
  • 网络knowledgeability;knowledge;knowledge ability;competence;Knowledge Competence
  1. 创造客户知识能力的组织过程研究

    A Study on the Organizational Processes of Creating Customer Knowledge Competence

  2. 市场知识能力与企业竞争优势

    Market Knowledge Competence and Competitive Advantage of the Corporation

  3. 学术期刊编辑知识能力结构论

    On Knowledge and Competence for Academic Issue Edition

  4. 研究生创新目标模式及其知识能力和素质结构分析研究

    Research on the Creative Target Model and Knowledge , Ability and Quality Structure for the Postgraduates

  5. 知识能力假设;

    Knowledge capability assumption ;

  6. 最后总结前面的研究,提出了知识能力的体系。

    Concluded the previous study , and presented the ability to build their own knowledge and capacity structure .

  7. 欣赏活动中差异现象正如一面镜,它客观反映出欣赏者的知识能力状况;

    The divergence of appreciation like a " mirror ", it reflects the people 's knowledge and capability condition .

  8. 在分析我国中小企业知识能力在企业文化建设、企业信息化建设、人力资源管理和知识管理等方面问题的基础上,探求了培养企业知识能力的途径和方法。

    The methods of developing knowledge ability are studied on the basis of analyzing the problems lying in the construction of culture and information etc.

  9. 体验式学习不仅是教师教育中行之有效的教育教学手段,更是构建学习者知识能力情感价值观的重要学习方式,对小学科学教师的专业发展具有重要意义。

    Learning-through-practice is not only an effective teaching method , but also an important learning mode , which constructs the social value of the learners .

  10. 这样语文学习的过程不仅成为知识能力增长的过程,也成为享受生命自由的过程。

    This process of language learning is not only a knowledge of the process of capacity growth , but also the process of enjoying life .

  11. 在此基础上,将这一概念进一步细化为三个维度:顾客知识能力、竞争对手知识能力和集成知识能力。

    Based on this , the dissertation further specifies three dimensions : customer knowledge management capability , competitor knowledge management capability , interior knowledge integration capability .

  12. 创意产业对城市发展的作用主要体现在提高文化品味、提升知识能力和促进产业结构升级等几个方面。

    The role of creative industry in the development of the city includes increasing cultural tastes , enhancing knowledge capability and improving indus-try structure of the city .

  13. 信息技术的发展必然引起教育的深刻变革,对教师的知识能力提出了比以往更高的要求。

    The development of IT will necessarily result in the deep transformation of education , and have a higher requirement on the teachers ′ knowledge and capability .

  14. 本文在教育实践的基础上,从中学物理电学教学的角度,谈对学生进行记忆能力、思维能力和应用知识能力的培养方法。

    This paper discusses how to foster the student 's ability of memory , analytical thinking and application by the teaching of electrical knowledge in middle school .

  15. 本文提出了一个创造客户知识能力内部过程的概念框架,有助于企业从战略上管理它们的客户关系管理程序。

    This research proposes a conceptual framework about the internal processes involved in creating customer knowledge competence , which allow firms to strategically manage their CRM programs .

  16. 因此,我们必须重视对大学生素质的培养。大学生的素质主要包括:思想道德素质、知识能力素质、人文社科素质和心理身体素质。

    Therefore , we must stress fostering qualities of college students , which mainly contain quality of morality , intelligence , knowledge of humanities and social sciences and sound psychology & physique .

  17. 接着提出了一些切实可行的教学策略来引导学生掌握这一语言现象,并利用这一语言现象,在提高学生基本语言知识能力的基础上,进一步提高他们的跨文化交际能力。

    In order to solve this , we put forward some tentative strategies to help the students grasp this language phenomenon , thus improving their basic linguistic competence and their communicative competence .

  18. 在进行事实推定时,法官必须基于良知和公正的理念要求,运用自己的知识能力理性地运用经验规则,对待证事实作出推论。

    In presumption of fact , the judges must base on the concept of conscience and justice , use their knowledge and competence to rationally exercise experience , and infer the facts to be found .

  19. 市场知识能力的3个维度对营销能力都有显著影响,同时其中的顾客知识能力与竞争对手知识能力对知识管理实践有显著影响,集成知识能力受到知识管理实践的显著影响。

    They have significant effects on Marketing Capabilities , while customer knowledge management capability and competitor knowledge management capability have significant effects on Knowledge Management . Interior knowledge integration capability is influenced by Knowledge Management significantly .

  20. 对后见之明偏差影响因素的研究主要集中在自我表现、认知风格、智力和知识能力等方面,较少对元认知、成就动机、情绪状态的影响作用进行较为系统的研究。

    The research on hindsight bias influence factors is mainly focus on self-expression , cognitive style , intelligence and intellectual ability , less on the meta-cognitive , emotional state , achievement motivation for a more systematic study .

  21. 与游客和旅游退休移民的行为比较分析在生活状态、时间、空间、行为、知识能力5个方面揭示出九华山旅游劳工移民行为特征。

    Comparing tourists behaviors with tourism retirement migrants , the behavioral characteristics of tourism labor migrants in Jiuhua Mountain were described in five aspects , which were living state , time , space , activity , knowledge and abilities .

  22. 身心素质是高校德育教师素质结构的重要组成部分,是高校德育教师的思想品德、知识能力等素质建立的基础。

    Physical and mental quality is an important part of moral education teachers ' quality structure in colleges and universities . It is also the basis of the formation of the teachers ' minds , virtues , knowledge and capability .

  23. 执法人员能力核心要素为法律法规、执法文书正确使用、证据意识和收集能力、专业知识能力、依法行政意识5项。

    The core elements essential for the ability of law enforcement officers consist of laws and regulations , use of law enforcement document , sense of evidence and collection ability , professional competence , and the sense of administration by law .

  24. 闲暇价值观主要包含如何利用闲暇时间,如何认识闲暇活动与人的知识能力发展、人格完善、个体社会化以及生活质量之间的关系等问题。

    The leisure value chiefly consists of how to use leisure time , how to recognize the relations between the leisure activities and the development of knowledge ability , improvement for personality , socialization of the individual and the quality of life .

  25. 它除具有传统CAD的功能外,更具有知识处理能力,能够对设计的全过程提供智能化的计算机支持,并具有面向集成智能化等特点。

    In addition to traditional CAD functions , intelligent design technology has intelligence handling capability and can provide intelligent computer support in the whole design process , also it is integrated intelligence oriented .

  26. 然而,这并不意味着诚信和职业道德就是构成卓越CFO及财务团队素质的充分条件。专业知识和能力就是卓越CFO及财务团队的另外两个必要的基本素质。

    However , integrity is not the sufficient condition ; other two quality professional knowledge and capability are requisite for an excellent CFO and financial team .

  27. 文中结合高职学院学生的特点,就VB程序设计的教学方法、教学实践以及如何提高学生的知识运用能力和程序开发能力进行了探讨。

    This article unifies the quality institute student 's characteristic , the VB programming teaching method , how did the teaching practice as well as enhance student 's knowledge have carried on the discussion using ability and procedure development ability .

  28. 人际接触型服务企业知识吸收能力研究

    Study on the Knowledge Absorptive Capacity of Interpersonal Contact-based Service Company

  29. 每个层面包括了知识、能力、职业素养三级。

    Every lay includes knowledge , competency , and professional diathesis .

  30. 你重视智力,知识和能力。

    You value intelligence , knowledge , and being competent .