
qiān zì yí shì
  • signing ceremony
  1. 上周四,中国颇受欢迎的传统相声演员郭德纲与澳大利亚国家博物馆(NWA)签署了一份协议书,成为了该博物馆在中国的文化大使。在澳大利亚国家博物馆举行的签字仪式上,郭德纲表示自己很荣幸能够担任这个角色。

    Guo Degang , a popular Chinese traditional crosstalk performer , signed a letter of agreement last Thursday with the National Museum of Australia ( NWA ) to become the museum 's cultural ambassador in China . At the signing ceremony held at the NWA , Guo said he was honored to take the role .

  2. 举行广元金色谷农资连锁有限公司重组签字仪式;

    The signing ceremony of reorganizing Guangyuan golden cereal was held .

  3. 我们将签字仪式推迟到晚上十一点钟。

    We had pushed back the signing ceremony to 11 ∶ 00 p.m.

  4. 明天晚上我们可能举行个简单的签字仪式。

    We can have a little signing ceremony tomorrow night .

  5. 我公司向越南出口设备签字仪式。

    Signing ceremony for exporting equipment to Vietnam .

  6. 最后感谢诸位光临签字仪式。

    I thank you for the privilege of being at this highly successful ceremony .

  7. 首先,请允许我介绍出席签字仪式的中方和外方代表。

    First , please allow me to introduce the delegates from P.R.China and unesco .

  8. 王鸿举市长出席了签字仪式。

    Presented at the signing ceremony .

  9. 中美合作高科技项目签字仪式今天在上海举行。

    The " Sino-American high tech projects co-operation signing ceremony " was held in Shanghai today .

  10. 美国国际数据集团创始人及董事长麦戈文等出席了签字仪式。

    Patrick McGovern , founder and chairman of IDG , are present at the signing ceremony .

  11. 正在欧洲中心访问的荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学学者、以及欧洲中心部分研究员参加了会谈以及签字仪式。

    Visiting scholars from Free University Amsterdam and several researchers from ESC joined in the meeting and signing ceremony .

  12. 我们要举行一个签字仪式,届时两个公司的领导都将出席。

    We 're going to have a signing ceremony and the head of the two companies will be present .

  13. 据悉,合同各方已于昨日在北京钓鱼台国宾馆举行了签字仪式。

    It was learned that the contract parties already held the signature ceremony yesterday at beijing 's Diaoyutai State hotel .

  14. 签字仪式进行得相当顺利,苏联方面的出席人员照例比我们先一步来到大厅。

    The signing ceremony went off smoothly enough , with the Soviet participants winning yet again the daily race into the hall .

  15. 签字仪式使阿联酋和巴林成为同以色列建立的第三个和第四个阿拉伯国家。

    The signing ceremony makes the UAE and Bahrain the third and the fourth Arab nation to establish diplomatic ties with Israel .

  16. 今天下午的签字仪式后,更多的服务贸易协议相关细节在新闻发布会上发布。

    Q1 : After the signing ceremony this afternoon , more details about the service trade agreement were released at a press conference .

  17. 中国驻日本大使武大伟出席了中国人民银行与日本银行货币互换协议的签字仪式。

    China 's ambassador to japan , Wu da-wei , attended the currency reciprocal agreement signing ceremony between people 's Bank of China and Bank of japan .

  18. 会谈后,两国总理出席了两国政府经济技术合作协定等3个文件的签字仪式。

    Following the talks , the two Prime Ministers attended the signing ceremony of the agreement on economic and technological cooperation between the two governments and other two documents .

  19. 当中日的领导人最终在一个最近的区域会议签字仪式上相遇的时候,日本领导人向温借笔,温故意怠慢了他。

    When the pair finally met at a signing ceremony of a regional meeting recently , Wen snubbed the Japanese leader by ignoring his request to borrow his pen .

  20. “科技部将支持地方政府推进区域科技创新,提高地方政府的独立自主创新能力。”科技部部长徐冠华13日在签字仪式上发表讲话时说。

    " MOST will help provincial governments to improve regional science and technology and enhance their independent innovation capability ," said science minister Xu Guanhua at the signing ceremony .

  21. 签字仪式后举行了新闻发布会。会上透露,联邦快递用了两年时间为其中国区转运中心寻找合适的地点。

    During the press conference after the signing ceremony , it was revealed that FedEx had spent two years searching for an appropriate location for its China regional switch center .

  22. 会谈结束后,双方共同出席了两国有关加强经贸、金融、司法及防灾减灾等领域合作文件的签字仪式。

    After the talks , the two nations signed a number of documents on strengthening cooperation in economy and trade , financing , justice , disaster reduction and other areas .

  23. 今天晚些时候,我将和徐市长出席惠普(中国)公司和上海信息港合作协议的签字仪式。根据协议,双方将建立一个实验室,共同开发电子商务解决方案。

    Later today Mayor Xu and I will witness the signing of a cooperation agreement between China HP and the Shanghai Infoport to create a lab to develop E-Commerce solutions .

  24. 记得当年签订那份将欧洲送上欧元之路的马斯特里赫特协议时,我曾经开玩笑说过,他们选择了一个错误的荷兰城市举办签字仪式。

    I remember quipping , back when the Maastricht Treaty setting Europe on the path to the euro was signed , that they chose the wrong Dutch city for the ceremony .

  25. 中国将举办亚洲基础设施投资银行(以下简称亚投行)的签字仪式。这一新成立的国际金融机构将成为世界银行和亚洲发展银行的竞争对手。

    China is hosting the signing ceremony of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank ( AIIB ), a new international financial institution set to rival the World Bank and Asian Development Bank .

  26. 公司人力资源部申礼耀校长参加签字仪式,并就应届毕业生招聘与学院学生工作负责人进行了初步洽谈。

    Shen Liyao , chief of company 's Human Resources Department , attended the signing ceremony , and had a preliminary communication with the teacher in charge of graduate students work .

  27. 两国领导人签署了一份联合公报,并出席了多项合作文件的签字仪式,将拓展农业、航天技术应用等领域的合作。

    The two leaders have signed a joint communique , witnessed the signing of other cooperative documents , and agreed to increase cooperation in areas of agriculture and the application of space technology .

  28. 签字仪式上发布的一份宣言称,在新的全球标准之下,我们将交换有关离岸账户的广泛信息,包括账户余额和受益所有人。

    A declaration unveiled at the signing ceremony said that under the new global standard , a wide range of information will be exchanged on offshore accounts , including account balances and beneficial ownership .

  29. 中国最大能源企业昨日签约,从澳大利亚购买价值410亿美元的天然气,相关协议的签字仪式意在为这两大贸易伙伴之间的紧张关系涂上一抹亮色。

    China 's largest energy company agreed yesterday to buy $ 41bn worth of natural gas from Australia at a signing ceremony that was intended to put a positive gloss on strained relations between the trading partners .

  30. 本文就中美双方代表的这次会晤情况、议定书延长协议的签字仪式以及中国代表团的有关参观访问活动作了概述。

    From July 1l to 26, 1984.It outlines the meeting of PRC-US representatives , the ceremony of signing the Agreement for Extension of the PRC-US Earthquake Studies Protocol and some related visiting activities paid there by the Chinese delegation .