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chē qú
  • giant clam;tridacna
砗磲 [chē qú]
  • [tridacna] 印度洋和太平洋珊瑚礁上的一种蛤,有时重250千克以上,肉可食

砗磲[chē qú]
  1. 现代砗磲壳体锶同位素与其生活环境的关系

    The connection between Sr isotope in shell of modern Tridacna and its living environment

  2. 对来自西沙群岛的双壳类鳞砗磲壳体沿着其生长纹取样并系统地作了锶同位素的分析,得出了该生物壳体的锶同位素生长变化曲线。

    The authors collected systematic samples from the growth layers of Tridacna squasama in the Xisha Islands , determined Sr isotopic composition and obtained Sr isotopic growth curve of the mollusk .
