
  • 网络System Management Theory;Application of System Management Theory
  1. 其次,对本文所运用的生态系统管理理论的形成、内容和原则等方面进行介绍。

    Then , introduces core ideas and principles of ecological system management theory .

  2. 试论系统管理理论在成人高校体育教育工作中的指导作用

    The Discussion On The Affect of System Management Theory In College Education Of Adult Athletic sports

  3. ANSA对于系统管理理论来说是一本恐怖的书籍。

    ANSA is a terrific book for systems administration theory .

  4. 综合生态系统管理理论与实践

    The Theory and Practice of the Integrated Ecosystem Management

  5. 广义系统管理理论作为一种诸家之说的综合,仍在持续不断地向前发展。

    As a comprehensiveness of various theories , the theory of generalized systematic management is still developing forward continuously .

  6. 绩效管理的理论基础是系统管理理论、目标管理理论和员工激励理论。

    The theoretical base of performance management is system management theory , target management theory , and employee actuation theory .

  7. 分析了网络信息传播绩效评估的哲学基础,阐述了绩效评估理念用于网络信息传播绩效评估的科学性,并对评估工作中的信息管理学基础、系统管理理论等进行论述。

    It is an attempt to analyze the philosophical basis of evaluating Internet information communication and discusses the theories of systematic management .

  8. 论文以企业生命周期理论、企业系统管理理论和经济周期理论为基础,建立了企业生命周期的系统管理理论体系。

    The paper founds enterprise lifecycle system on the basis of theories of enterprise lifecycle , enterprise system management and economy cycle .

  9. 系统管理理论,是把一般系统理论应用到组织管理之中,运用系统研究的方法,建立通用的模式,以系统解决管理问题的理论体系。

    System management theory implies the common system theory into the organization management , using the system research method to build a general model so as to solve the management problems systematically .

  10. 近年来,发达国家在物流系统管理理论和技术方面的发展,和它带给运输业的巨大变革与进步,引起了国内运输界的密切关注。

    In recent years , development of logistics system management theories & technique and bigness replace with the advance to the forward agent which caused the close concern of Chinese conveyance field .

  11. 随着现代系统管理理论的发展和管理思想的普及应用,采用工作流技术实现管理的信息化成为目前管理的主流趋势。任何组织都需要管理业务流程,科技管理也不例外。

    With the development of modern system management theory and popularity of management thought , it becomes the main trend of current management that workflow technology was adopted to information the management .

  12. 我国现有对营业厅服务系统管理理论尚存在很大不足,且近年来各运营商争先扩张营业厅数量,但营业厅内部服务管理不规范不合理的现象仍很普遍。

    There is much deficiency in its service system management theory in our country . Furthermore , with its expanding numbers , the phenomenon of nonstandard internal service management is still common .

  13. 第一部分是关于绩效管理的理论研究,通过对系统管理理论的研究,说明绩效管理体系是建立在系统管理理论的基础上的。

    The first section introduces the basic theories of performance management . It deals with the theoretic aspects of performance management and concludes that performance management is based on system management theory .

  14. 本文通过对绩效管理的理论基础的探讨,重点分析系统管理理论对绩效管理的指导作用,并将其具体应用于绩效管理体系的建立。

    According to the discussion on the theory basis of performance management , the article analyses the direct function of system management theory to performance management that is applied to building performance management system .

  15. 本文采用文献综述法,对高校交叉学科建设的相关理论进行了梳理,并基于组织理论中的权变理论、组织生命周期理论以及行为科学理论、系统管理理论、管理过程理论构建了团队建设研究框架。

    Use contingency theory , organizational life cycle theory , behavioral science theory , systems management theory , the theory of the management process to build the framework of team-building research from the perspective of organization theory .

  16. 同时分析总结我国内河船员权益保障问题与当地经济发展和社会稳定的重要联系,运用系统管理理论、公共政策分析原理、公共管理论等对履约中遇到的问题进行研究分析。

    And the analysis of the Chinese inland waterway crew rights issues and local economic development and social stability of the important link , by system management theory , and public policy analysis theory , the theory of public performance problems in the analysis .

