
  1. 城市·精神故乡·女性命运&蒋韵《我的内陆》阅读札记

    Reading Notes on Jiang Yun 's My Inland

  2. 珍重精神故乡的诗人,一生都不可能背弃这个信仰。

    Poets cherishing spiritual homeland are not possible to betray this faith in lifetime .

  3. 德国是他的精神故乡。

    Germany is his spiritual home .

  4. 这样一种情感过程直与中国历代文士视江南中国为精神故乡的江南情结相承续。

    His emotional course followed the south complex & Chinese literators in the past dynasties regarded the south as spiritual homeland .

  5. 阎连科前期的小说创作呈现出民间写实的认知倾向,接受业已形成的批判传统,并未真正找到属于自己的精神故乡。

    Yanlianke 's preliminary novels show a realistic understanding of civil tendency , accepting criticism of already established tradition , without finding his own spiritual home .

  6. 一生守望精神故乡的诗人们,他们获得了真知,他们听到自然大河流淌的律动犹如人类长长的叹息。

    Poets kept watch on spiritual homeland in lifetime , they had acquired genuine knowledge , and they heard the rhythm of running rivers in the nature as if the long sigh of human .

  7. 顾城总是在追求在别处的人生,那是他的精神故乡,他一生寻找和要返回的就是这个故乡,这个贴近他生命的本源。

    Gu Cheng always pursued a life in " other place ", which is his spiritual hometown . This hometown he looked for and wanted to return all through his life is the " origin " which is close to his real life .

  8. 我们在精神的故乡让心灵成长,也在这里忧伤。

    We let heart grow in spiritual homeland , also feel sorrow here .

  9. 还有逻辑,如果你感伤,你精神的故乡一定被感伤所笼罩。

    And also logic , if you feel sorrow , your spiritual homeland certainly will be enveloped by sorrow .

  10. 徜徉于精神的故乡,我们确认:这个世界是属于所有生命的,不仅仅属于自大的人类。

    Roaming in spiritual homeland , we are sure that this world belongs to all beings , not only for arrogant human .

  11. 所谓幸福,在精神的故乡,它不是一个苍白的概念,而是体悟,就如触摸美丽肌肤一样真实。

    The word of felicity , in spiritual homeland , it was not a plain concept , but experience , as real as touching beautiful skin .

  12. 然后,你要沐浴,独自一人微笑着跨越一个临界,抵达诗歌的内里,也就是我们精神的故乡。

    Hence , you should bathe , solitary striding across a threshold , getting to the inner of poetry , so that is our spiritual homeland .

  13. 面对精神的故乡,你的任何一丝摇摆不定,都有可能使你丧失珍贵的心智,而置身现世的迷惑。

    In front of spiritual homeland , your any thread of falter , could let you lose precious inwardness , and place yourself in the temptation of the secular world .

  14. 这个时刻,我能够感觉,在我的绝对自由的精神的故乡,我所敬爱的那些人类的先哲们正在朝一个地域汇聚,神情从容而坚定。

    At this moment , I can feel , in my absolute free spiritual homeland , my reverential human sages are gathering together toward a region , in resolute composed looks .

  15. 也只有在诗歌中,在我们精神的故乡,我们才有可能与所有痛失的亲人们相逢,我们把最深切最美丽最鲜红的词语献给他们;

    No other than in poetry , in our spiritual homeland , we possibly can meet all painfully lost families again , and we offer the deepest , the most beautiful , the reddest terms to them ;

  16. 到那一天,你会发现,你失去了很久很久的最亲的人,就站在你的对面&这个人在等你,在精神的故乡,而不是在人间。

    On that day , you will find , your long time lost dearest person , just standing in front of you & the person has been waiting for you , in the spiritual homeland , not the mortal world .

  17. 1998年,星际争霸在韩国首发,从那之后,韩国成了电子竞技精神上的故乡。

    South Korea , where the original StarCraft game was released in 1998 , is the spiritual home of E-sports .

  18. 他用不着说他爱巴黎,巴黎是他精神方面的故乡。

    There is no need for him to say that he loves Paris : Paris is his mind 's natal city .

  19. 阿连德在他精神上的故乡哈瓦那受到了作为卡斯特罗上台以来第一位访问古巴的拉美国家首脑所应得到的盛大欢迎。

    In his spiritual home , havana , Allende received an ecstatic welcome befitting the first head of a Latin American country to visit Cuba since castro 's rise to power .

  20. 庄子以游和逍遥所确立的独特的精神自由、精神乐园和精神故乡极具诱惑力。

    The quite fascinating ideas are those established on the concepts of " carefree liberty " and " roaming ", such as the unique " mind liberty ", " spiritual paradise " and " spiritual homeland " .