- 名equals sign

[equal-sign] 表示数学上相等或逻辑上等价的符号=
Equations are generally written with a two-bar equals sign .
Look at the figures on either side of the equals sign .
For each line , the values on the left of the equals sign represent a context-relative web application path .
G is called maximal restricted edge connected if the equality in the previous inequality holds .
The coordinators come from the previously recorded GUI script .
Though implementing web services is a legitimate entry point towards SOA adoption , enterprises should not equate web services with SOA .
Currently debugging in JRuby means using a set_trace_func based implementation written in Ruby .
STUDENT QUESTION : And if you put it on the left on this side then it will be on the left with B as well ?
When you set a control source property , the equal sign is required because it indicates an expression , not a field name , to access .
Also , the = ( equal ) sign is replaced by the - ( hyphen ) in the original user ID for the same reason .
In the first statement , PRIOR is used to the left of the equal sign while in the second statement it is specified on the other side .
The values on the right define a Filter chain-an ordered , comma delimited list of Servlet filters to execute for the given path .
The equal sign does the same thing as the assignment arrow , but may only be used at the top-level scope , not also in nested expressions .
World Bank President Robert Zoellick proposes a new social contract - one that considers the impact of global policies on the lives of individual citizens .
If it 's a reversible process then the equality holds , but if it 's irreversible , which means it happens spontaneously , T then dS is greater than this .
The query segment of the URI separates each argument by the ampersand ( & ) character , and each argument appears as a key-value pair separated by the equals ( = ) character .
In this paper , we prove that if the maximal Z_2 quotient is Z_2 ~ 2 , then A ( f ) ≥ 4 , with e-quality hold if and only if the singular index Of s is zero , except s_3 .
A subtle but important difference between auth and list is that list is a closure , whereas auth is a private method . ( Closures use an equals sign in the definition ; methods use parentheses . )
With given circumradius R and inradius r , two fundamental inequalities related to the lower bound of the area A and perimeter p of a convex set K are obtained . Moreover , the equality is proved to hold when the convex set K is a double cap-body .
But because his voice is on so many technological applications , most notably on Siri , the iPhone 's personal assistant , his voice , which is so familiar , seems synonymous with technology .
In your language , you will make actor and the equal sign ( = ) reserved tokens in the language , much as the words if and instanceof are reserved tokens with particular meaning within the Java language .
The lvalue and rvalue in the assignment statement is separated by a colon plus an equal sign (: = ) .
The lvalue and rvalue in the assignment statement is separated by a : = ( colon plus equal sign ) .
Like the rule , the grammar is also held by reference when it is placed in the right hand side of an EBNF expression .
And the reason that we now on the second line have the equal sign is because this function GetString has what 's called a return value .
It touts it as a " Vanilla Android " experience , perhaps the first time in the history of blinking , buzzing consumer electronics in which " plain " was equated with " preferred . " The result , it says , is a faster ,
Through the linear transformation of the linear space , this paper discussed the condition of Sylvester and Frobenius inequality taking mark of equality , and by extending them to the matrix polynomial , set up a type of extensive rank identical equation .
There is no comparison whatsoever between what she does and .
What are the things on either side of this equality ?
The equal sign ( = ) joins the two .