
xì tǒnɡ fēn xī yuán
  • system analyst
  1. 一个大的计算机站是由系统分析员来领导的。

    A large computer installation is headed by a system analyst .

  2. 试论系统分析员

    A tentative discussion on System Analyst

  3. 发放优厚补贴的热潮吸引了大批司机,比如在一家国际电信公司担任系统分析员的杰基(Jacky)。他最近开始成为优步的兼职司机,在上海开着自己的福特嘉年华(FordFiesta)赚外快。

    The spending spree has attracted droves of drivers like Jacky , a systems analyst at an international telecommunications company , who recently began moonlighting for Uber with his Ford Fiesta in Shanghai .

  4. 安全团队需要做同样的事情,与QA团队、系统分析员、开发人员联手全作,帮助系统分析员收集需求,并在软件设计中构建安全设计。

    Security needs to be doing the same thing , working hand in hand with the QA team , systems analysts , and developers to help the systems analysts gather requirements and build the security design in the software design .

  5. 对计算机程序员和系统分析员的需求将会更大。

    Computer programmers and systems analysts will be in much greater demand .

  6. 一个好的系统分析员在他选定一个方案之前要研究出若干个可行的方案,以备替换。

    A good analyst will develop several feasible alternatives before choosing one .

  7. 他们登出广告招聘一位系统分析员。

    They 're advertising for a systems analyst .

  8. 估算成本是系统分析员、项目管理员和软件工程师长期以来一直面临的一个问题。

    Estimating these costs has troubled system analysts , project managers , and software engineers for decades .

  9. 在这个过程中,系统分析员和软件工程师确定顾客的需要。

    In this process , the system analyst and software engineer determine the requirements of the customers .

  10. 数据记录系统分析员

    Data recording system analyst

  11. 文章最后,提出了系统分析员在系统分析时的几个注意事项。

    The article also put forward some matters needing attention for the system analysts at the beginning of system analysis .

  12. 它为方案架构与系统分析员之类的人提供了一个参考,这些人参入了项目的实施与交付过程。

    It provides a reference for solution architects and systems analysts alike who are involved in the implementation and delivery projects .

  13. 最佳工作软件工程师保险精算师人力资源主管牙科保健员理财规划师听觉矫正专家职业治疗师网络广告经理计算机系统分析员数学家

    Best Jobs Software Engineer Actuary Human Resources Manager Dental Hygienist Financial Planner Audiologist Occupational Therapist Online Advertising Manager Computer Systems Analyst Mathematician

  14. 本文从系统分析员的重要性出发,探讨系统分析员的能力、职责和培养问题。

    This Paper begins with the importance of system analyst , and then probes into the capacity , duty and training of system analyst .

  15. 行,您比史密斯先生应该可能看见这一个来临,但是严重,谁做巧舌的前小辈系统分析员改善?

    Alright , you should have seen this one coming , but seriously , who else could do the smooth-talking ex-Junior Systems Analyst better than Mr.

  16. 德鸿立志成为系统分析员。他在科大的优异成绩助他实现理想。

    Tak Hung wants to become a system analyst and with his excellent results at HKUST , is well on the way to achieving this ambition .

  17. 光明前景:随着人们对电子商务和网络技术的依赖持续增长,将为计算机系统分析员岗位带来近150000个新工作机会。

    Happily Ever After : A growing dependence on eCommerce and Internet technologies is expected to lead to almost 150000 new jobs for computer systems analysts .

  18. 但作为形式化规格说明,它要求使用者(包括系统分析员、设计员和测试员)的数学训练较好,因此在产业界较难普及。

    But for formal specification , good mathematic training is required for its users ( including analysts , designers and testers ) and its popularization is difficult .

  19. 一名国防高级官员称,美国安全局正在实行新的安全措施,原因是安全局前系统分析员爱德华·斯诺登泄露了国家机密。

    A top defense official says the National Security Agency is implementing new security measures , because of the disclosures by former NSA systems analyst Edward Snowden .

  20. 小小年纪,他们就已被打上生活的烙印,以后无疑会成为职员、经营商、系统分析员或是咨询人员。

    At an early age , they were marked for life , ending up , doubtlessly , as clerks or store managers , systems analysts or consultants .

  21. 系统分析员是一个专业人员,他能把用户的需求转换成计算机技术术语(图9.1)因此他是用户和技术专业人员之间的桥梁。

    A systems analyst is a professional who translates user needs into technical terms ( Fig.9.1 ), thus serving as a bridge between users and technical professionals .

  22. 与不断变化的讯息技术世界保持同步,计算机系统分析员通常要帮助公司、企业和组织找到能够满足他们要求的新技术。

    Keeping current with the ever-changing world of information technology , computer systems analysts help businesses and organizations find the rightitechnolog Dating ies to meet their needs .

  23. 在一个软件开发项目中,团队成员可能担任一或多个不同角色:系统分析员,软件工程师,实现者,测试人员,项目经理,等等。

    In a software development project , team members may wear one or many hats : system analyst , software architect , implementer , tester , project manager , and the list goes on .

  24. 两个背景相同、关键能力相同的系统分析员在竞争同一份工作职位时,那名善于团队合作的人、或者能够一人承担多份任务的人最终将会得到这份工作。

    When a search comes down to two systems analysts with similar backgrounds and core competencies , the one who also may be a better team player , or can wear many hats , is more likely to get the nod .

  25. 论证队伍中应培养掌握总体知识的系统分析员等观点,最后对论证中的权衡分析以及论证与决策的关系进行了阐述,指出应提高论证综合过程中的科学思辨能力。

    Demonstration team should consist of qualified system analysts who know overall knowledge of equipment . Based on discussion of the trade-off analysis and the relationship between demonstration and decision , it is proposed that one 's scientific analyzing ability should be enhanced in the process of comprehensive demonstration .

  26. 然而,创建最小系统并不符合许多分析员和程序员们的想法,不管有多遥远,他们总认为自己可以超前思考并预见到未来的需求。

    Still , building minimal systems goes against the grain of many analysts and programmers , who pride themselves on thinking ahead and anticipating future needs , no matter how remote .

  27. 在系统开发过程中,系统分析员在分析阶段定义用户,需要,需求和方法。

    In the system development process , the system analyst defines the user , needs , requirement and methods in the analysis phase .

  28. 通过提供一种公共语言,SQL简化了DBA、系统程序员、应用程序员、系统分析员和最终用户之间的通信。

    By providing a common language , SQL eases communication among DBAs , systems programmers , application programmers , systems analysts , and end users .

  29. 这改变了信息系统功能的基本属性,曾经必须有系统分析员和编程者才能知道它的基本属性,而如今对当前软件包的了解才是最关键的。

    This changes the basic nature of the information systems function from one where systems analysts and programmers are needed , to one where knowledge of existing software packages is now critical .

  30. 但是可以肯定的一点是,UML必将在今后的软件系统分析和设计中占据主导地位,为大多数的系统分析员、高级程序员所接受。

    But what is assuredly is that UML will dominate the software system analysis and design field in the future absolutely , and be adopted by most of the system analyst and software engineer .