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  1. IM9001是石室墓,出土陶器皿和陶俑,年代在东汉。

    A stone-chambered tomb IM 9001 containing pottery and figurines is dated to the East-ern Han Dynasty .

  2. 土坑墓、木椁墓和石室墓分别主要在桂东北地区。而砖室墓则以桂南地区的发现居多。

    Earth-pit 、 Wooden-chamber and Stone graves are mainly distributed in northeast Guangxi , and Brick graves are mostly discovered in south Guangxi .

  3. 这种高级别的石室墓在三峡地区尚属首次发现,对研究三峡地区六朝早期社会历史、政治经济、埋葬习俗、墓葬结构具有重要意义。

    These archaeological remains will play an important role in understanding and studying the social history 、 politic and economic situation and the burial custom of Six Dynasties period .

  4. 最古老形式的史前巨石建筑可能是石室冢墓,这是一种由数个直立的支撑物和一个平坦的屋顶构成的石室墓葬。

    The most ancient form of megalithic construction may be the dolmen , a type of burial chamber consisting of several upright supports and a flat roofing slab .