
  • 网络Motion detection;MOTION DETECT;Vmd
  1. M1031-W还包括一个适合移动侦测的集成被动红外传感器,白色LED灯,和支持内置麦克风和扬声器的双向音频。

    The M1031-W also includes an integrated passive infrared sensor for motion detection , a white LED light , and two-way audio support with a built-in microphone and speaker .

  2. 本文研究因特网上视频监控系统QoS的问题,网络基于TCP协议,从工程实际应用的角度,采用移动侦测功能,在服务器端进行应用层开发。

    This paper researches the problems of Qos of video surveillance system in the internet . The network is based on TCP protocol . The idea in the paper is used for practical application , adopt motion detection , and work on the application layer in the server .

  3. NET技术、多媒体视频技术、网络模型设计所涉及的P2P技术及移动侦测技术。

    NET technology , multi-media video technology , P2P technology and motion measures technology .

  4. 信息采集平台中的移动侦测算法研究

    Research of algorithm for motion detection in information collection platform

  5. 支持移动侦测录像,报警录像,定时录像;

    Motion detect video record , image missing alarm ;

  6. 虽然有些系统具有移动侦测报警的功能,但实际监控任务大部分仍是由人工来完成。

    Although some systems contain motion detection functions , but it is the human that mostly complete the actual monitoring tasks .

  7. 移动对象侦测就是智能视频监控分析技术中一种重要的侦测技术。

    Motion detection is a kind of important detection technology in the intelligent video surveillance analyse technology .

  8. 另外,由于算法只要求移动对象知道其侦测半径之内的局部信息,因此算法是完全分布式的,具有良好的实用性。

    In addition , since the new algorithm is totally distributed , and requires that the mobile object know the local information in its detection radius only , so it is practical .