
tóng hūn
  • child marriage;marriage under age
童婚 [tóng hūn]
  • [child marriage;marriage under age] 未长大成人而结婚

童婚[tóng hūn]
  1. 在世界各地,童婚和强迫婚姻对女孩和女性的影响尤其大。

    Across the world , child marriage and forced marriage disproportionately affect girls and women .

  2. 印度于1929年实施反童婚法,并界定法定结婚年龄为12岁。

    India introduced laws against child marriage in1929 and set the legal age for marriage at12 years .

  3. 她们面临过早的童婚和危及生命的早孕。

    They face early childhood marriage and they face life-threatening early pregnancy .

  4. 根据利比亚政府禁止童婚,并有最低法定结婚年龄在18上。

    Under Jamahiriya government child marriages were banned and the minimum legal age to marry placed at18 .

  5. 结果表明,大部分孩子(73%)为童婚少女所生。

    The results show that the majority of births ( 73 % ) were born to child brides .

  6. 这样的童婚还通常伴随着嫁妆。据人贩子说,这大大影响着买入价。

    And such child marriages often involve dowries that human trafficking activists say are akin to a purchase price .

  7. 在艾滋病防治中心,在难民营,还有制止网络欺凌和童婚。

    In HIV centers , in refugee camps , but also to stop online bullying and early child marriage .

  8. 该研究团队的领导者是波士顿大学公共健康学校的阿尼塔·拉杰。印度于1929年实施反童婚法,并界定法定结婚年龄为12岁。

    India introduced laws against child marriage in 1929 and set the legal age for marriage at 12 years .

  9. 甚至当地法律也不足以阻止童婚的发生。

    Even the law of the land didn 't have enough power to stop these child marriages taking place .

  10. 并认为旧时梅县童婚盛行是家庭、经济、社会文化习性的复合产物。

    The prevalence of child brides in Mei County is the mixed production of family , economy and social culture .

  11. 更多障碍还包括女性卫生工作者匮乏、路况较差、教育缺失和童婚传统。

    Further obstacles include a shortage of female health workers , poor roads , lack of education and a tradition of child marriage .

  12. 童婚在印度是个古老的习俗,至今拉贾斯坦城市和农村的大部分人仍然沿袭这一习俗。

    Child marriage is an age-old custom in India and is still practiced by a majority of people both in rural and urban Rajasthan .

  13. 我看到正统犹太教社区存在童婚和强迫婚姻,我遇到过摩门教、统一教背景的受害者。

    I have seen child and forced marriage in the Orthodox Jewish community , and I know survivors from Mormon and Unification Church backgrounds .

  14. 但是,一些生长在埃及贫穷农村地区的女孩子们还面临着另一种更加可怕的童婚:临时童婚。

    But some girls who grow up in Egypt 's poor rural communities face an even scarier sort of child marriage : the temporary kind .

  15. 联合国儿童基金会把童婚定义为18岁前结婚。人们越来越倾向于把这种做法看作是对人权的侵犯。岁数很小就结婚会给女孩本人及其子女带来严重健康后果。

    UNICEF defines child marriage as marriage before 18 years of age and such a practice has been increasingly viewed as a violation of human rights .

  16. 在我看来,这正是到了高等法院立即完备的禁止包办童婚的时候了。

    In my opinion , it 's time for the higher courts to step in and ban the practice of arranged child marriage altogether , immediately .

  17. 避免童婚的举措应该扩展,要包括干预女童结婚和干预男子寻求与女童结婚。研究者补充道。

    Child-marriage prevention programmes should be broadened to include interventions for women married as children and men who might pursue children for marriage , the researchers added .

  18. 几乎每个地方都存在强迫婚姻和童婚,但只有10个州或司法管辖区有能够用来防止或惩处强迫婚姻的具体法律。

    Forced and child marriages happen almost everywhere , yet only 10 states or jurisdictions have specific laws that can be used to prevent or punish forced marriage .

