
shè qū zhōnɡ xīn
  • community center
  1. 戴利在学生放学后继续开放学校,把它兼作社区中心。

    Daly kept this school open after hours so it doubled as a community center .

  2. BEAN在帮助民工子弟社区中心筹建一个图书馆,志愿者们可以充分利用图书馆的资源来分小组教学生们阅读。

    BEAN is supporting the community center by providing them with a library , so the volunteers will use the books from this library to teach the students in small reading groups .

  3. 在政府的大力支持下社区中心建成了。

    The community centre was set up under the auspices of a government initiative .

  4. 她现在还在社区中心上陶艺课。

    She now also does pottery classes at a community centre .

  5. 在社区中心一提到资金问题,大家就会愁眉不展。

    At the community centre , mention of funds produces pained looks .

  6. 她计划为无家可归的孩子建立一个基金会,并希望在沃特豪斯建立一个社区中心。

    She plans to start a foundation for homeless children and wants to build a community centre in Waterhouse .

  7. 她是运河街的社区中心里一位无家可归的人。

    She 's a homeless woman from Canal Street community center .

  8. 香港仔街坊福利会社会服务中心&社区中心

    Aberdeen Kaifong Welfare Association Social Service Centre & Community Centre

  9. 一个社区中心,拥有适合任何人的活动。

    A community center with the kinds of programs that fit everyone .

  10. 我在一个社区中心从事志愿服务工作。

    I am doing volunteer work for a community center .

  11. 这就是为什么建一个新的社区中心是个好主意。

    That 's why the new community center is a good idea .

  12. 你想让我去拜访一下当地的社区中心吗。

    You want me to visit some of the local community centers .

  13. 我听说你接管了我在社区中心的工作。

    I heard you took my job at the shelter .

  14. 在我寓所附近的社区中心。

    It 's at the community centre near my place .

  15. 社区中心连持续的电力供应都没有

    The community center had no consistent source of power .

  16. 真心希望你们能重新建起一个社区中心,来为孩子们服务。

    Truly hope you can rebuild a community center to serve the children .

  17. 你记得我告诉过你有关心社区中心的事吗?

    Do you remember that I told you about the new Community Center ?

  18. 将它转变成一个新的社区中心。

    To transform it into a new community center .

  19. 还有一位来自社区中心的妇女失踪了。

    Another woman went missing from the shelter .

  20. 行动党莲花苑社区中心开幕了!

    DAP Teratai Community Centre is now Open !

  21. 现代城市社区中心建设存在问题及改进建议

    Problems of Urban Community Center and Improving Advice

  22. 而社区中心的人们也需要重新去面对

    And the people at the community center would go back to worry about challenges

  23. 他们在肯尼亚的一个社区中心教音乐,演出并捐赠了乐器。

    They taught music , performed and donated instruments to a Kenyan community center .

  24. 汤普森社区中心,里士满,加拿大

    Thompson community center , richmond , Canada

  25. 这些商品和回报的代价就是“主街”,即我们的社区中心。

    They come at the expense of main streets , the hubs of our communities .

  26. 而另一起是一个犹太社区中心,造成85死亡。

    and one at a Jewish community center that resulted in the death of eighty-five .

  27. 这项修建社区中心的计划

    The plans for the community center

  28. 同学希望于启业?加设社区中心和老人中心,以切合社区不同人士的需要。

    Students proposed a community centre and Elderly Centre in their estate to satisfy different needs .

  29. 建筑“亲和力”的塑造&海淀社区中心创作

    Creation of the Architectural " Affinity " & Random Thoughts on the Design for Haidian Community Center

  30. 这间社区中心是设立来让城市孩童在放学后有个安全的去处。

    The community center was established to give city kids a safe place to go after school .