
  • 网络social game;social gaming;Zynga;Social Network Games
  1. 然而,社交游戏TastemakerX的联合创始人马克•鲁辛及桑德罗•普格里斯希望使发掘下一个热门艺人看起来更像是纽约证券交易所(theNewYorkStockExchange)的投资活动。

    But Marc Ruxin and Sandro Pugliese , co-founders of the social game tastemakerx , want to make finding the next hit artist look more like the New York Stock Exchange .

  2. •由Flickr联合创始人斯图尔特•巴特菲尔执掌的在线社交游戏开发商TinySpeck,获得了来自AndreesenHorowitz和AccelPartners的1070万美元投资。

    • online social game maker tiny speck , headed by Flickr co-founder Stewart Butterfield , just raised $ 10.7 million from andreesen Horowitz and accel partners .

  3. 例如,公司称曾于5月18日发行了价值4400万美元的新股,当时它正在收购社交游戏工作室DNAGames。

    For example , the company reports that it issued $ 44 million in new shares on May 18 , which is when it purchased DNA games .

  4. 总的来说,我们正在努力打造下一代社交游戏,类似于暴雪在PC游戏上建立的产品模式。

    Overall , we 're trying to build next generation social games , akin to how Blizzard built a dominant gaming portfolio in PC gaming .

  5. 社交游戏公司Zynga聘用了电子艺界(ElectronicArts)的副总裁杰夫•卡普,他将担任这家社交网络游戏创业公司的首席营销官和首席营收官。

    Zynga hired away Electronic Arts VP Jeff Karp , who will serveat the social gaming startup as chief marketing and revenue officer .

  6. 宠物社区(PetSociety)是Facebook上最流行的社交游戏之一,用户在里面可以花1美元购买一顶数字帽子,来装扮自己的虚拟宠物。

    On Pet Society , one of the most popular social games on Facebook , users can pay $ 1 for a digital bonnet to adorn their virtual pet .

  7. 问问团购网站Groupon或社交游戏公司Zynga公司吧,它们都知道个中滋味。

    Just ask Groupon ( grpn ) or Zynga ( ZnGa ) .

  8. 依然缺席的是:流媒体音乐服务Pandora、图片分享服务Instagram以及所有的Zynga社交游戏。

    Still missing : Pandora , instagram and all the Zynga games .

  9. •社交游戏公司Zynga:马克•平库斯(哈佛商学院1993届)

    • Zynga : Mark Pincus ( HBS : 1993 )

  10. 社交游戏公司Zynga创始人马克•平卡斯:410万美元(继续持有的股票价值1.58亿美元)

    Dustin moskovitz : $ 285 million ( $ 4.8 billion remaining )

  11. 其中,俄罗斯的数字天空科技(DigitalSkyTechnologies)集团今年就为京东注资5亿美元,这家公司也是Facebook、社交游戏开发商Zynga、和团购网站Groupon背后的投资者。

    Digital Sky Technologies ( DST ) & the Russian firm that is backing Facebook , Zynga , and grouponinvested $ 500 million this year .

  12. 正是这些人对社交游戏公司Zynga等后期公司给出了荒唐的估值。

    And who gave absurd later-stage valuations to companies like Zynga ( ZnGa ) .

  13. Zynga本质上是一家社交游戏公司。

    Zynga is , at its core , a social gaming company to its core .

  14. 其中有一些,比如社交游戏公司Zynga,目前日子并不好过。

    Some , like Zynga ( ZnGa ) are having a rough go of it .

  15. 上周五,美国社交游戏巨头Zynga首日挂牌交易,IPO募集资金约10亿美元。

    Social gaming giant Zynga ( ZnGa ) went public earlier today , raising around $ 1 billion in its IPO .

  16. 来自zynga(基于facebook平台的社交游戏公司)的支付业务收入占到总收入的12%。

    Payment transaction fees from Zynga , the social gaming company built on the Facebook platform , accounts for 12 per cent .

  17. 而社交游戏公司Zynga等公司的商业模式很快就陷入不利境地。

    Others , like Zynga ( ZnGa ) , listed with a business model that soon ran into headwinds .

