
  • 网络knowledge management tools
  1. 并分别结合这两个角度,对现有的知识管理工具进行了分类和评价,以帮助企业更好地选择管理工具;

    Secondly , knowledge management tools are classified and evaluated ;

  2. 这些系统可以放在一起,用作知识管理工具。

    These systems can be put together and used as knowledge management tools .

  3. Blog是目前在国际上流行的网络沟通和知识管理工具,将其应用于成人教学中,可以有效开展网络在线教学,提高教学的质量和效果。

    Blog is now a popular tool for network communication and knowledge management in the world . The application of blog in adult education can help conduct on-line teaching and improve the quality and effect of teaching .

  4. 本文介绍了blog的定义、特征和类型,概述了其在中外图书馆界的应用现状,揭示了其作为信息发布平台和知识管理工具在图书馆界的发展前景。

    This article introduces blog 's definition , types and its characteristic , discusses it 's application in library both in China and overseas . Then the author puts forward its prospects as information dissemination platform and knowledge management tool .

  5. Blog是目前互联网上一种发展最迅速的信息发布形式,一种全新的自由发表的个人网络出版方式,企业界正在把blog引入企业内部网和公司网站,用于非正式的知识管理工具。

    Blog is a new rapid development form of information publishing on internet , at the same time , it is also a new kind of personal net publishing , Enterprises are using it as an informal knowledge management tool on the intranet and company site .

  6. 基于因特网的知识管理工具的设计

    The Design of the Tool of Knowledge Management Based on Internet

  7. 企业门户:组织新型知识管理工具

    Corporate Portal : An Effective Organizational Knowledge Management Tool

  8. 公式类知识管理工具软件的研究和开发

    Research and Development of Algorithm-type Knowledge Management Software Tool

  9. 通过对此系统平台的开发,为开发知识管理工具积累了经验。

    Moreover , a lot of experience of knowledge management tools development is accumulated .

  10. 同时,对支撑知识管理工具的关键技术进行了分类研究;

    Thirdly , the key technologies supporting knowledge management tools are classified and researched .

  11. 基于网络的个人知识管理工具

    Personal knowledge management software based on the Internet

  12. 最后以前述研究成果为基础,开发了产品设计知识管理工具。

    On this basis , a knowledge-management tool is developed to support the production design .

  13. 知识管理工具大致可分为知识产生工具、知识编码工具和知识传播工具。

    The tools of knowledge management are divided into three kinds : knowledge produce tools , knowledge transfer tools , knowledge encoding tools .

  14. 这些IT经理们正在进入软件界在大力兜售的将成为下一个浪潮的应用程序:知识管理工具。

    These IT managers are wading into what the software industry is touting as the next wave of software applications : knowledge management tools .

  15. 将博客这个个人知识管理工具引入企业,从理论和实践上验证博客作为企业知识管理的一种工具的可行性。

    Bring this personal knowledge management tool-blog to the enterprises , and test it 's feasibility as an enterprise knowledge management tool in theory and practice .

  16. 分析结果表明,现有知识管理工具存在功能不完整、集成性不高、协同性不够以及可重构性差等几点不足。

    The analysis showed that there were some deficiencies in present KM tools , the incompletion of functions , lower integration , inefficient cooperation , hard reconstruction .

  17. 其次,论文系统介绍了个人知识管理工具应用的现状及存在的问题,进而引出知识管理与知识组织的有效工具&主题地图。

    The thesis describes the application and problems of the PKM tools , point the topic maps is an effective tool for knowledge management and knowledge organization .

  18. 基于xml的知识创新管理工具开发

    Development of XML-based Knowledge Innovation Management Tools

  19. 基于元模型的知识管理建模工具设计与开发

    Design and Development of a Knowledge Management Modeling Tool Based on Meta-Model

  20. 知识管理软件工具的选择方法研究

    A Methodology Research for the Selection of Knowledge Management ( KM ) Tools

  21. 引进最先进的信息技术构建知识管理的工具,以此为知识分享与整合提供必要的硬件条件是企业成功实现知识分享与整合的必由之路。

    Introduce advanced information tools as hardware to support knowledge management is also necessary to knowledge sharing and integration .

  22. 工具参数知识管理是工具知识重用与共享的需要,但其复杂性致使难于统一管理。

    The tool parameter knowledge management is demanded in reusing and sharing tool knowledge , but its complexity leads to hard unified management .

  23. 现代信息技术是医学知识管理的工具,要发挥其作用;

    The second one is that it is imperative to give full play to modern information technology , which is the instrument of medical knowledge management .

  24. 通过调研分析,选择了三种适合医学科研项目实施知识管理的工具,即知识地图、实践社团和知识门户。

    Through research analysis , we introduce three knowledge management tools suitable for medical research projects : knowledge map , community of practice and knowledge portal .

  25. 并通过分析当前各种知识管理技术工具的功能以及教师个人知识管理的要求,构建了教师个人知识管理系统的功能模型。

    Through the analysis of current knowledge management technology tools as well as the teacher 's personal knowledge management request , the author has constructed a management function model of teacher 's personal knowledge management system .

  26. 然而国内尚未有基于工作流的实用数据挖掘算法库、企业数据管理仓库工具库、企业知识库管理工具库的文献报道,关于这方面的研究和工作自然成为了当前的一个新兴热点。

    However , there are not domestic disquisitions or literature searches about applied algorithms warehouse of Data Mining , tool warehouse of enterprise data management warehouse and tool warehouse of enterprise KBM . Therefore , the study of this field becomes a current rising trend .

  27. 在对国外知识管理评估工具进行介绍和比较研究的基础上,结合知识价值链理论,提出基于知识价值链的知识管理评估模型,此模型将知识管理评估分为基础评估与过程评估两个部分。

    Based on the introduction and a comparative research of knowledge management assessment tools existed , a new model for knowledge management assessment is brought forward on the basis of the knowledge value chain theory , which classifies the knowledge management assessment into the basic assessment and the process assessment .

  28. 政策知识管理&政策工具研究的新进展

    Policy Knowledge Management & A Study of New Policy Tool

  29. 企业知识管理技术与工具在当今的发展

    State of the Art of Knowledge Management Technology and Tool for Enterprise

  30. 并针对这四个过程开发了知识管理过程测量工具。

    This study also develops an instrument to measure these four KM processes .