  17. 本文第一章详细分析了收益最大化理论、委托代理理论、战略管理理论、行为科学理论、系统管理理论、权变管理理论与业绩评价的关系。

    This paper includes five sections . Firstly , The relations between corporate performance evaluation system and relevant theories such as income maximizing theory , agency theory , strategy management theory , behavioral science theory , system management theory , power changing managing theory and accomplishment evaluation have been discussed .

  18. 运用系统管理理论,探析了运动竞赛保障体系、获胜系统的概念与结构,阐述了运动竞赛保障体系的特征、运行机制、运行条件、学科配置等。

    The systematical management theory is adopted in the present paper to discuss and analyze the security system of sports competition , the structure and conceptions of the winning system . The paper also presents the characteristics , performing system , performing conditions , allocations of subjects and so on .

  19. 现代农业系统管理坐标理论及其应用

    The Manage Coordinate Theory of the Modern Agricultural Systems and Application

  20. 现代项目管理已成为一种系统的管理理论和技术。

    Modern project management has become a systematic management theory and technology .

  21. 本文探讨了科技价值链系统创新管理理论。

    The paper discussed the theory of systematical innovation of the science-technology value chain ( STVC ) .

  22. 对流域生态系统管理的理论和应用展开研究,探讨支撑流域生态系统管理的保障体系,对中国实施流域生态系统管理同样具有重要的现实意义。

    To study the theory and application of watershed ecosystem management , discussing the ensuring system of it is same very important for realizing the watershed ecosystem management in China .

  23. 从系统管理的理论出发,建立了区域国土资源复合系统可持续发展调控系统模式,探讨了资源系统实现可持续发展目标系统调控的途径与对策。

    Chapter 6 establishes the control system of the coordination of composite system of land and resources , and discusses the ways and measurements of systematic control on the realization of sustainable development of resources system .

  24. 本文全面评述了系统管理从理论到实践、从西方到中国、从过去到未来的发展历程,揭示了系统管理兴衰演变的动力机制;

    This paper shows the development of systems management from theory to practice , from the West to China and from the past to the future , with the dynamic mechanism of its ups and downs given .

  25. 分别阐述了与自然保护区建设和管理息息相关的一些基础理论,主要包括可持续发展理论、生态经济学理论、恢复生态学理论、生态伦理学理论、生态系统管理学理论和自然保护区学理论。

    Basic theories closely related to construction and management of natural reserves are elaborated in this section such as sustainable development , ecological economics , restoration ecology , ecological ethics , ecosystem management and the theory of nature reserves .

  26. 系统管理决策理论是系统科学研究中的一个前沿领域,系统管理中的不确定性表现在管理因素的随机性和模糊性,模糊集理论为系统管理提供了重要的理论与方法。

    System management decision theory is a forward field in the research of system sciences , uncertainty in system management is displayed by the randomness and fuzziness of management elements , and fuzzy set theory provides important theory and method for system management .

  27. 这些专题的分析对于研究当前交通运输系统工程管理理论与实践问题,推动我国综合交通十一五规划等实际工作有重要作用。

    His analyses to above special subjects have important affects on some actual work , such as studying current transportation system engineering management theories and practice problem , pushing comprehensive transportation ' the Eleven Five Plan ' in our country and so on .

  28. ERP(即企业资源计划)这种科学化、系统化的管理理论能很好地辅助这类企业解决这一问题。

    ERP ( Enterprise Resources Planning ) is a scientific and systemic enterprise management theory , which can be used to resolve the matter above-mentioned .

  29. 为解决VBM实务中面临的可能困境,本文发展了一个整合ABC/M与VBM之精髓基础上的价值管理模型,即基于作业价值信息系统的价值管理理论分析框架。

    To deal with the possible difficulty of implementing VBM , this thesis develops a VBM model , which integrates the hearts of ABC / M and VBM , that is an analysis of framework for VBM based on activity value information system .

  30. 关于电力系统负荷管理优化理论的探讨

    Study on theory of load management optimization of power system