
  • 网络Zur Ontologie des gesellschaftlichen Seins;Ontology of Social Being
  1. 经济人的过程哲学诠释&社会存在本体论的理论范型

    Interpretation of the Economic Man from the Perspective of Process Philosophy-The Theoretical Paradigm of the Ontology of Social Being

  2. 20世纪70年发展起来的社会存在本体论,其实质是关系实在论。

    The essence of the ontology of social being , which has developed since the 1970s , is the realism of relationship .

  3. 卢卡契关于社会存在本体论的突破性研究成果

    On Luckacs ′ Breakthrough in the study of Social Ontology

  4. 再次,从卢卡奇的著作当中挖掘了他的社会存在本体论的重要命题。

    Secondly , I sapped his social existential ontology important proposition from lukacs ' works .

  5. 晚年卢卡奇对社会存在本体论的新探索

    Luk á cs 's New Exploration of Social Existence on Ontology in his Late Time

  6. 紧身衣的革命社会存在本体论

    Bodywear Revolution Social Existance Ontology

  7. 社会存在本体论是集劳动、实践、意识、价值四个特点于一体的现代本体论。

    Social being ontology is a modern ontology to integrate work , practice , consciousness and value four characteristics .

  8. 其次,认真分析了卢卡奇为社会存在本体论确定的几个基本范畴劳动、再生产和意识。

    Secondly , I carefully analyses several basic concepts of lukacs ' social existential ontology like labor , reproduction and consciousness .

  9. 卢卡奇晚期探讨社会存在本体论达到了对社会历史哲学研究的高度。

    The study that Lukacs probed into social being ontology during his later period reaches to social historical philosophy studies front .

  10. 因此,我们可以确信:马克思主义哲学是当代意义上的社会存在本体论。

    So , thereby it can be pointed out that Marist philosophy is the Ontology of Social Being in this contemporary world .

  11. 卢卡奇恢复了历史唯物主义面貌,但把自然本体论作为社会存在本体论的前提和基础。

    Lukacs re sumed historical materialism , but he took natural ontology as the premise and the foundation for the ontology of social existence .

  12. 在当代中国,人们对马克思主义哲学本体论的诠释主要有三种见解,即物质本体论、实践本体论和社会存在本体论。

    There are three different views about Marxist theory of ontology in contemporary Chinese Marxist studies : ontology of matter , ontology of praxis and ontology of social being .

  13. 卢卡奇之失在于把自然本体论理解为社会存在本体论的基础,从而磨平了马克思哲学与旧唯物主义之间的根本差异。

    Gyorgy Lukacs mistakenly considered natural ontology as the foundation of social existence , and thus ignored the basic difference between Marxist philosophy and the old form of materialism .

  14. 第四章,论述了卢卡奇对于马克思主义哲学的社会存在本体论内涵的确定,体现为四个主题:第一,自然是社会存在的前提;

    Chapter four is about Lukacs'explanation of the connotation of the social existence ontology of the Marx 's philosophy , reflecting four themes : First , nature is the presupposition of social existence .

  15. 本文认为,马克思主义哲学的诞生是哲学史的一场革命,它以实践为自己首要的、基本的观点,它看到了实践的本体论功能,从而实现了社会存在本体论中的革命性变革。

    We believe , the birth of Marxist philosophy is a revolution in philosophical history , which takes praxis as the first and fundamental opinion , and grasps the ontological function of praxis , so it realizes the revolutionary change in ontology of social being .

  16. 在本章的后半部分,着重的介绍了《关于社会存在的本体论》一书。

    In the second half of this chapter , mainly introduces " about social beingontology " .