
suǒ qǔ
  • Request;claim;ask for;demand;extort;exact;cadge
索取 [suǒ qǔ]
  • [ask for;exact;demand] 要求得到;讨取

  • 索取资料

索取[suǒ qǔ]
  1. 但是注意不要一开始就索取你想要的。

    But at first , never ask for what you want .

  2. 经常笑.去索取你想要的。

    Laugh often . Ask for what you want .

  3. 申请表格及其他详细资料可向人事部索取。

    Application forms and further particulars are available from the Personnel Office .

  4. 有意索取资料的读者可免付邮资。

    Information will be sent post-free to any interested readers .

  5. 详情可至任何邮局索取。

    Full details are obtainable from any post office .

  6. 你本可以从你的保险中索取旅馆住房费。

    You could have claimed the cost of the hotel room from your insurance .

  7. 今天就来信索取免费资讯包。

    Send for your free information pack today .

  8. 如今他们回来索取本属于他们的东西。

    Now they are returning to claim what was theirs .

  9. 该公司的精算报告可随时索取。

    The company 's actuarial report is available on demand .

  10. 寄上一个回邮信封索取免费资料包。

    Send an s.a.e. for a free information pack .

  11. 备有介绍详情的传单以供索取。

    Leaflets giving details are available on request

  12. 他给新西兰政府去函,索取介绍新西兰生活的宣传册。

    He wrote off to the New Zealand Government for these pamphlets about life in New Zealand .

  13. 他们恪守着这样的原则:我们来到世上是要为生活做贡献,而不是从中索取。

    They live by the principle that we are here to add what we can to life , not to get what we want from it .

  14. 过去10年的经验表明,忠诚对于欧盟怀疑论者而言是单向的,他们仅会索取不会给予。

    The experience of the last 10 years has shown that , for the Eurosceptics , loyalty is a one-way street ; something you demand but do not give

  15. 我们写信索取一本关于去欧洲度假的宣传手册。

    We sent away for a brochure about holidays in Europe .

  16. 许多人来信索取样品。

    Many people have written into us asking for samples .

  17. 她写信索取一些目录。

    She wrote off for some catalogues .

  18. 它们的经济发展战略强调企业和市场的重要地位,而不是僵化的发展援助系统,只会不断索取。

    Their strategy of development finance emphasizes the important role of entrepreneurship and markets over a staid aid-system of development that preaches hand-outs .

  19. 工具箱项目的创始人泰勒·布里奇斯说:"所有年龄、种族和社会经济背景的人都会给予或索取。"

    " People of all ages , races , and socio-economic backgrounds gave and took , " said Tyler Bridges of The Toolbox , which created the project .

  20. 如果我们所使用的淡水量超过了大自然的产生量,我们就索取的太多了。

    If we remove more fresh water than nature replaces , we have taken too much .

  21. 我有权利索取货物损坏赔偿金。

    I am entitled to a repayment for the damaged goods .

  22. 她厌倦了他对感情的不断索取。

    She is tired of his incessant demands for affection .

  23. 申请表和招股书可于五十三家银行分行索取

    Forms and prospectuses will be available at53 bank branches .

  24. 禁止借婚姻索取财物。

    The exaction of money or gifts in connection with marriage shall be prohibited .

  25. 实际上,许多州都颁布法令,允许索取“情感转让”赔偿金。

    Numerous states , in fact , have enacted laws allowing damages for “ alienation of affections ” .

  26. 我辞职的时候向IBM公司索取了自荐信。

    I asked for a reference letter from IBM Company when I resigned .

  27. 这意味着它把这些对立的好与坏、光明与黑暗、给予和索取,看成是一体(one)的各个方面,看成是同一种能量。

    This means that it recognizes the opposites of good and bad , light and dark , giving and taking , as the aspects of one and the same energy .

  28. ClaimCheck服务样例提供了一个操作,支持了客户端在索取附件之后将其从数据存储中删除。

    The sample Claim Check service provides an operation that allows the clients to remove an attachment from the data store once the attachment is claimed .

  29. 以企业剩余索取权安排作为MBO理论基础,主要从契约理论和人力资本理论两个方面对企业剩余索取权安排进行分析。

    Taken enterprise residual claim arrangement as theory base , thesis analyzed it from client-agency and manpower capital .

  30. 与传统Web集群相比,其主要特点是后端执行服务器负责主动向集中器索取用户请求,无需传统的负载均衡机制和心跳机制。

    Compared with the conventional web cluster , the main characteristic of ASACS is the servers apply for client requests from the dispatcher in a positive manner ; replacing traditional load balance and heart beat mechanisms .