
  • scram;emergency brake
  1. 他紧急刹车,汽车向侧边打滑。

    The car skidded as he jammed on the brakes .

  2. 一个反应迅速的查票员猛地拉下了紧急刹车索。

    A quick-thinking ticket inspector yanked an emergency cord .

  3. 她为了躲另一辆车而紧急刹车。

    She braked sharply to avoid another car

  4. 在危急情况下驾驶员需要紧急刹车,装备ABS防抱死制动系统能够提供安全、有效的制动。

    In critical driving situations in which emergency braking is required , the Antilock Braking System provides you with safe and effective support .

  5. 此前,上周发布了疲弱的国内生产总值(GDP)数据,经济复苏在第二季度紧急刹车。

    The fall in PMI follows weak gross domestic product figures for the eurozone last week , with the recovery slamming on its brakes in the second quarter .

  6. 他们的发现出现在神经工程期刊上[StefanHaufeetal,EEG(脑电图扫记器)电位预测在模拟驾驶中即将出现的紧急刹车]

    Their findings appear in the Journal of Neural Engineering . [ Stefan Haufe et al . , " EEG potentials predict upcoming emergency brakings during simulated driving " ]

  7. 避免紧急刹车以及快速启动以节省油费。

    Avoid sharp stops and speedy getaways to save you money .

  8. 当一只小鸡穿越马路时,我们不得不紧急刹车。

    We had to brake suddenly when a chicken crossed the road .

  9. 当你使用紧急刹车来放襟翼。

    You use the emergency brake to drop the flaps .

  10. 一旦为避免碰撞,我使用了紧急刹车;

    I once used the emergency brake to prevent a near collision ;

  11. 铝合金轮毂低压铸造模具温度场的数值分析ph.1.手刹车,紧急刹车

    Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field in Low Pressure Casting Aluminum Alloy Wheel Mould

  12. 她紧急刹车,避免了一场车祸。

    She braked suddenly and avoided an accident .

  13. 列车司机发现他们卧在铁轨上,于是启动了紧急刹车。

    The train 's operator saw them on the tracks and applied the emergency brakes .

  14. 我不得不紧急刹车,以免撞倒两名学童。

    I had to put on the brakes sharply to avoid hitting two school children .

  15. 一辆卡车正和轿车并排行驶,忽然,卡车司机紧急刹车。

    A lorry driver who was drawing up alongside the car pulled up all of a sudden .

  16. 如果她没有紧急刹车,那小孩肯定就被轧死了。

    If she hadn 't made that emergency stop that child would 've been kiued for sure .

  17. 他要停车时,将车换成空档并紧急刹车。

    When he wanted to stop , he threw the car out of gear and braked sharply .

  18. 如果你是在驾车行驶的话,在停车等亮的时候不要拉紧急刹车。

    If you do drive a car , do not pull the emergency parking brake at a stoplight .

  19. 计算机需要用它们来帮助发动机提高燃油经济性,并帮助司机紧急刹车。

    They are needed for computers to help engines with better fuel economy and assist drivers in emergency braking .

  20. “侦探犬”号超音速车能够达到时速1050英里,这时格林中校必须紧急刹车。

    Bloodhound SSC could reach up to 1050mph . Wing Commander Green then has to slam on the brakes .

  21. 那个小男孩突然出现在车前,使司机紧急刹车。

    The sudden appearance of the boy directly in front of the car caused the driver to pull up short .

  22. 因为地铁站被雨水淹没,地铁系统随着列车的一声紧急刹车而被迫中断。

    New York City 's subway system came to a screeching halt as the subway stations were inundated with water .

  23. 我要她停下来,但她停不了,我只得拉上了紧急刹车。

    I tried to make her stop , but she couldn 't , so I pulled on the emergency brake .

  24. 此外,还可以接收监控中心下传的勾计划和控制命令,执行报警、紧急刹车等功能。

    Moreover , it can receive control instructions from monitor center and implement the function of giving alarm and urgency brake .

  25. 女:我想维修一下紧急刹车。我在山坡上停车时,这辆车会滑动。

    W : I 'd like to have my emergency brake fixed.The car rolls when I park it on the hill .

  26. 当相对距离接近危急区时,给出声/光警示信号或自动紧急刹车指令;

    The audible and light alarm signal or automatic brake order is provided when the relative distance reach the critical threshold value .

  27. 避免紧急刹车和不必要的紧急加速,每次刹车后几秒钟加速都会浪费汽油。

    Avoid braking hard or accelerating unnecessarily quickly , you waste gas each time you accelerate just to brake a few seconds later .

  28. 紧急刹车的全球经济发出了刺耳的声音,与此相对,这周有一条新闻听起来像是好消息。

    AGAINST the ear-piercing screech of the global economy hitting the brakes , what sounded like a piece of good news could still be heard this week .

  29. 在乘客的帮助下,列车司机紧急刹车,列车在距离妇女咫尺的地方停下。

    With the help of passengers , the train drivers , emergency brake , the train away from the stop at places where women 's right close by .

  30. 对于复苏现在不是紧急刹车的时候,现在要做的就是狠踩油门。

    " Now is not the time to slam the brakes on the recovery , right now is the time to step on the gas ," he said .