
  • 网络system energy saving;systematic energy saving
  1. 安钢系统节能优化用能降低吨钢综合能耗

    Systematic energy saving and optimization to reduce comprehensive energy consumption per ton steel

  2. 我国氧化铝工业的系统节能

    Systematic Energy Saving in Chinas Alumina Industry

  3. CFD在发芽罐空调系统节能改造中的应用研究

    Application of CFD Software in Energy-Saving Renovation of Malt Germination Pots Air Condition System

  4. 智能化空调系统节能技术在5A级大酒店工程中的应用

    Intelligent Energe - Saving Technique for Air - Conditioning Applied to 5A Hotel Project

  5. 380VⅠ、Ⅱ段系统节能改造

    Energy-saving Improvement of the 380V I and II Segment Bus System

  6. 采用新型煮沸系统节能,可采用Merlin煮沸系统节能,或采用柔和煮沸系统节能,或采用Stromboli煮沸系统节能。

    Energy-saving by the use of new boiling system such as Merlin boiling system or soft boiling system or Stromboli boling system etc.

  7. 讨论了在己内酰胺聚合过程中,三效蒸发工艺对PA6萃取水浓缩液浓度的影响,为蒸发系统节能降耗提供依据。

    The effect of triple effect evaporation process on the concentration of PA6 concentrated extraction water was discussed during the polymerization of caprolactam , which provided a basis of the energy saving and consumption reducing for evaporation system .

  8. 煤矿通风系统节能的仿真模型研究

    Study to Energy-Saving Simulation Model for Ventilation System of Coal Mine

  9. 变频泵控马达调速系统节能实验研究制冷空调系统节能技术与管理

    Energy saving experiment research on pump-control-motor speed governing system with inverter

  10. 大型工业炉多燃烧器燃油供应系统节能技术

    Technology on Energy-saving of Large Industrial Furnace Multi-burners Fuel Supply System

  11. 建筑围护结构节能与暖通空调系统节能

    Energy-saving of Building Envelope and Heating , Ventilating and Air-conditioning System

  12. 系统节能的决策、组织、协调与妥协

    On decision-making , organization , co-ordination and compromise in systematic energy-saving

  13. 脱碳系统节能改造技术总结

    Technical summary on the revamp of co_2 removal system for energy-saving

  14. 石化企业蒸汽加热系统节能

    Conserving Energy of The Steam Heating System for Petro Chemical Industries

  15. 空调水系统节能技术分析

    Energy Efficiency Technological Analysis of the Air - conditioning Water System

  16. 现代建筑中中央空调系统节能设计方法初探

    Energy-saving design methods of central air conditioning system in modern buildings

  17. 炼油厂能量系统节能技术的发展与应用

    Development and Application of Energy Conservation Technology in Refinery Energy System

  18. 华中地区的能源问题及电力系统节能对策

    Energy Resources and Power System 's Energy-saving Policy in Central China

  19. 六足仿生步行机器人系统节能技术的研究

    Study on Energy Conservation Technology of the Hexapod Walking Bio-robot

  20. 冶金设备液压系统节能问题的探讨和分析

    Energy Saving Approach and Analysis for Metallurgical Equipment Hydraulic System

  21. 建筑系统节能定量评价模型

    The quantitative evaluation model for systematical energy efficiency of building

  22. 蒸汽加热系统节能及余热利用

    Energy Conservation and Used heat Utilization of Vapour Heating System

  23. 液压系统节能的潜力和途径

    The Potential and Way of the Energy-saving of the Hydraulic Pressure System

  24. 乙二醇热回收系统节能初探

    Study on Saving Energy of a Glycol Heat Recovery System

  25. 锅炉制粉系统节能调整

    Adjustment of Coal Pulverizing system of Boiler for Energy Saving

  26. 电厂热力系统节能分析方法的现状与展望

    Status and prospect for energy-saving analyses method of power plant thermal system

  27. 高层建筑空调系统节能措施分析

    Analysis on energy-saving measures of air-conditioning system in high architecture

  28. 本钢轧钢系统节能状况与分析

    Energy-saving situation and analysis of steel rolling system in BISC

  29. 温州电厂制粉系统节能分析

    Analysis of energy conservation to milling system in power plant

  30. 区域燃煤锅炉房供暖系统节能技术研究

    Regional Coal-fired Boiler Heating System and Energy-saving Technology Housing Research