
  • 网络shorts;short-term securities;marketable securities
  1. 包括短期证券在内的财政部国际资本流动总额,即所谓Tic流动,3月份净购买量上升1160亿美元,高于2月份的965亿美元。

    Total Treasury International Capital , or Tic flows , which includes short-term securities , rose a net $ 116bn in March , up from $ 96.5bn in February .

  2. 根据调查公司EPFR环球,在今年前九个月,投资者已经从这些基金中撤回了1510亿美元投资在短期证券的资金。

    Investors withdrew $ 151 billion from such funds , which invest in short-term securities , in the first nine months of the year , according to EPFR Global , a research firm .

  3. 存在股票账户上用来借钱买卖短期证券的资金。

    Excess over the debit balance ( money borrowed ) in a stock account .

  4. 这包括用短期证券来扩大资产负债表,以推低短期市场利率。

    This involves blowing up your balance sheet with short-dated securities to drive down short-term market interest rates .

  5. 葡萄牙的借贷成本大幅上涨周三售出近一年半亿短期证券美元。

    Portugal 's borrowing costs rose sharply Wednesday as it sold almost one and a half billion dollars in short-term securities .

  6. 虽然这些证券作为投资也许会置留几年,但是它们仍是短期证券。

    Although they may be retained as an investment for a number of years , they continue to be classified as temporary .

  7. 地区债市的特征是短期证券,主要参与者是少量很少交易的当地投资者。

    The regional debt market has been characterised by shorter-dated securities and dominated by a small number of domestic investors that seldom trade .

  8. 同时,它还把抵押贷款等长期债务转换为适于销售的短期证券。经常账户盈余国家非常需要这些证券,特别是德国和日本。

    It also transformed long-term debts , such as mortgages , into marketable short-term securities , which were in demand in countries with current account surpluses , particularly Germany and Japan .

  9. 随后,一系列的利率逐步放开:短期证券市场、贴现市场在近年来发展迅速,国债利率也基本实现了市场化。

    Afterwards various kinds of interest rates were also liberalized : short-term security market , discount market have both been developing rapidly in recent years , and the interest rate of the government bonds is also determined basically by the market .

  10. 分析人士称,天弘将所有余额宝资金都投入了货币市场基金,主要包括银行间贷款及部分短期债务证券。

    Tianhong invests all the Yu'E Bao cash in money market funds , mainly consisting of interbank loans and some short-term debt securities , according to analysts .

  11. 此前一天,泰国股市出现了1990年以来的最大单日跌幅。随后,泰国政府突然撤销了对短期外国证券投资征收10%暂扣缴税的计划。该计划原意是要减轻泰铢面临的投机压力。

    The bounce , a day after the steepest one-day plunge in Thai shares since 1990 , followed Bangkok 's abrupt retreat from plans to impose a 10 per cent withholding tax on short-term foreign equity investment , a plan originally intended to ease speculative pressure on the baht .

  12. 投资组合里也可以包括短期有价证券。

    Short-term securities can also be held as part of an investment portfolio .

  13. 货币市场基金货币市场基金是指投资于货币市场上短期有价证券的一种基金。

    Money market funds is invested in short-term money market securities to a fund .

  14. 短期内,证券收益呈现出时间序列正自相关;而长期内,则呈现出时间序列负自相关。

    The predictability stands out to be that security return takes on positively auto-correlated in short term while negatively auto-correlated in long term .

  15. 因此应收账款被划分为流动资产,在资产负债表中仪排在现金和短期有价证券之后。

    Therefore , accounts receivable from customers are classified as current assets , appearing in the balance sheet immediately after cash and short-term investments in marketable securities .

  16. 中国实施QFII制度的影响,在短期内能增加国内证券市场的资金供应量,提高国内证券市场机构投资者比重;

    In a short term , the most direct effect of QFII system is increasing the fund supply , improving the proportion of the institutional investors of domestic security market .

  17. 过于激烈的短期排名压力使得证券投资基金的投资行为严重短期化,投资者频繁的申购赎回压力更加剧了这一问题。

    Pressure of ruthless performance ranking forces investment funds to make investment decisions with only short-term orientation , and frequent subscription and redemption of the fund investors make things worse .

  18. 其一是支持组合,确保货币基础获得高流动性及主要属短期的美元债务证券提供十足支持;

    The first is a Backing Portfolio to ensure that the monetary base related to the currency board operations is fully backed by highly liquid , primarily short-term , US dollar denominated debt securities .

  19. 该基金资产主要投资于短期货币工具如国库券、商业票据、银行定期存单、政府短期债券、企业债券等短期有价证券。

    The fund 's assets primarily invested in short-term monetary instruments such as Treasury bills , commercial paper , certificates of deposit banks regularly , the government short-term bonds , corporate bonds , and other short-term securities .