  18. 这样的事情就曾经发生在Zynga等社交游戏公司身上。Zynga的研发和推广也离不开Facebook的大力推动,它一度也是一家市值几十亿美元的大公司,后来突然就跌下了神坛。

    That 's what happened with the social games that companies like Zynga developed and promoted through Facebook , a multibillion-dollar business until it suddenly wasn 't.

  19. 社交游戏市场使Zynga公司一跃崛起为一个年销售额6亿美元的大企业。

    The social market the one that built Zynga into a powerhouse with annual sales of nearly $ 600 million may be peaking .

  20. 此次降价正逢游戏业的多事之秋,在多用途移动设备【如苹果公司(Apple)的产品】上运行的移动游戏以及Zynga等新锐公司开发的社交游戏的夹击下,游戏业深受冲击。

    The cut comes during a time when the gaming industry is affected by mobile games on multi-purpose devices by companies like apple and social games from more recent companies including Zynga .

  21. ·Zynga公司宣布与腾讯(Tencent)合作,推出中文版社交游戏《CityVille》(中文名《星佳城市》)。

    Zynga announced a venture with Tencent that will see a version of cityville on the popular Chinese social network .

  22. 显然Facebook目前瞄准的是利润颇丰的社交游戏(Facebook可以把其当做一个学习支付的课堂),但Facebook可以做的事情更多。

    While currently it is clear that the company is aiming at social games a high margin industry it understands and could use as a classroom to learn about payments it can go way beyond that .

  23. 承认吧,你或你认识的某个人肯定曾一度痴迷于《糖果粉碎传奇》(CandyCrushSaga)或是《愤怒的小鸟》(AngryBirds)、《开心农场》(Farmville)等社交游戏。

    Admit it : You or someone you know is obsessed with Candy Crush Saga - or were obsessed with Angry Birds or Farmville when those social games ruled the Internet .

  24. 同时,地理定位网站FourSquare和社交游戏开发商Zynga的成功也让高管们相信采用游戏机制的商业策略是可以赚到钱的。

    The success of foursquare and Zynga , meanwhile , helped convince the C-suite that there was money to be made adopting game-like tactics .

  25. 而且,这些公司没有一家像Twitter或规模庞大的Facebook、团购网站Groupon或社交游戏Zynga等公司一样,属于家喻户晓的品牌。

    None of them are exactly household names like the upcoming twitter IPO or past giants like Facebook ( FB ) , Groupon ( grpn ) , or Zynga ( ZnGa ) .

  26. 例如今年年初,社交游戏网站RockYou就与联邦贸易委员会达成和解,而Twitter也曾在2010年与联邦贸易委员会达成了类似和解。

    For example , rockyou , a social game site , settled with the agency earlier this year while twitter did so in 2010 .

  27. Windows部门的前领导朱莉•拉森•格林将成为硬件部门主管&该部门近期曾由如今社交游戏公司Zynga的CEO唐•马特里克领导,Windows团队则将由WindowsPhone的副主管特里•迈尔森将接管。

    Julie Larson green , the former head of the windows division , will now serve as hardware chief a role occupied recently by don Mattrick , now Zynga ( ZnGa ) CEO with Windows Phone VP Terry Myerson running the windows group .

  28. 与此同时,一系列的Web2.0公司,如Ning,Hi5,andDigg正在更换CEO,取消免费服务,裁减员工,或转向社交游戏。

    Meanwhile , a slew of Web2.0 companies such as Ning , Hi5 , and Digg are replacing CEOs , eliminating free services , whacking employees , or becoming social-gaming companies .

  29. 拉吉夫·玛吉詹尼(RajivMakhijani)和他两个赢得Glass编程马拉松比赛的朋友正在完善一个社交游戏类的想法,在我听来,这跟Foursquare地理定位网站很相似。

    Rajiv Makhijani and two friends who won a Glass hackathon , are now developing a social gaming idea , which sounds to me like Foursquare meets match.com .

  30. 在facebook上玩的社交游戏里,所谓的“游戏中广告”让用户可以通过签字同意试用从影片租赁服务netflix到维他命补充剂的任何东西,获得虚拟货币。

    Within the social games played on Facebook , so-called " in-game offers " allow users to earn virtual currency by signing up for trials of anything from Netflix , the film rental service , to vitamin supplements .