  19. 州立法者应该清除陈旧的允许未成年人结婚的法律例外。这是在美国终结童婚及强迫婚姻的唯一方式。

    State legislators should eliminate the archaic legal exceptions that allow children to wed . This is the only way to end child and forced marriage in the United States .

  20. 在童婚被普遍接受的地方,为父母提供一种有形的鼓励,使他们让他们的女儿继续上学往往是防范这种有害做法的最佳途径。

    In places where child marriage is an accepted norm , providing parents a tangible incentive to keep their daughters in school is often the best means to prevent this harmful practice .

  21. 她说,各种预测表明,如果事情没有发生变化,获得性别平等将需要95年的时间。截止2020年,约有140000名女孩被迫成为童婚的受害者。

    She said projections indicate that ifthings don 't change it will take 95 years to achieve gender equality , and by2020 and some 140000 girls will be forced into child marriage .

  22. 该调查发现,存在童婚或强迫婚姻或两者都有的家庭遵从各种信仰,包括穆斯林、基督教徒(特别是天主教徒)、印度教徒、佛教徒及锡克教徒。

    The survey found child marriage or forced marriage , or both , in families of many faiths , including Muslim , Christian ( particularly Catholic ) , Hindu , Buddhist and Sikh .

  23. 1887年,泰戈尔举行了一场有关废除童婚的演讲,然而,后来的他却分别将自己的一个年仅十三岁的女儿和一个才十岁半的女儿嫁了出去。

    Tagore was to give a lecture , in1887 , arguing for the abandonment of child marriages . However , he was later to marry off his daughters at the ages of13 and ten-and-a-half respectively .

  24. 在喀布尔和古尔省的调查人员试图理清事情原委的同时,扎赫拉的生平和死亡引发的讨论,再次让阿富汗的童婚和女性权利问题成为了焦点。

    As investigators in Kabul and Ghor tried to piece the episode together , the conversation about her life and death once again brought to the fore the issue of child marriage and women 's rights in Afghanistan .

  25. 毕竟,童婚的危险显而易见:最近的一份报告发现,童婚“损害女孩的健康、教育及经济机会,增加她们遭遇暴力的风险”。

    The dangers of child marriage are , after all , very clear : A recent report found that child marriage " undermines girls " health , education and economic opportunities , and increases their risk of experiencing violence . "

  26. 虽然童婚的做法已经在慢慢变少,其普遍程度仍让人难以接受。乡下的、贫困地区的、受教育程度低的女孩以及该国中央和东部地区的女孩最容易成为受害者,研究者写道。

    While the practice of child marriage has decreased slowly , its prevalence remains unacceptably high , and rural , poor , less educated girls and those from central or eastern regions of the country were most vulnerable to the practice , the researchers wrote .

  27. 塔希莉法律服务中心的调查侧重于移民,该调查发现来自亚洲、非洲、欧洲及美洲的56个国家的移民社区存在童婚或强迫婚姻,或者两者都有,但也发现所谓的美国家庭也存在此类婚姻。

    The Tahirih survey focused on immigrants , and it identified child marriages or forced marriages , or both , in immigrant communities from 56 countries of origin in Africa , Asia , Europe and the Americas , but it also identified such marriage in so-called American families .

  28. 印度北部部分地区出现的“塔利班化”引发了人们的担忧。当地印度教和穆斯林社区都存在保守主义,这也造成了当地存在“荣誉谋杀”、诱拐并强迫童婚、多起有争议的裁决、以及村务统治的状况。

    His comments come amid growing fears of ' talibanisation ' in parts of Northern India , where social conservatism in both Hindu and Muslim communities has been blamed for honour killings , kidnappings to enforce child marriages , and a rash of controversial fatwas and village council rulings .

  29. 这一发现表明,童婚不仅影响到十六、七岁的青少年,还波及数量众多的十四、五岁情窦初开的女孩。研究还显示现有的政策和经济发展成果并未使农村和贫困人口受益,研究者写道。

    Such findings indicate that child marriage affects not only adolescents aged 16 to 17 years , but also large numbers of pubescent girls aged 14 to 15 years , and show that existing policies and economic development gains have failed to help rural and poor populations , the researchers wrote .