
shén zhì bù qīng
  • obnubilation;not being in one's right mind;clouded in mind;in a confused state of mind;delirious;wander;be mentally disturbed;oblivion
神志不清 [shén zhì bù qīng]
  • (1) [delirious]∶神志错乱

  • 他因发烧而神志不清

  • (2) [wander;be mentally disturbed]∶精神错乱

  • 神志不清的老人

神志不清[shén zhì bù qīng]
  1. 现在,妈妈骨瘦如柴、神志不清,妈妈根本没有这些病。

    Mother is all skin and bone now , clouded in mind , mother these at all do not fall ill .

  2. 吉米由于头部被击,仍然神志不清。

    Jimmy was still dazed by the blow to his head .

  3. 她已神志不清,听不懂我们向她说的任何话。

    She was too far gone to understand anything we said to her .

  4. 他们有些神志不清,但看起来没有受重伤。

    They were dazed but did not seem to be badly hurt .

  5. 心脏监测器显示患者神志不清。

    The heart monitor shows low levels of consciousness .

  6. 她在神志不清的状态下几次摔倒在地上。

    In her delirium , she had fallen to the floor several times .

  7. 我神志不清,昏迷了好几次。

    I was delirious and blacked out several times .

  8. 我不确定她是不是相信我。她可能只是觉得我神志不清了。

    I 'm not sure she believes me . She probably just thinks I 've gone off the deep end .

  9. 但是,我们不能草率得出这样的结论:那一刻,神志不清的XTL的诸多错误认识导致了对占领莫斯科的忽视。

    However , we can not come to the conclusion quickly , which Hitler did many wrong decisions to ignore the priority of Moscow , and the reason of it is that his mind was unclear at that moment .

  10. 他发高烧时神志不清。

    His mind wandered when he had a very high fever .

  11. 出事故车的司机当时烂醉如泥、神志不清。

    The driver of the wrecked car was dead drunk .

  12. 她喝了许多酒,有点神志不清。

    She 's rather dizzy from drinking so much wine .

  13. 他神志不清,警察无法跟他谈话。

    The police cannot speak to him because he isn 't conscious .

  14. 我看这老人神志不清。

    I think the old man 's round the bend .

  15. “哦,难道爸神志不清了吗?”

    " Oh , can Pa have lost his mind ?"

  16. 那可怜人在神志不清时自杀了。

    The poor man killed himself while he was of unsound mind .

  17. 她有点神志不清,我找到了这张照片。

    Her mind was starting to go . I found the picture .

  18. 她有男友,她现在神志不清,好吗?

    She has a boyfriend . And she 's unconscious , okay ?

  19. 知道吗你真的已经神志不清了

    You have really lost it , you know that ?

  20. 但是如果我被痛苦折磨的已经神志不清了呢?

    But what if the pain obscured my senses ?

  21. 会造成恶心、神志不清、狂躁。

    Would induce nausea , disorientation , hypomania .

  22. 当时她已神志不清并且抵抗治疗。

    She was delirious and resistant to treatment .

  23. 她老婆有点神志不清。

    She 's sort of lost her mind .

  24. 在此深度下,由于压力的增加,他们便神志不清。

    At the increased pressures below this depth , they could not think clearly .

  25. 而丹尼尔神志不清浑身是血出现在了现场

    and Daniel was found unconscious at the scene with some blood on him .

  26. 玛丽的妈妈被接收住院之后五个小时都神志不清。

    Mary 's mother was unconscious for five hours after being admitted to hospital .

  27. 严重的感染会导致你神志不清。

    A bad infection can make you delirious .

  28. 他开始有点神志不清的迹象了。

    However he is showing signs of illucidity .

  29. 因为恐惧与迷信而变得神志不清。

    A mind besotted with fear and superstition .

  30. 逐渐出现高烧,伴随神志不清。

    High fever gradually develops , with delirium .