
  • 网络Fukui;Fukui Prefecture;Fukuiken;Fukui-ken
  1. 东京——福井县的海岸线不长且崎岖起伏,却密集分布着13座商业核反应堆,这为该地区赢得了原子能行业的政治要塞的名声。

    TOKYO - Fukui prefecture , with 13 commercial nuclear reactors clustered along the short , rugged coastline , has earned the area a reputation as a political stronghold for the atomic power industry .

  2. 东京&福井县的海岸线不长且崎岖起伏,却密集分布着13座商业核反应堆,这为该地区赢得了原子能行业的政治要塞的名声。

    TOKYO & Fukui prefecture , with 13 commercial nuclear reactors clustered along the short , rugged coastline , has earned the area a reputation as a political stronghold for the atomic power industry .

  3. 本文在简要叙述了瑞利波探测的应用发展历史和它的原理后,通过在日本福井县清水町一工地的瞬态瑞利波探查和稳态瑞利波探查方法试验对比。

    The fundamental of the Rayleigh surface wave method with its history in the field of applications are introduced in this paper .

  4. 小出保太郎于1903年3月13日出生在福井县,曾经是一名裁缝。他在去年八月份被吉尼斯世界纪录认定为全球最高龄的男性。

    Koide , who was born in Fukui Prefecture on March 13 , 1903 and worked as a tailor , was certified in August last year by the Guinness World Records as being the world 's oldest man .

  5. 去年,村上市长致信奥巴马,并随信寄了一套小浜的名品“漆筷”给他。小浜濒临日本海,位于日本福井县的若狭町地区。

    Murakami sent a letter last year to Obama , enclosing a set of lacquer chopsticks , a famous product of this town on the Sea of Japan ( East Sea ) in Fukui prefecture 's Wakasa region .