
  • 网络Sleep;sleep mode;sleeping;sleep state;dormant
  1. 科学家们已经发现了令人瞩目的新证据,说明了人体在睡眠状态下是如何自我修复的。

    Scientists have discovered remarkable new evidence showing how the body rebuilds itself while we sleep

  2. Linux内核提供了两种方法将进程置为睡眠状态。

    The Linux kernel provides two ways to put a process to sleep .

  3. 进入睡眠状态时,我们的脑电波振幅慢慢变大。

    As we fall asleep the amplitude of brain waves slowly becomes greater .

  4. 为了更深入的研究,她的团队观察了35位健康的人在布朗大学心理科学系这一陌生环境的睡眠状态。

    To take a closer look , her team studied 35 healthy people as they slept in the unfamiliar environment of the university 's Department of Psychological Sciences .

  5. 它将处于可终止睡眠状态的调用进程置于queue中,直到condition等于true。

    H ; it puts the calling process to sleep killably in queue until the condition evaluates to true .

  6. 如果线程a试图锁定一个互斥对象,而此时线程b已锁定了同一个互斥对象时,线程a就将进入睡眠状态。

    If thread " a " tries to lock a mutex while thread " b " has the same mutex locked , thread " a " goes to sleep .

  7. PIC单片机系统的睡眠状态唤醒的研究

    Research on PIC MCU system 's waking SLEEP state

  8. 方法对76例先天性耳聋儿童进行睡眠状态下的BAEP监测。

    Methods : 76 patients were assessed by BAEP in the study .

  9. 行星光栅提升的震动频率会使许多还在睡眠状态的天使人类觉醒如此一来使重新编码人类灵性DNA得以加速进行。

    The rise in vibration frequency of the Planetary Grid has brought many dormant Angelic humans to awareness thus allowing for an acceleration in the recoding of Humankind 's Spiritual DNA .

  10. 睡眠状态下CM幅值略有增大,与此同时CM阈值减低。结论CM检测可为了解重振发生机理以及重振与CM和耳聋预后之间的关系提供可靠的客观信息。

    CONCLUSION CM offers the reliable information for the mechanism of loudness recruitment and is also useful for understanding the relationship among loudness recruitment , cochlear microphonics and prognosis .

  11. 调用demosyscall的进程将被置于睡眠状态,直到该内核扩展终止。

    The process calling demo_syscall will be put into sleep until the kernel extension is terminated .

  12. 睡眠状态下NREM期和REM期局灶性放电较清醒期明显增加。

    Local epileptic electric activity was much more in NREM and REM term than in consciousness .

  13. 控制现在返回到connect()函数,该函数处于睡眠状态,直到协议层唤醒&指示连接现在是ESTABLISHED,或套接字上存在错误。

    The control now returns to the connect () function , which sleeps until the protocol layer wakes up & indicating that the connection is now ESTABLISHED or that there has been an error on the socket .

  14. 因为已经是深夜,机场几乎是半空的,因此我轻松办理登记手续,然后(在半睡眠状态下)将我的黑色行李包放到X光机的传送带上。

    Since it was late at night , the airport was half-empty , so I navigated the ticket line with ease and , half asleep , loaded my black bags on to the X-ray machine .

  15. 内核负责将进程转移到睡眠状态、等待套接字做好写入的准备、读取TCP状态代码,等等。

    The kernel takes care of moving the process to sleeping state , waiting for the socket to be ready for writing , reading the TCP status code , and so on .

  16. SRSS对13273名正常人睡眠状态的评定分析

    Analysis rating of sleep state of 13273 normal persons

  17. 将进程置为睡眠状态的普通方法是将进程状态设置为TASKINTERRUPTIBLE或TASKUNINTERRUPTIBLE并调用调度程序的schedule()函数。

    The normal way to put a process to sleep is to set the process 's state to either TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE or TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE and call the scheduler 's function schedule () .

