
  • 网络Red River;The Red River Valley
  1. 要记住红河谷你的故乡,还有那热爱你的姑娘。

    Just remember the Red River Valley And the one who has loved you so true

  2. 不要离别的这样匆忙;要记住红河谷你的故乡,还有那热爱你的姑娘。

    Do not hasten to bid me adieu , But remember the Red River Valley , And the one that has loved you so true .

  3. 他们在红河谷那边住。

    They got a place the other side of red canyon .

  4. 难道你不会想起红河谷吗。

    Won 't you think of the valley .

  5. 红河谷,爱情之谷

    Hong He Valley , The Valley Of LOVE

  6. 新平县漠沙镇位于红河谷,在这里长期居住着傣、彝、苗、哈尼、拉祜、回等多种民族。

    Mosha , a town of Xinpin county , is located in Red River valley and permanently raises some multiracial residents , such as Dai , Yi , Miao , Hani , Lahu , and Hui .

  7. 剧烈变迁的社会和文化,使得红河谷地的傣族传统文化,不断的在物质、民俗、精神等各个方面进行着调适与融合。

    Acute vicissitude of society and culture are making the Dai traditional culture in the Red River valley to adjust and integrate constantly in material , folk-custom , and the aspects of the spirit of the people .

  8. 于是我一口气拉下去,把他最喜欢的歌曲《红河谷》和《家在牧场》混在一起,于是他不知不觉地睡去,报纸还摊在膝上。

    Then I would segue into a med-ley of his favorites , " Red River Valley " and " Home on the Range , " and he would drift off to sleep , the newspaper folded on his lap .

  9. 他会说,不错,比上星期好,然后我会接着拉他喜欢的曲子红河谷和山上的家。听着听着,他慢慢睡着了,报纸叠在腿上。

    Very nice , better than last week , he 'd say . Then I would follow into a medley of his favorites , Red River Valley and Home on the Range , and he would drift off to sleep , the newspaper folded on his lap .

  10. 仙粉黛红葡萄酒以及隆河谷葡萄酒通常被形容为具有香料味的。

    Red Zinfandel and C ? te du Rhone often described as spicy .