- glutinous rice

[glutinous rice] 稻子的一种,米粒富于粘性
Research on Yield Components and Source-sink Characteristics of Indica Glutinous Rice
A research on quality of local glutinous rice in south-eastern Qian Prefecture
New STS Molecular Markers for Waxy Gene of Glutinous and Nonglutinous Rices
The results showed that the fixed nitrogen amount of glutinous rice inoculated with engineering bacteria to Alcaligenes faecalis was 39 7 kg / hm 2 , and its rate of fixed nitrogen was 16 2 % .
For long-grain nonglutinous brown rice , the peak values of reducing and soluble sugar content , amylase and α - amylase activity appeared when germinated for 36 h , while for short-grain nonglutinous brown rice and glutinous brown rice , these peak values appeared when germinated for 48 h.
The formation and accumulation of rice amylose content were studied .
Evaluation and utilization for resistant varieties of glutinous rice
History and Current Status of Glutinous Rice in Hebei Province and Its Development Direction
Comparison and Relationship Between Canopy Apparent Photosynthetic Rate and Grain Quality of Glutinous Rice
Relationship between the content of amino acids and the sweet wine-making quality of waxy rice
Study on the Geographic Distribution and Genetic Diversity of Glutinous Rice Varieties in Yunnan Province
Breeding and Field Performance of Novel Soft and Waxy Transgenic Rice Lines without Selectable Markers
Genetic Network Analysis and Verification of Starch Synthesis Related Genes under the Background of Glutinous Rice
It has quite obvious phenomenon that early sowing , early maturity and late sowing , late maturity .
Studies On The Breeding And Use of Technique of Male Sterile Line Of Indica Type Yellow Glutinous Rice
Canopy apparent photosynthetic rate ( CAP ) and grain quality of glutinous rice were studied in the field experiments .
These two viruses could infect different rice varieties including japonica rice , glutinous rice , indica rice and hybrid rice .
Study on Protection of the Diversity of Prototypical Ethnic Culture and the Genetic Diversity of Glutinous Rice Resources in Southeast of Guizhou
It indicated that Li ancestor screened out and reserve the wax ones from cultivated rice brought into Hainan province . 6 .
The Effects in the Ecological Adaptation of Traditional Dong Ethnic Culture in Terms of the Coexistence of Diversified Kinds of Glutinous Rice
Extension of late japonica rice and glutinous rice varieties released during past two decades and breeding direction of the rice hence forward in Zhejiang province
Yield components and source-sink characteristics of high-yielding indica glutinous rice varieties were analyzed with " Zaonuo 717 "( a major indica rice variety in the southern China ago ) as CK .
The effects of the varieties , initial moisture contents , types ( e.g. indica , japonica and glutinous rice ) and milling degree of rice on its adsorption and desorption isotherms were studied .
On How the Systems and Cultures of the Dong Ethnic Minority Preserve Their Traditional Subsistence & Taking the case of the Storage , Breeding and Propagation Mechanism of Glutinous Rice by the Dong People in Huanggang
The different rice types differ in the rate of resistant materials : japonica rice is higher than the indica rice , the waxy rice - higher than the glutinous rice , the exotic rice - higher than the domestic rice .
Grain filling characteristics and endosperm structures of different rice genotypes With indica and japonica cultivars , including glutinous rice and hybrids , as materials , the differences in grain filling and the formation of endosperm structures among the genotypes were investigated .