
pò chǎn qīnɡ suàn
  • bankruptcy liquidation
  1. 广义的公司清算,包括破产清算和解散清算。

    Generalized corporate liquidation includes bankruptcy liquidation and disbandment liquidation .

  2. 第四部分分析商业银行进入破产清算程序时所适用的特殊规则。

    Part four analyses the special rules in the stage of bankruptcy liquidation .

  3. 在利用政府资金阻止通用汽车(gm)和克莱斯勒(chrysler)遭到破产清算时,奥巴马没有忘记这一点。

    That point was not lost on the president when he used government money to prevent general motors and Chrysler from collapsing into liquidation .

  4. 格伦伯格回应称,对于2008年底政府接管的大型按揭贷款担保公司,FDIC没有破产清算授权。

    Gruenberg responded that the FDIC had no authority over the large mortgage guarantee companies that were taken over by the government in late 2008 .

  5. 最近,美国一些共和党众议员呼吁取消多德-弗兰克法案中给予FDIC破产清算授权的内容。

    Republicans in the house of representatives have recently begun an initiative to repeal the part of the Dodd-Frank law that gives the FDIC resolution authority .

  6. 尤科斯(yukos)的债权人昨日否决了一项管理层拯救计划,投票支持对这家俄罗斯石油公司进行破产清算。

    The creditors of Yukos rejected a management rescue plan yesterday and voted for the liquidation of the Russian oil company .

  7. 中国汽车企业在海外出击的先例也没什么亮点:上海汽车2004年收购的韩国双龙汽车(Ssangyong)目前正在进行破产清算。

    There is little positive precedent for Chinese automotive escapades overseas : South Korea 's Ssanyong , bought by Shanghai Automotive in2004 , is now in receivership .

  8. 我国企业破产清算监督机制的完善

    The Improvement of Supervision System of Bankruptcy Liquidation in Chinese Enterprises

  9. 许可人无力偿付债务或其破产清算人以被指定;

    Licensor becomes insolvent or a liquidator of Licensor is appointed ;

  10. 有时,让机能失调的企业进入破产清算对社会最为有利。

    Sometimes society is best served by liquidating a dysfunctional company .

  11. 因此不足为奇,我父亲成了一位破产清算律师。

    So my dad , unsurprisingly , became a bankruptcy lawyer .

  12. 试论工业企业破产清算的会计核算

    On the Accounting Calculation of the Industrial Enterprise Liquidation in Bankruptcy

  13. 公司非破产清算是公司法律制度的一个重要内容。

    Corporation liquidation is an important part of the corporation legal system .

  14. 如果没有政府援助的话,该银行将不得不破产清算。

    Without government assistance the bank will have to liquidate .

  15. 在破产清算中存在着多元监督主体。

    Pluralistic subjects of supervision exist in the course of bankruptcy liquidation .

  16. 我们需要一个甚至能够适用于大型金融机构的、可靠的破产清算机制。

    We need a credible system for winding up even huge financial institutions .

  17. 而在破产清算阶段,银行失败不可避免。

    And at the liquidate stage , the kaput of the bank is unavoidable .

  18. 浅议破产清算会计中的若干问题

    Discussion onthe several problems of bankruptcy settlement accountancy

  19. 破产清算条件下会计要素研究

    Study on the Bankruptcy and Liquidation Accounting Elements

  20. 包括破产清算程序和特别清算。

    Liquidation procedures comprise bankruptcy and special liquidation .

  21. 论中国破产清算人制度之重构

    On Restructure of the Chinese Insolvency Liquidator Law

  22. 第一部分为非破产清算的实践及其理论困惑。

    Part I , is about the practice and theory perplexity in non-bankruptcy liquidation .

  23. 公司清算分两种,即破产清算和非破产清算。

    There are two types of enterprise liquidations , bankruptcy liquidation and non-bankruptcy liquidation .

  24. 第一部分对破产清算的概念进行界定,并论述了破产清算监督的概念和特点;

    Part ⅰ : Define the concept of bankruptcy liquidation and discuss its features .

  25. 非破产清算发生的原因是解散。

    Non - bankruptcy liquidation results from dissolution .

  26. 破产清算人制度的若干问题

    Some Issues on the System of Bankruptcy Liquidators

  27. 公司解散和非破产清算法律制度是公司法制中的一项基本制度。

    Dissolving and non-bankruptcy liquidation are basic systems in the legal system of a company .

  28. 破产清算由破产法规制,非破产清算由《公司法》及其相关法律、法规规范。

    The non-bankruptcy liquidation follows the Company law system and its associated regulations and legal procedures .

  29. 对破产清算人的监督

    On the Supervision over Bankruptcy Liquidators

  30. 公司非破产清算制度为实现上述目标,是通过规定一系列严密的程序来完成的。本文共分四个部分对公司非破产清算制度进行阐述。

    To achieve these purposes , the system of corporate no-bankruptcy liquidation obeys a strict procedure .