
  • 网络spatial orientation;orientation in space;dimensional orientation;spatial aspect
  1. 当需要有空间方位表达式的时候,空间隐喻就应运而生。

    When it comes to the expressions of spatial orientation , spatial metaphor emerges as the conditions require .

  2. 随着认知语言学的发展,空间方位在构建与解读人类体验方面的作用逐渐被重视起来。

    With the development of cognitive linguistics , the role of spatial orientation in building and understanding human experience was gradually taken seriously .

  3. 在搭建软件无线电平台的项目中,将MUSIC算法作为实现智能天线空间方位估计功能的理论基础。

    And MUSIC algorithm is asked to use the academic foundation of the smart antenna in estimation of DOA in the project of software wireless flatform .

  4. 空间方位关系是GIS空间关系的重要内容之一,方位关系的确定涉及目标对象、参考对象和参考框架。

    Orientation relationship is one of the important contents in GIS spatial relationship . And it is related to the target object , reference object and reference frame .

  5. 但是,专家们对方位关系的研究与拓扑关系相比成果要少的多,空间方位关系在GIS软件中的应用也寥寥无几。

    However , experts obtain little production about direction relations than topological relations research , and there is scarcely any application applying spatial direction relations into GIS software .

  6. 针对MUSIC算法的各个步骤,提出了在DSP软仿真环境下空间方位估计的方案,并与硬件平台结合,实现了理论算法在工程实践的应用。

    Aiming at the step of MUSIC algorithm one by one , this paper put forward a scheme in DSP software environment , which joins with hardware platform , then realize applications of theory upon engineering .

  7. 本文利用组合传感器本身所蕴含的空间方位信息,提出了相干干扰合成能量流抑制(CIES)技术,实现了对相干干扰的有效抑制,具备了良好的线谱信号和宽带连续谱信号检测能力。

    By using spatial directional information contained in combined-sensor , the Coherent Interference Energy Suppress ( CIES for short ) technology , which can effectively suppress coherent inference and detect linear spectrum signal and wide-band continuous-spectrum signal as well , is presented .

  8. 空间方位知识库与推理组件的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Spatial Direction Knowledge Database and Reasoning Component

  9. 汉语空间方位场景与论元的凸显

    The spatial and locative scenes and the argument dominance in Chinese

  10. 二向五棱镜组在激光空间方位标定系统中的应用

    Application of bidirection pentaprism in the laser space locality given system

  11. 认知语言学非常重视对空间方位词的研究。

    Cognitive linguistics stresses the study of special location nouns .

  12. 它们的创造与空间方位有密切的关系。

    There is a close relationship between their creation and space position .

  13. 创造优质地下商业心理环境&地下商业空间方位感的建立

    Research on creation of high qualified underground commercial mental environment

  14. 基于结式法计算目标的空间方位

    Computing the Problem of Object 's Orientation by Resultant Methods

  15. 根据图像信息确定立体目标的空间方位是计算机视觉中的一个基本问题。

    Relative orientation is a basic problem in computer vision .

  16. 空间方位关系在不同认知场境下的模糊性探讨

    On Vagueness of Cardinal Direction Relationships in Difference Cognitive Scenarios

  17. 这种在认知上的分类也反映出单纯方位词在语法、语义上的特点,在表达空间方位概念时的不同。

    And this classification reflects their grammar and semantic characteristic .

  18. 4&6岁幼儿空间方位传递性推理能力的发展

    Development of the spatial transitive inference ability of 4-6 Year Old Children

  19. 浅谈北方民族空间方位观念的发生、发展和演变&古代蒙古文化史上方位问题之我见

    On Forming , Developing and Evolving of Space Concepts of Northern Nationalities

  20. 汉语空间方位隐喻及其在英语中的相应表达形式

    Chinese Spatial Metaphors and Its Expression Forms in English

  21. 侗语空间方位词的认知和文化语言学研究

    A Cognitive and Cultural Linguistic Study of the Dong Words for Space and Locations

  22. 五棱镜校准仪是激光空间方位标定系统中的重要仪器。

    Pentaprism alignment instrument is an important instrument in the laser space locality given system .

  23. 文章首先分析了唐诗中的图形/背景关系在拓扑和投影空间方位的体现,同时分析了一些方位词在表现时间事件的语言结构上的图形/背景关系的体现。

    The paper analyzes the embodiment of figure-ground relation in topological and projective orientation space .

  24. 本文主要对语言中的空间方位关系进行类型学考察。

    This is an observation on spaces and locatives in language from a typological approach .

  25. 脑血管意外后空间方位和时间词句的听理解研究

    Auditory comprehension study on words and sentences of position and time after cerebral vascular accident

  26. 晶体缺陷空间方位的确定是晶体缺陷研究中的一个重要问题。

    Calculating the direction of crystal defects is an essential task in the crystal research .

  27. 从认知角度对空间方位词的研究

    A Cognitive Study of Spatial Words

  28. 空间方位孔加工方法改进

    Improvement of Spacial Hole Processing Method

  29. 小学儿童在不同刺激材料中的左右空间方位传递性推理能力及策略分析

    The Spatial Transitive Reasoning Ability and Strategies Analysis of Primary School Children Under Different Experimental Materials

  30. 早期对于空间方位的研究主要关注语言如何对不同的空间关系进行编码。

    The early study to spatial concept focused on how to code the different spatial relations .