
jìnɡ jì tǐ cāo
  • competitive gymnastics;artistic gymnastics
  1. 身体反弹在竞技体操项目中的作用和意义

    Research on the Function and Meaning of Body Rebound in Artistic Gymnastics

  2. 我国竞技体操后备人才现状分析

    Analysis of Present Situation of the Reserve Talents of Artistic Gymnastics in China

  3. 竞技体操裁判员评判竞技体操的标准分两个部分:即难度价值和完成价值。在所有单项上,成套动作有两个单独的分数,A分和B分。

    The standard of that the judges judge Gymnastics is divided into two parts : namely , the difficulty value and presentation value . The exercises have a separate fraction at all singles , A and B point .

  4. 试论现代竞技体操意识之内涵

    Trial Discussion on the Intension of the Modern Competitive Gymnastic Consciousness

  5. 我国竞技体操运动员文化素质与社会适应性的研究

    Research on Cultural Qualities and Social Adaptability of Chinese Competitive Gymnasts

  6. 测力系统在竞技体操吊环5个动作中的应用

    Application of the Force measuring System in Five Movements in Rings

  7. 竞技体操规则的改变对男子跳马项目的影响

    The Influence of Gymnastic Tournament Rules'Change on the Men 's Horse-vaulting

  8. IT项目团队管理研究试论竞技体操项目的团队意识

    Project Database Study About the Consciousness of Team of Competitive Gymnastics

  9. 非智力因素与竞技体操运动员取得优异成绩的关系

    The Relationship Between Non-intellective Factors and Athletic Gymnasts ' Achievement

  10. 竞技体操基础动作的技术与教法研究

    Research on Technique and Teaching Methods of Basic Elements in Competitive Gymnastics

  11. 湖北省竞技体操现状及发展战略研究

    The Research of Status and Development Strategy about Gymnastics in Hubei Province

  12. 高校女生竞技体操教学之初探

    The initial investigation in the teaching of college girls ' competitions gymnastics

  13. 竞技体操动作难度价值规律探寻

    A Probe into the Difficulty Value of Competitive Gymnastics Movements

  14. 对90年代世界女子竞技体操运动发展特征的研究

    Development Characteristics of World Women 's Gymnastics in the 1990s

  15. 论竞技体操技术创新情报的获得与利用

    Study on Information Acquisition and Using of Gymnastics Technical Innovation

  16. 竞技体操教学训练辅助器械的理论研究

    The Study on Auxiliary Instrument of Competitive Gymnastics ' Teaching and Training

  17. 人文性教学观念在竞技体操教学实践中的应用

    Application of Humanities Teaching Concept in Teaching Practice of Gymnastics

  18. 中外优秀男子竞技体操运动员特征比较

    Comparison of Feature between Chinese and Foreign Excellent Male Gymnasts

  19. 上海市竞技体操后备人才梯队建设现状调查分析

    The Analysis on The Status of Gymnastics Reserved-athlete in Shanghai

  20. 竞技体操技术创新与创新能力分析

    Analysis of skill innovation and innovative ability in competitive gymnastics

  21. 现代竞技体操发展方向的哲学思考

    Philosophical Consideration on the Developing Direction of Modern Competitive Gymnastics

  22. 气动积分元件的研究竞技体操高难动作创新选择与评价

    PNEUMATIC INTEGRATOR Study on Choice and Assessment of Innovation of Element Stunner

  23. 竞技体操运动技术创新思路

    The Creative Train of Thought in the Skill of Gymnastic Sports Exercises

  24. 2008年奥运会男子竞技体操后备力量现状研究

    Research on Reserve Force of Our Man 's Gymnastics in 2008 Olympic Games

  25. 北京奥运会后武汉城市圈竞技体操一体化发展的若干思考

    Thinking about Gymnastics Integration in Metropolitan Area of Wuhan after Beijing Olympic Games

  26. 现代竞技体操于18世纪起源于德国。

    The modern competitive gymnastics originated in Germany in the late 18th century .

  27. 试论竞技体操技术创新支持系统的构成及作用

    Study on Factor and Function of Support System of Competitive Gymnastics Technical Innovation

  28. 核心能力运用于女子竞技体操的可行性探讨

    A Feasible Discussion on the Core Competencies Utilized in Women 's Artistic Gymnastics

  29. 论竞技体操运动员训练水平的评价原则、内容与方法

    On Evaluation Principles , Contents and Methods for Training Level of Competitive Gymnasts

  30. 竞技体操技术创新方法体系研究

    Research on System of Technical Innovation Method in Gymnastics