
  1. 第一部分是破产取回权制度的概述。

    The first part gives a brief account of the Recall Right .

  2. 破产取回权可以分为一般取回权和特别取回权。

    The Bankruptcy Recall Right includes General Recall Right and Special Recall Right .

  3. 从理论上讲,破产取回权来源于民法上的所有权保护理论。

    Theoretically speaking , the Bankruptcy Recall Right arises from the ownership protection theory of civil law .

  4. 因此,我国需要建立对破产取回权详细规制的法律制度,使破产取回权在破产程序中能够得到切实有效的行使,以保护取回权人的合法权益,确保破产的公正性。

    To affirm and regulate the Bankruptcy Recall Right is the general rule of the bankruptcy law of the world .

  5. 破产取回权是为了消除或者纠正破产管理人占有的现实财产中含有并非法定分配财产的他人财产的现象而设立的一项权利制度。

    Bankruptcy Recall Right is a kind of right system which is designed to eliminate or rectify the illegal assets of the bankruptcy trustee .

  6. 此外,用益物权、担保物权以及所有权保留买卖等都可以成为破产取回权的权利来源。

    Besides , usufructuary rights , security interest and retention of title transactions , etc can all be the right source of Bankruptcy Recall Right .

  7. 立法规定的破产取回权制度是对破产清算组织误将他人的财产列为破产财产这种情况的一种补救措施。

    The law provides that Bankruptcy Recall Right system is a remedial measure to solve the problems of mistaking other 's property for insolvent property .