
  • 网络Social reasons;social cause
  1. 本文对这种现象的社会原因作了初步分析。

    The underlying social causes of this phenomenon are also discussed .

  2. 我国人口性别比失衡的社会原因探析

    The Analysis of Social Causes of Sex Unbalance in China

  3. 同时还分析了不能举贤的社会原因。N次举牌

    He also analyzed the social reasons why talents were not selected and placed on the right posts . Lift The Plate for N times

  4. 上述分化现象有比较深刻的社会原因。

    There are quite profound social reasons behind the phenomenon above .

  5. 拜占廷皇帝朱利安宗教政策的经济社会原因分析

    Analysis of the Economic and Social Reasons of Julian 's Pagan Policy

  6. 从诗三百到《红楼梦》&文学主流体裁变迁的社会原因

    The Social Reasons of Main Types of Literature in Changing

  7. 近代中国版权制度产生的社会原因分析

    Analysis of the Social Reasons That Copyright System Formed in Modern China

  8. 萨达高潘教授指出了人才短缺的深层社会原因。

    Professor Sadagopan cites deep-rooted social reasons for the shortage .

  9. 非法行医现象普遍存在,有复杂的社会原因。

    The illegal practice is widespread , there are complex social reasons .

  10. 第四章则进一步探讨造成其悲剧的个人原因和社会原因。

    Chapter Four explores causes of his tragedy , both personal and social .

  11. 审美时尚的形成,有着深刻的社会原因和心理原因。

    The formation of aesthetic fashion contains profound social factors and psychological factors .

  12. 这现象的背后有着深刻的社会原因。

    There is profound social origin for this phenomenon .

  13. 20世纪现代音乐发展的社会原因探析

    Social Factors for the Development of Modern Music in the Early 20th Century

  14. 这个问题的产生有深刻的历史和社会原因。

    It has rooted deeply in history and society .

  15. 从本质上说,这是一种道德信仰危机,但它不是一般的危机,有其复杂的社会原因。

    This is a crisis of moral belief which has complex social backgrounds .

  16. 试论当代大学生心理问题的社会原因及其对策

    On the Social Causes of College Students ' Mental Problems and Some Countermeasures

  17. 犯罪原因具有个人原因和社会原因。

    The crime reasons include individual and social reasons .

  18. 本文对犯罪产生的社会原因进行了初步的分析研究。

    The essay proposes a tentative study on the social causes of crimes .

  19. 社会原因:包括家庭、学校、大众传媒、社会环境。

    Social reasons : including home , schools , mass media , social environment .

  20. 广告欺诈的社会原因探析

    Exploration into the Social Causes of Advertising Cheat

  21. 信息市场由隐性到显性转变的社会原因

    The Social Reasons for the Transfer from Recessiveness to Dominance on the Information Market

  22. 印巴分治社会原因之剖析

    An Analysis of Social Sources for Indo-Pakistani Partition

  23. 试析政治信仰产生的社会原因

    Analysis on the social reasons of political belief

  24. 社会原因中,市场经济和网络化产生巨大的冲击。

    The impact of market economy and internet is part of social negative effects .

  25. 农村女青年自杀除了表面的直接诱因外,还有其深刻的社会原因。

    These events have some deep social reasons except for those superficial and direct ones .

  26. 论北魏均田制产生的社会原因

    On the Social Origins of the System of Land Equalization Under the Northern Wei Dynasty

  27. 徐州市生态环境问题及其自然、经济、社会原因分析

    Ecological Environmental Problems in Xuzhou and Analysis of Its Natural , Economic and Social Reasons

  28. 文化、宗教和社会原因

    Cultural , religious and social causes

  29. “按要素分配”的自然基础、社会原因和量的边界

    The natural foundation , social reason and quantitative boundary of " distribution according to factor "

  30. 这种借词的大量出现有其历史原因和社会原因。

    The appearing of the large number of English loanwords has historic cause and social cause .