
  1. 政治课教学中常用的比较方法有求同比较法、求异比较法、横向比较法和纵向比较法。

    Methods such as comparing and contrasting , both length wisely and cross wisely , are most frequently used in teaching politics .

  2. 从归纳的情况来看,对波动问题研究的方法主要有:实验模拟法、纵向比较研究法、横向比较研究法和时间序列分析。

    From the situation of induction , the research methods to this problem are : experimental simulation method , longitudinal comparison , horizontal comparison and analysis of time series .

  3. 主要采用了纵向时间比较法,把当地实施信息技术教学的发展状况分为三个时期,分别为传统教学时期、农远工程时期和互联网时期。

    Mainly adopts the longitudinal time comparison method , the development of local implementation of the information technology teaching is divided into three periods : the traditional teaching period , agriculture far project period and the Internet period .

  4. 在具体论述中又采取横向、纵向的比较法,对于各主要域名争议法律规范的发展过程、世界主要国家的域名争议解决实践进行比较。

    Comparative study methods both from a vertical and a horizontal angle are adopted in addressing the development of the main domain name dispute resolution regulations and the judicial practice of resolving in the main countries of the world .