
  1. 从法律的角度,阐述了知情权作为公民一项重要的法定权利,包括行政知情权、司法知情权、社会知情权以及个人信息知情权等,应该得到尊重。

    With legal view , informed right is a basic legal right of citizen , which including administration informed right , legal informed right , social informed right , personal information informed right , and so on .

  2. 在现代社会,知情权具有很重要的价值。

    The right to know plays a very important role in modern society .

  3. 第三部分内容为公众人物隐私权和社会大众知情权的冲突和协调。

    And part three gives the coordination between the privacy of the celebrities and the information of the public .

  4. 在现代社会,知情权是公民从事政治、经济、文化和个人生活的一个必要条件,是公民享有权利和履行义务的前提。

    In modern society , the right to know is necessary condition for citizens engaged in the political , economic , cultural and personal life , and is the premise for citizens ' rights and obligation .

  5. 信息公开对提高公益基金会的公信力、持续的发展能力与治理水平都具有重要意义,公益基金会具有的公共性要求其必须通过高效的信息公开以保障社会公众知情权的实现。

    Information publicity is significant to improve the credibility of the Public Welfare Foundation , the sustainable development capacity and governance . The publicity of Foundation requires the effective information disclosure should be adopted to ensure the realization of the social public right to know .

  6. 有关数据库法律保护的模式和程度一直是一个难题,法律一直在保护数据库制作者的利益和社会公众信息知情权之间两难。

    The model and degree of database legal protection has been a problem . The law has a dilemma between the protection of the interests of database producers and the public information .

  7. 和谐社会呼唤公共信息知情权

    Harmonious Society Calls for the Right to Know

  8. 首先,信息的爆炸使得人们与社会的联结空前地紧密,它满足着人们对这个社会具有的知情权,甚至是无所不包、无微不至的知情权。

    First of all , information explosion makes people keep an unprecedented close contact with society , which satisfies people with the rights , even all-inclusive ones , of knowing the facts of the society .