
  • 网络Rana pipiens
  1. 但有种青蛙不是这样。

    But for a kind of frog , thats not the case .

  2. 它总是像一种青蛙一样,而它与其它人们在一起。

    It is like a kind of frog and it always be with other people .

  3. 最近,科学家们发现了一种青蛙,它们在空的巴西坚果荚里养育后代。

    Recently , scientists discovered a species of frog specialized only for breeding inside empty Brazil nut pods .

  4. 霉菌菌株分为一些不同的种类,来自密歇根大学的调查者们已能追踪到哪种青蛙携带着哪种菌株去了哪些国家。

    There are a few different strains of the fungus , and researchers from the University of Michigan have been able to track which frogs are carrying which strains into which countries .

  5. 在瑞典乌普萨拉大学的实验室里,两种青蛙被放置在了雌性激素含量与在欧洲、美国和加拿大水域里所监测到的相同的环境中。

    In a laboratory at Uppsala University in Sweden , two species of frogs were exposed to levels of estrogen similar to those detected in natural bodies of water in Europe , the United States and Canada .

  6. 混合蛙跳算法是一种模拟青蛙觅食行为的智能优化算法,具有参数少,鲁棒性强,简单易于理解等特点。

    This algorithm with a few parameters is robust , simple and easy to understand .

  7. 比优在35年的职业生涯中新发现了数十种印度青蛙。

    Biju is credited with discovering dozens of new Indian frog species during his35-year career .

  8. 针对以往腿式跳跃机器人的特点,本课题研究一种仿青蛙的跳跃机器人系统,着重进行跳跃机器人机械系统的设计和运动学分析;2.仿青蛙跳跃机器人的机构设计和运动学分析。

    In the past against the leg-hopping robot features , the subject of a study like the frog jumping robot system , focusing on mechanical robot jump for the design and kinematics analysis ; 2 . Like jumping frog robot body design and kinematics analysis .

  9. 它吞食的就是空气,正是通过这样一种方法,青蛙的肺部才能吸收到空气。

    What he swallows is air ; and this is the only way in which the air gets to his lungs .

  10. 一种通过曼可青蛙的脉冲。

    A mind-control pulse will come through Muggles the frog .

  11. 很多种动物如青蛙和熊冬天冬眠。

    Many kinds of animal such as frog and bear hibernate in winter .

  12. 哪种动物是青蛙最好的朋友?

    Which animal is frog 's best friend .