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  • mutagen
  1. 肿瘤抑制基因P(53)突变与原发性胆囊癌的关系

    A preliminary research on the relationship between mutation of tumor supressor gene P_ ( 53 ) and development of primary gallbladder carcinoma

  2. MTS1基因突变在原发性膀胱移行细胞癌中的作用

    The Role of MTS1 Gene Mutation in Primary Transitional Cell Carcinomas of Urinary Bladder

  3. 结论带有G6p启动子的含定点突变胰岛素原基因的真核表达载体有望成为糖尿病基因治疗理想的候选载体。

    Conclusion The recombined mammalian expression vector , containing both G6p promoter and site-mutated proinsulin , is a novel ideal candidate vector for diabetic gene therapy .

  4. 肾素基因错义突变与原发性高血压的相关性研究

    Association Study between Missense Mutation in Renin Gene and Essential Hypertension

  5. 巨噬细胞炎性蛋白4的突变和原核表达

    Mutation and expression of β - chemokine macro-phage inflammatory protein 4

  6. 胡萝卜抗冻蛋白的快速大量突变及原核表达

    The Fast Mutation and Prokaryotic Expression of Carrot Antifreeze Protein

  7. 高致病性禽流感病毒血凝素基因定点突变及其原核表达

    Site-directed Mutations and Prokaryotic Expression of Hemagglutinin Gene of High Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus

  8. 环境因素及线粒体基因突变在原发性高血压发病机制中的协同作用

    Role of environmental factors and mitochondrial mutations in the pathogenesis of Chinese essential hypertension

  9. 高血压相关基因1基因突变与原发性高血压发生的关系

    Relation of gene mutation of hypertension related gene 1 with the occurrence of essential hypertension

  10. 人β-防御素-3基因定点突变,原核表达载体构建和融合蛋白表达

    Site-directed mutation and prokaryotic expression vector construction and fusion protein expression of human beta-defensin 3

  11. 方法合成肽文库筛选,定向点突变,原核细胞重组蛋白质表达及受体-配体结合实验。

    Methods Screening of synthetic peptide library , site directed mutagenesis , Flag-2 fusion protein expression in E.coli and cell-free-binding-assay .

  12. 近年来有关膀胱肿瘤发病的分子机制一直是研究的热点,其中包括基因突变、原癌基因激活、抑癌基因失活及凋亡失衡等多种发病机制。

    In recent years , molecule mechanisms about Bca is always the hot point , such as gene mutation , protooncogene activation , anti-oncogene inactivation , apoptosis disequilibrium and so on .

  13. 提示P53基因突变与人类原发性Rb的发病无关。

    This result suggests that the mutation of P53 gene is not correlated with the occurring of human primary Rb .

  14. 突变的胰岛素原可被广泛存在的furin酶识别,在培养基内检测到较高浓度的成熟胰岛素。

    High concentration of mature insulin was demonstrated in the culture medium of the hepatocarcinoma cells .

  15. OPTN基因突变与一原发性开角型青光眼家系的关系研究

    Study on single nucleotide polymorphism of OPTN gene in a family with primary open angle glaucoma

  16. 人白介素24cDNA克隆、突变纠正和原核表达

    Prokaryotic expression , point mutation correction and cloning of human interleukin-24 cDNA

  17. 本实验用包装细胞对突变人胰岛素原基因与逆转录病毒重组后产生的质粒进行包装并测定病毒滴度。

    We recombine the retroviral vector with the modified human proinsulin gene by using the experimental technique of molecular biology .

  18. 主要研究结果概括如下。(1)比较了籼、粳两个糯性突变品种与原亲本品种淀粉的理化特性。

    The main results were detailed as following . ( 1 ) Variations in starch physicochemical properties were investigated between waxy mutant and its wild-type line for two rice varieties .

  19. 突变的人胰岛素原CDNA测序结果见后。

    Measure sequence confirms that sequence of modified human proinsulin cDNA is correct .

  20. 简捷的PCR点突变实现人胰岛素原基因非β细胞表达

    Expression of human proinsulin gene in non - β - cells by point mutation with concise PCR

  21. 如果决定β2-AR性状的基因发生突变,可以导致原发性高血压(EH)。

    Mutations of the β 2-AR gene can result in essential hypertension ( EH ) .

  22. 结论DAX1基因突变是导致儿童原发性肾上腺皮质功能减退的常见分子病因,而SF1突变较罕见;

    Conclusion DAX1 gene mutations may be a frequent cause of primary adrenal insufficiency in children , while mutation in SF1 seldomly occurs .

  23. 鸡传染性支气管炎病毒纤突蛋白的目的基因点突变对其免疫原性的影响

    Effect of site mutation in spike 1 protein gene on immunogenicity of the avian infectious bronchitis virus