
  1. 童庆炳、周宪在九十年代对形式范畴的论述,标志着建国后至今对形式范畴研究的新高度。

    Third , the formal category was always a vassal of the content category during the thirty years after liberation .

  2. 作家:应该这样面对和表现现实&评现实主义冲击波兼与舒也、童庆炳等同志商榷论贾谊批判现实的创作

    Writers : Please Confront and Reveal the Reality This Way ── Comment on " Realism Impact " and Consultation with SHU Ye and TONG Qing-bing

  3. 童庆炳主编的高等师范院校教师合作编写的《文学理论教程》,在近十年的教学实践活动中收到良好的社会效果。

    Directed by TONG Qing bing and completed with the cooperation of the college teachers , Literary Theory Course has achieved a good result in recent ten years of teaching activities .

  4. 钱中文、童庆炳等人试图在文学艺术的意识形态性与审美性之间建立关联,这产生了文学是一种特殊的审美意识形态的观点。

    The experts such as Qian Zhongwen and Tong Qingbing try to establish a relationship between ideological and esthetic natures of arts , which leads to the view : literature is unique esthetic ideology .

  5. 其次,通过长期从事文艺理论研究,童庆炳对文学创作的诸多复杂现象进行了细致入微地探讨和深究,并由此得出自己独有的理论成果。

    Secondly , he brings up many innovative ideas based on his long-term study to the basic literary theory , and obtains his own unique theory through painstaking investigation to the intricate phenomenon hailed from literary creation .