
  • 网络Research and Development Management;R&D Management
  1. 本论文针对研究与开发企业知识管理系统的内容和功能进行了全面系统的研究与探讨。

    The content and function of enterprise knowledge management system has been comprehensive and systemic studied and discussed in this paper .

  2. 概括介绍了面对未来挑战中国石化总公司科技研究与开发活动的管理体制、管理方法和主要内容。

    The paper generally introduces management system , management methods and main contents of SINOPEC scientific research and development activities confronting future challenges .

  3. 航运公司管理信息系统的研究与开发&晴川公司管理信息系统的设计及实现

    The Study and Exploitation on Shipping Company Management Information System & The Design and Exploitation on Management Information System of Qingchuan Company

  4. 产品研究与开发中的质量管理注重于对产品的设计质量,为了设计具有优异质量的产品,必须建立产品的质量特性与影响因素之间的模型。

    The quality management of product study focuses on the quality design of product . For designing product with good quality , we must model the relation between the quality characteristic and the factor .

  5. 本文用系统论与信息论相融合、管理学与工程学相交叉,理论与实践相结合的方法,论述在信息化时代,研究与开发高等学校教学管理信息系统的必要性及重要意义;

    This article , with the method of blending system theory and information theory , integrating the study of administration and engineering , combining theory and practice , expounds momentous significance and necessity of research and development of higher education administration at information times .

  6. 在分析国内外研究现状的基础上,指出选择符合中国国情的精确农业发展模式,研究与开发精准农业管理决策支持系统和建立示范基地是我国精确农业发展的基本策略。

    A preliminary study on precision agriculture development strategies in China are pointed out , which are selecting suitable precision agriculture development pattern , developing precision agriculture management decision support system and establishing precision agriculture demonstration base based on analysis of precision agriculture research status in quo .

  7. 开展研究与开发费用审计,要从企业内部控制制度、经费投入、联合研究与开发、信息网络管理、智力投资、激励创新机制等诸多方面入手,以达到提高企业经济效益的目的。

    The essay suggests the auditing of R D expenses should be carried out in the following aspects : the inner control system of the business , joint R D , information network management , brainpower investment , motivation and innovation mechanism and etc.