
  1. 程朱理学在扼杀士人的进步思想中,实际上起到维护没落封建统治的作用。

    Neo-Confucianism stifle the progress of thought , protecting the feudal rule .

  2. 程朱把它做为其哲学体系中的最高范畴。

    Chengzhu made it the highest category of their philosophy .

  3. 论程朱人格思想及其矛盾

    On Personality Thinking and Contradictions of Both Cheng and Zhu

  4. 程朱理学的正统化实现及其历史命运

    The Orthodox Realization of Neo-Confucianism and its Historical Destiny

  5. 在哲学上,他批评程朱理学的空疏,强调修身与治世、尽性与事功的统一,试图建立一种事功型的心学模式。

    In philosophy , he attempted to establish a utilitarian pattern of thinking .

  6. 程朱理学禁欲观念对晚明戏曲的影响

    Influences of Asceticism of Zhu and Cheng on the Plays of Late Ming Dynasty

  7. 继承程朱理学基本精神。

    Inherited neo-confucianism basic spirit .

  8. 发挥程朱理学合理精华。

    Play Neo-confucianism reasonable essence .

  9. 张伯行所处的康熙朝,对程朱理学大力提倡,并确立了其官方哲学的统治地位。

    The Neo-Confucianism is promoted energetically in Kangxi Dynasty , and established its official philosophy dominant status .

  10. 徽州是朱子桑梓之邦,是程朱理学的厚实沉淀区。

    Huizhou is the hometown of the Chu His , and a thick precipitate district of Neo-Confucianism .

  11. 第二节戴震思想的基本内涵,分别从五个方面加以论述。1.戴震义理思想&承传元典儒学,匡正程朱流弊。

    The second quarter the basic connotation , Dai zhen thoughts from five aspects respectively . 1 .

  12. 叶适用他的推断,直接从关键部位对程朱所宣扬的道统论进行了腰斩。

    He leaves for the inferred directly from the key parts of the Neo-propagated " Orthodox " were cut .

  13. 元代书院与程朱理学的传播

    Research on the Relationship between the Academies of Classical Learning and the Dissemination of Neo-Confucianism in the Yuan Dynasty

  14. 其目的就是要人们实事求是,从程朱理学的束缚中解脱出来。

    He did this in order to seek truth from facts and be fettered by a Confucian school of idealist philosophy .

  15. 正是由于他的批判理学思想铿锵有力地打击了程朱理学在明代独占统治思想。

    It was because of his criticism of the neo-confucianism in punchy hit the neo-confucianism in the Ming dynasty exclusive dominant ideology .

  16. 明代中后期程朱理学影响减弱及其思想史意义

    The Weakening Influences of the Ideas of Zhu Cheng in the Mid-and Late-Ming Dynasty and Its Significances in the History of Thought

  17. 论程朱易学异同&两贤如何理解《周易》其书现象学如何理解符号与含义?(一)

    On the similarities & differences between CHENG Yi and ZHU Xi 's I Ching learning How does Phenomenology Understand Sign and Meaning ?

  18. 并通过教育实践,大力传播和普及理学,将程朱理学引进元朝的最高学府&国子学。

    He also popularized Neo-Confucianism through a lot of educational practice and introduced it into Yuan 's highest institution of learning-the Imperial Academy .

  19. 理学思想是宋明时期的哲学思想的主流,大体包含了程朱理学与陆王心学。

    Neo-Confucianism the mainstream of the philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties , and generally contains a Neo Lu and Wang Mind .

  20. 从某一方面和某种程度上说,没有程朱理学,就没有戴震思想。

    From one hand and to a certain extent , said there was no Neo-confucianism , there is no Dai zhen thought . 2 .

  21. 宋代诗歌中对相如文君的道德归罪意味比较明显,这与程朱理学的盛行有关。

    The moral Incrimination is more obvious in the poems in the Song Dynasty , which because of the prevalence of the Song Confucianism .

  22. 从当时的社会历史环境出发,分析程朱理欲观形成的背景,具有重要意义。

    Basing on the conditions of that time , it has important significance to analyse the background which made their view come into being .

  23. 朝鲜的李退溪不仅全面接受、继承和发展了程朱“主敬”之说,而且以“敬”来构筑了自己的哲学理论体系。

    Yi Hwang in Korea not only inherited and developed the ideology of respectfulness but also made his philosophy into a system based on the i.

  24. 程朱理学在乾嘉时期经受汉学的冲击,一度出现门庭冷落的局面。

    Neo-Confucianism in the period of Qianlong and Jiaqing to withstand impact of sinology , had appeared in front of left out of the situation .

  25. 程朱等理学家在批判和吸收佛道理论成果的基础上,创立了理学,重新塑造了儒家的人格理想。

    On the basis of criticizing and absorbing the theory production of Buddhism and Moralists such Cheng and Zhu established ethics and newly formed personality ideal .

  26. 他虽固守程朱道统,却又提倡守道救时,有一定的经世主张。

    Although he insisted the Orthodoxy of Cheng-Zhu , he also recommended " guard the Tao to rescue the age " and had some propositions of Jing-shi .

  27. 杨慎贬谪前是坚定的程朱之徒,遭受人生历练后,进行了精神整合。

    Yang Shen was a firm believer of Neo-Confucianism before relegation . But after being stroke by the life sufferings , he carried out an integration of ideas .

  28. 陆王都自觉的认为这是对程朱的理论纠偏,极力贬低程朱格物论的知识意义,努力复归儒家德性主义传统。

    Lu and Wang thought it was rectifying deviation and they tried their best to belittle the significance of Zhu 's theory and return to ethical tradition of Confucian .

  29. 在官方支持下,程朱理学以书院为依托实现了北传,不但将程朱理学的影响成功地向北方广大地区扩展,而且也使蒙古贵族对其有了更加深入的认识。

    Moreover , the base served to disseminate neo-Confucianism in north China with the support of the Yuan regime , while Mongolian aristocrats had a better understanding of it .

  30. 从南宋中后期开始,随着程朱理学正式成为儒家正统,金石学开始走向衰落,金石图谱的学术性逐渐淡化。

    From the Southern Song Dynasty due to the Neo-Confucianism officially became the orthodox of confucianist the epigraphy began to decline and the Collection of Illustration of Epigraphy academic gradually faded .