  18. 但是,如果进程处于非可中断模式的睡眠状态(通过将其状态设置为TASKUNINTERRUPTIBLE),那么只能通过显式的唤醒呼叫将其唤醒。

    However , if the process is sleeping in uninterruptible mode ( by setting its state to TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE ), it can only be awakened by an explicit wake-up call .

  19. 目的探讨非睡眠状态间歇出现的房室传导阻滞(AVB)的原因与临床意义。

    Objective To study the causes and significance of atrial-ventricular block ( AVB ) during non-sleeping .

  20. 该实验室的助理科学家路易莎·德·维沃(LuisadeVivo)对这些从小鼠大脑取出的组织进行了精心研究,一些小鼠是醒着的,其他一些处于睡眠状态。

    Luisa de Vivo , an assistant scientist working in their lab , led a painstaking survey of tissue taken from mice , some awake and others asleep .

  21. 对已锁定的互斥对象上调用pthreadmutexlock()的所有线程都将进入睡眠状态,这些睡眠的线程将“排队”访问这个互斥对象。

    All threads that go to sleep from calling pthread_mutex_lock () on an already-locked mutex will " queue up " for access to that mutex .

  22. 他补充称,15至20分钟的小憩最为理想,因为它能够使你恢复精力,但又不会让你进入深度的快速眼动(REM)睡眠状态,让你醒来后感到头晕。

    He adds that 15-20 minutes is ideal as it refreshes you but does not send you into the deep rapid-eye-movement sleep that leaves you feeling groggy afterwards .

  23. NREM睡眠状态中人的身体同时也在做自我恢复以及分泌激素,包括生长激素。

    NREM sleep is also when your body repairs itself and releases hormones , including growth hormones .

  24. 他在2013年领导的一项研究发表在《当代生物学》杂志(CurrentBiology)上,该研究显示了没有夜间灯光可以造成多大的改变:在山中露营一周后,参与者的身体比平常提前了两个小时开始准备进入睡眠状态。

    A 2013 study he led , published in the journal Current Biology , showed just how different things can be without nighttime lights : After participants had camped in the mountains for a week , their bodies began to prepare for sleep about two hours earlier than normal .

  25. 对照组常规护理,不进行抚触。观察42d、3个月、6个月巨大儿睡眠状态。

    Macrosomia 's sleeping pattern was observed for 42 days , 3 months , and 6 months respectively .

  26. 本文的网络协议是采用特殊的路由优化算法和TDMA时隙分配算法,使节点进入低功耗或睡眠状态以降低功耗。

    In the paper , the protocol adopt special route optimize algorithm and TDMA time slot assigning algorithm , make node enter low consumption or sleep state in order to reduce the consumption ;

  27. 可以推测到,当线程试图锁定一个未加锁的互斥对象时,POSIX线程库将同意锁定,而不会使线程进入睡眠状态。

    As you may have guessed , the POSIX threads library will grant a lock without having put the thread to sleep at all if a thread tries to lock an unlocked mutex .

  28. 方法使用睡眠状态自评量表(SRSS)、症状自评量表(SCL90)评定社区老年人41例。

    Method 41 social elderly people were studied by using Self rating Scale of Sleep ( SRSS ) and Symptom Checklist 90 ( SCL 90 ) .

  29. 目的:观察睡眠状态下阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)患者上气道扩张肌肌电活性的变化,探讨其在OSAHS中的作用及意义。

    Objective : To observe the changes of the electromyography ( EMG ) of the dilatation muscles of upper airway in patients with obstructive sleep apnea-hyponea syndrome ( OSAHS ) under asleep condition and to explore their functions and significance .

  30. 它以固态硬盘(实质上就是闪存)取代了传统硬盘,而且从睡眠状态重新启动差不多就是一瞬间的功夫,其缺点就是这款笔记本的基本机型只有128G内存。

    It doesn 't use a traditional hard disk , but instead relies on a solid-state drive essentially flash memory and was able to resume from sleep almost instantly . The downside of this is that you only get 128 gigabytes of storage in the base model .