
  • 网络Knowledge Product
  1. 知识产品生产具有巨大成本递减机制等。

    Knowledge product production has the huge cost mechanism of successively decrease .

  2. 软件是不折不扣的知识产品,具有很强的知识属性。

    The software is the knowledge product .

  3. FDI技术溢出效应的主要微观机制在于市场竞争,一方面市场竞争迫使MNC必然转移较为先进的技术,由于技术作为知识产品的外在性,技术溢出不可避免;

    The micro-mechanism of spillovers of FDI is the market competition , which obliges MNC to transfer more advanced technology . However technology is a special commodity , which induce spillovers inevitably .

  4. PPL(克隆绵羊多莉的那家公司)已经提出一项专利申请,其中包括将克隆的人类胚胎作为知识产品。

    PPL , the company that cloned the sheep named Dolly has applied for a patent that includes cloned human embryos as intellectual property .

  5. 活劳动是知识产品价值的唯一源泉

    Living labor : the only source of value of intellectual products

  6. 对大学改革激励扭曲效应的深层思考&基于大学知识产品经济学特性的分析

    Consideration on the contorted effects of inspiriting in university reform

  7. 高新知识产品隐性营销模式初探

    Primary Probing of Model of Implicit Marketing of Highly New Knowledge Products

  8. 试析知识产品的价值形成和实现机制

    The Value Formation of the Intellectual Commodities and Its Mechanism for Realization

  9. 知识产品的生产已支配了物质产品的生产而居于主导地位,脑力劳动已上升为人类劳动的主要形式。

    The mental labor has already become the main form of human labor .

  10. 提供知识产品。

    The second driver will be delivering knowledge products .

  11. 论网络环境下知识产品著作权的侵权责任

    The Responsibility of Infringement upon the Copyright of Intellectual Works in Network Environment

  12. 买卖双方相互博弈的结果,导致了知识产品价格的上涨。

    All the interactions will result in a continuous price increase for knowledge goods .

  13. 知识产品生产机制探析

    Probe into the Production Mechanism of Knowledge Products

  14. 中国历史技术演变与知识产品制度变迁的绩效

    On the Performance of China 's Historical Technological Evolution and Intellectual Product System Transformation

  15. 构建我国的知识产品经济学&知识产品经济学始点范畴研究

    Constructing Our Economics of Intellectual Products

  16. 在知识产品的流通上,市场的相互作用的利益也是社会性的;

    In the circulation of intellectual products , the interactive interests in market is also social ;

  17. 知识产品生产的投入产出表现为一种随机梯级增长概率关系;

    Input and produce of knowledge product production is a kind of radom terraced increase probability relation .

  18. 知识产品生产和消费的显著特点要求会计核算方法必须创新。

    Remarkable feature of production and consumption about knowledge 's product demand that accounting method should be innovated .

  19. 该部分讨论了反向工程是对财产权劳动学说中先决条件的满足;是实现知识产品分配正义的必然要求;是信息接近与传播的有效途径。

    It is explored that reverse engineering can meet the premise of the Labor Theory of Property Right .

  20. 知识产品的价值实现是一种低价递减机制;

    It is a kind of low-priced mechanism of successively decrease that the value of knowledge product realizes .

  21. 与此相适应,知识产品生产具有边际成本递减和边际收益递增机制。

    Accordingly , the production of knowledge products exhibits the mechanism of marginal cost regression and marginal revenue increasing .

  22. 这些方法代表了人们对知识产品看法的转变。

    The approach represents a major change in the way that the production of knowledge is viewed , and thus supported .

  23. 知识产品的特性可能阻碍市场机制作用的发挥,造成市场效率和社会总体福利水平的下降。

    The features of IPRs may hinder the market mechanism from playing fully , causing the overall market efficiency and social welfare decline .

  24. 知识产品的生产成本补偿是一种市场和非市场组合的多层互补机制;

    The production cost compensation of knowledge product is the multiplayer complementary mechanism of combination of a kind of market and non market .

  25. 这迫切需要加深对知识产品和知识产权的认识,尤其是通过对物权与知识产权的关系比较和探讨,会使我们对确立知识产权在民法典中的地位获得一个更好的视角。

    To clarify this perception of the intellectual property should be intensified , especially by exploration of the relationship between intellectual property and property .

  26. 通过对设计重用和基于实例推理机制的研究,提出了基于知识产品开发过程模型重用的建模方法,并对其进行了详细描述;

    Through research on design reuse and Case-Based Reasoning , modeling method based on product development process model reuse is presented and described in detail .

  27. 其次,本文试图在前面分析的基础之上,推导出一个关于创新型知识产品的间接定价理论。

    Secondly , this paper will deduce an indirect pricing theory of certain valuable and intangible knowledge based upon the analytical framework we built above .

  28. 最后以此理论解释了在互联网中大量公共知识产品被私人免费提供出来的原因。

    At last we apply the study result to explore why a great amount free knowledge public goods has been provided in the Internet world .

  29. 知识产品的价格决定是知识贸易理论的核心内容之一,也是知识贸易实践中的一个难点。

    Price determination of knowledge product is one of the kernel contents of knowledge trade theory , and also a difficult point in knowledge trade practice .

  30. 主要结论:新经济是一种主要以知识产品创新为基本生产活动的新型经济形态,且这种创新活动以市场为导向,创新目的是追逐利润最大化。

    The conclusion suggests that : new economy is a new economic model mainly based on knowledge product innovation which is directed by market for profit gain .