
pò chǎn zhài quán
  • Bankruptcy claim;credit of bankrupt
  1. 破产债权若干法律问题研究

    Research on Several Legal Questions about Credit of Bankrupt

  2. 由于破产债权所涉及的各方面利益关系非常重大,因此其立法的完善与否,直接关系到破产法律制度的完善与否,并进而影响破产法功能的实现及其立法价值追求。

    Because credit of bankrupt involves with some important interests , that its legislation is perfect or not will effect perfect level of the bankruptcy law system and realization of bankruptcy law function and pursue of legislative value .

  3. 破产债权的申报与调查制度研究

    A Study on the System of Proof and Investigation for Insolvent Credit

  4. (三)破产债权。

    And ( 3 ) claims by creditors in the bankruptcy proceedings .

  5. 第三部分:破产债权的调查和确认。

    Second part : Declaration of bankrupt creditor 's rights .

  6. 破产债权的确认及帐务处理初探

    Confirmation of the bankruptcy creditors and finance control

  7. 第五节是关于跨境破产债权的法律适用问题。

    The Section Five is on the law application of the credit of cross-border insolvency .

  8. 破产债权是破产宣告以前成立的债权,债权应当通过法定程序申报,逾期申报将对债权人产生不利的影响。

    The obligatory right of bankruptcy is the one happened before the declaration of bankruptcy .

  9. 破产债权和破产财产的区分、破产各方的权利和义务。

    To distinguish insolvent creditor 's rights and property , rights and obligations of each ;

  10. 论破产债权

    The Discussion of Bankruptcy Credit

  11. 论民法上的优先权论破产债权

    On Bankruptcy Creditor 's Rights

  12. 着重对破产债权的认定、破产财产的范围、破产别除权制度进行了分析。

    Focusing on the bankruptcy cognizance , the range of bankrupt estate , bankruptcy exemption system is analyzed .

  13. 和解债权未受偿的部分,作为破产债权行使权利。

    The part of conciliating creditors rights that are not liquidated shall be exercised as bankrupt obligatory rights .

  14. 这时可申报的债权以实际损失为限,违约金不得作为破产债权申报。

    This is to declare creditor 's rights to the actual loss as liquidated damages may not constitute bankruptcy claims .

  15. 本文论述了对破产债权的确认原则.提出了破产债权的确认方法、论述了破产债权确认后的财务处理方法。

    The authors expound the principles and methods of confirming the bankruptcy creditors rights and introduce the methods of finance control after confirming .

  16. 笔者在详尽分析破产债权确定原则的基础上,结合我国有关的法律规定,对破产债权进行了归类;

    The author fist analyses principle of definition of the bankruptcy credit , then joined together with our country 's law , categorizes it ;

  17. 从破产债权的概念着手研究,分析破产债权的含义以及特征,进而再研究破产债权审查确认制度的涵义以及意义。

    Firstly analyzing the conception and characteristic of bankruptcy credit ; secondly researching the meanings and significance of the bankruptcy credit examining and confirming system .

  18. 破产债权是破产法律制度的核心内容,日益引起人们的重视和立法机关的关注。

    The bankruptcy credit is the core content of the bankruptcy law system , and increasingly causes concern of the common people and lawmaking organization .

  19. 第二部分是破产债权的范围,包括破产债权范围的确定原则、破产债权的种类以及破产债权的除外。

    The second part is the scope of the bankruptcy credit , including the principle of definition and category and exception of the bankruptcy credit .

  20. 破产债权的审查和确认关系到破产企业债权人的根本利益,在这个过程中容易出现纠纷。

    The review and confirmation of bankruptcy claims relates to the fundamental benefits of the creditors , in which process dispute is most likely to happen .

  21. 然而,美中不足的是在破产债权及其清偿顺序这一问题上,仍存在诸多缺陷。

    However , which is yet unsatisfying is that there are many defects in the issues of the claims in bankruptcy and the order of their satisfaction .

  22. 和解债权人因执行和解协议所受的清偿仍然有效,和解债权未受清偿的部分作为破产债权。

    The discharge of the creditor 's claim effected as a result of the performance of the settlement agreement shall remain valid , and the portion of its claim that was not discharged shall be deemed a claim in bankruptcy .

  23. 清算组决定解除合同,另一方当事人因合同解除受到损害的,其损害赔偿额作为破产债权。

    If the liquidation team decides to terminate a contract , and the other party to the contract suffers harm as the result of the termination of the contract , the amount of compensation for the harm constitutes a bankruptcy claim .

  24. 而破产债权清偿顺序又是一个极其敏感的话题,涉及到全部破产债权人的切身利益,左右着市场经济中行为人的行为模式,具有重大现实意义。

    And the order of the satisfaction of the claims in bankruptcy is a most sensitive issue with important realistic significances which involves the personal interests of every creditors in bankruptcy and will effect the behavior models of the people in markets .

  25. 第一部分别除权概述,介绍了别除权的概念与特征、别除权与有财产担保债权的关系、别除权与破产债权的关系、别除权的行使与破产程序的关系。

    The first section deals with the concept and features of exemption rights , the relations between exemption rights and security credit , the relations between exemption rights and credit of bankrupts , and relations between the exercise of exemption rights and procedures of bankruptcy .

  26. 本部分主要介绍了破产债权的涵义、审查原则、理论上对破产债权的界定、证券公司破产债权的形成原因、种类、以及实务中对证券公司破产债权的认定。

    This part will mainly introduce the meaning of the bankruptcy claims , the review principle of the bankruptcy claims , the definition of the bankruptcy claims in theory , the reason and species of the bankruptcy claims and the cognizance of the bankruptcy claims in practice .

  27. 进而,对完善我国破产债权清偿顺序的具体方法提出了自己的想法,认为可以通过立法及司法解释予以补充和细化,同时通过完善其他配套措施予以配合。

    Further , the writer produces her plans of the perfection of the provisions of the satisfaction order of the claims in bankruptcy in Chinese bankrupt law and she thinks that they can be complemented with legislations and judicial explanations and should be matched with other measures .

  28. 破产企业劳动债权优先地位研究

    Research on Priority Status of Creditor 's Rights of Laborer in Bankruptcy Corporations

  29. 破产企业劳动债权保护问题日渐成为社会各界关注的焦点。

    The protection of the labor-credit of the staff in the bankrupt enterprise is becoming the focus of society .

  30. 第二,笔者介绍了工资优先权的实现程序,包括破产申请,债权申报和债权人会议。

    Secondly , the procedure of the realization includes application for bankrupt , declaration of credits and creditors ' meeting .