St Helier hospital , just outside London , is one of the first people in Britain to use a new piece of equipment called the Stellaris ( pictured ) .

  13. 该激光仪,目前称为OTS134,预计会使大部分执业眼科医生能更快速的掌握复杂青光眼手术技能。

    The laser , called the OTS134 for now , is expected to give most practicing eye surgeons the ability to master complex glaucoma surgery very quickly .

  14. 目前,国内外眼科医生主要使用双目间接检眼镜进行ROP的筛查,它具有立体感、照明强度强、视野宽、成像清晰等特点,被公认为是ROP筛查的金标准和首选检查工具。

    At present , domestic and foreign ophthalmologists mainly use binocular indirect ophthalmoscope for ROP screening , it has a three-dimensional feeling , lighting intensity , wide field of vision , clear imaging and so on , ROP screening is recognized as the " gold standard " and preferred checker .

  15. 因此在患者视力受损之前确定糖尿病视网膜病变十分重要,需要糖尿病患者、首诊内科医生及眼科医生的共同努力。

    It is very important to detect DR before vision damaged .

  16. 我下星期得去看眼科医生。

    I need to go to the eye doctor next week .

  17. 验光师和眼科医生哪个是做眼科手术的?

    Is it an optometristor an ophthalmologist who performs eye surgery ?

  18. 我匆忙的跑回办公室近乎发狂的给我的眼科医生打电话。

    I ran into my office and frantically called my ophthalmologist .

  19. 电磁体(不包括眼科医生和外科医生用电磁体)

    Electromagnet ( excl. those for use by oculists and surgeons )

  20. 可是他们好乏味他们都是眼科医生。

    But they 're so dull ! They 're all ophthalmologists .

  21. 声音2:詹姆斯·鲁本医生是眼科医生。

    Voice 2 : Doctor James Ruben is an eye doctor .

  22. 眼科医生梅尔根面临着美国国税局的征税扣押。

    The eye doctor Melgen has faced tax lien from the IRS .

  23. 我的眼科医生推荐购买不含防腐剂的、供单次使用的小包装产品。

    My ophthalmologist recommends products free of preservatives sold in single-use dispensers .

  24. 相对值法测量眼科医生工作量的实证研究

    Experimental study of ophthalmologists , workload measurement with relative value

  25. 带孩子去看眼科医生,看是否应该给他配眼镜。

    Check to make sure he doesn 't need glasses .

  26. 眼科医生从他眼中除去一个异物。

    The oculist removed a foreign object from his eye .

  27. 1976年,退休眼科医生GovindappaVenkataswamy成立了该组织。

    Retired eye surgeon Govindappa Venkataswamy established the organization in nineteen seventy-six .

  28. 她还说“眼科医生”眼霜也会有很好的功效。

    she also said the Eye Doctor cream would work .

  29. 他是眼科医生,我却不戴眼镜。

    He 's an eye doctor , and I don 't wear glasses .

  30. 诊断结果可以发给眼科医生用于配制眼镜。

    The results can be sent to an eye doctor to make glasses .