
  • 网络third-party logistics;third party logistics;3pl;3PLs;TPL
  1. 激烈的市场竞争环境,顾客需求期望的日益提升,自身的发展需求都迫使我国的第三方物流企业必须改善自身的服务质量来赢得市场。

    The fierce market competition , the rising expectations of customer needs and the development needs of themselves are forcing 3PL enterprises of China to improve their service quality to win the market .

  2. 在阐述第三方物流概念的基础上,比较了中国和美国第三方物流在需求市场和供给市场上的差别,指出了我国第三方物流的不足和需要解决的问题。

    On the basis of describing the concepts of 3PL , the paper compares the 3PL supply markets and demand markets in USA and China and points out the shortages and the problems needed to be solved in China .

  3. 基于WebServices的第三方物流信息系统解决方案

    Solution of the third-party logistics application based on Web Services

  4. B、我国第三方物流需求的层次比较低;

    B ^ The demanding level is lower ;

  5. 笔者希望通过本文,为B公司最终成功地制定、实施第三方物流战略提供一些有益的思路和启示。

    Hope this thesis can provide some enlightening for B company 's TPL strategy decision and implementation .

  6. B、我国第三方物流企业为客户服务的意识不强;

    B.The service consciousness for customer is not strong in the third logistical business of our country ;

  7. 基于J2EE与Web服务的第三方物流动态整合设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Dynamic Integration for 3PL Based on J2EE and Web Services

  8. 基于随机时间Petri网的第三方物流业务流程建模与分析

    Modeling business process of the third party logistics and analysis based on stochastic timed petri nets

  9. 在介绍J2EE技术规范的基础上,阐述基于J2EE的电子商务第三方物流系统的功能、流程,拓扑结构和系统架构。

    The function , flow , system structure of the third part logistics system based on J2EE are expounded .

  10. 要加快第三方物流企业经营管理与服务创新,适应政府发展政策调整和WTO的宏观环境。

    The Third-Party Logistics enterprises should quicken business administration and services innovation , thus acclimatize themselves to the government policy regulation and the macro-circumstance of WTO .

  11. 第三方物流企业实施VMI的机遇及对策分析

    Analysis on the Opportunity and Countermeasures of the 3PL Enterprises to implement VMI

  12. 对山东省高速公路服务区发展第三方物流的外部环境与内部条件进行系统、全面、深入地分析,采用SWOT分析法综合评价山东省高速公路服务区拓展物流服务功能的可行性。

    The paper applies systematic SWOT analysis to external environment and internal condition of expressway service zone developing third-party logistics .

  13. 最后采用Vague理论模型,并结合京东商城物流运营数据,推算出京东商城发展第三方物流的切实可行性。

    At last Vague theory combined the Jingdong Mall logistics operational data raise Jingdong Mall develop the third-party logistics is feasible in theory .

  14. 第三方物流(TPL)及其业务模式研究

    Study on TPL and its Business Mode

  15. 其次,对我国第三方物流企业的外部环境进行了PEST分析并指出其竞争优势与劣势。

    Secondly , the thesis analyzed the external environment of the third-party logistics enterprises in China by PEST model and pointed out its competitive advantages and disadvantages .

  16. 第三方物流(theThirdPartyLogistics,TPL)是随着物流理论与实践不断深入发展而出现的新的物流形态,是物流专业化、一体化的产物。

    The third party logistics ( TPL ) is a new logistics form , which presents itself in the developing process of logistics theory and practice . It is an outcome of logistics specialization and integration .

  17. 另一部分是采用SWOT方法从优势、劣势、机遇、威胁四个方面分析我国第三方物流发展的境况,优势包括政府的鼓励支持、本土优势、后发优势;

    In the other part , the author analyzed the condition in our country with the SWOT method from four aspects of strength , weakness , opportunity , threaten .

  18. 作者首先就制造业如何对3PL企业的物流能力进行评价,以及如何设计契约甄别第三方物流企业的能力和成本方面进行了研究。

    Firstly , the author studies on how the manufacturing systemically evaluate the ability of 3PL and how to design contracts to identify the real capacity and cost .

  19. 随着全球经济一体化、协同商务和第三方物流的兴起,传统物流企业逐步转型,国内物流产业竞争逐步加剧,同时,我国加入WTO之后国外物流供应商加快了进军中国市场的步伐。

    With global integrated economy , collaborative commerce and third-party logistics , domestic traditional logistics enterprise is gradating , the competition of domestic logistics industry is pricking up , at the same time , overseas logistics enterprise mend their pace coming into home market after affiliating WTO .

  20. 最后,结合济宁新华物流公司这样一家第三方物流企业进行案例分析,指出该公司在客户关系管理方面发展的过程,并对在公司中引入CRM提出了一些建议。

    Finally , unifying the case of the Jining xinhua logistics Company , it pointed out the process of this company which develops in the customer relations management aspect , and introduced some proposals for the company to pull in CRM .

  21. 第三方物流提供商(Third-partylogisticsproviders,TPLs)需要提供一种与MC相匹配的物流模式,从而来增强供应链的竞争力。

    But not all of third-party logistics providers ( TPLs ) can achieve their customers ' desired results . In order to enhance the competitiveness of the supply chain , TPLs must provide a logistics mode to match MC .

  22. 阐述了研究商用整车物流的必要性,讨论了商用整车物流的特点,在此基础上设计了商用整车第三方物流的基本业务流程,并提出了商用整车第三方物流TQCS解决方案。

    This paper illuminates the importance of research on commercial vehicle logistics , and discusses the characteristic of commercial vehicle logistics . On this basis , the basic operation process of commercial vehicle TPL is designed , and a TQCS solution for commercial vehicle TPL is proposed .

  23. 现代先进的第三方物流业务应该是全方位、全过程的优质服务。

    Modern advanced 3PLS activity services should be comprehensive and quality .

  24. 汽车制造业第三方物流服务商选择研究

    Research on Automotive Manufacturing Selecting of the Third Logistics Service Providers

  25. 国内第三方物流如何胜算?

    How can the commodity stream of third party ensure success ?

  26. 第三方物流与河南粮食现代物流的发展

    Development of the Third Party Logistics and Henan Grain Modern Logistics

  27. 第三方物流企业的发展需要合理的市场定位。

    The development of Third Party Logistics requires rational market orientation .

  28. 吉林省粮食物流发展策略及其第三方物流展望

    Jilin Province Grain Logistics Development Strategy And Its Third Party Logistics Prospects

  29. 物流外包;第三方物流;服务质量;一体化物流。

    Logistics Outsourcing , Third-party logistics , Service quality , Integrated logistics .

  30. 适应市场需求发展第三方物流

    Adapt to the demand of market and develop Third - Party Logistics