
  • 网络Paper Fibre
  1. 采用自制纸纤维,可明显降低涂料热传导性能,适当引入钙质材料,有利于材料的解体性。

    Thermal conductivity of the coating is lowered remarkably by adding self prepared paper fibre , and its wrecking property is improved by adding CaO containing materials .

  2. 纸塑复合材料的研制&一种新型纸纤维填充聚丙烯塑料

    Preparation of Paper-Plastics Compounds & A New Type Paper-Fiber-Filled-Polypropylene Plastics

  3. 纸纤维氧化降解的灰关联分析法

    Gray Relational Space Analysis in the Degradation of Cellulose Evenness of paper sheet

  4. 实验表明,改性氨基树脂对纸纤维具有理想的增湿强效果。

    The modified resin has the ideal effect on paper as wet strength agent .

  5. 纸纤维聚合度的测定方法

    Determination of Polymerization Degree of Paper Fabric

  6. 略谈纸纤维艺术的应用

    Paper Fiber Arts and Its Application

  7. 利用灰关联法对纸纤维氧化降解的影响因素进行了研究,通过氧化剂转化率的测定,了解还原性物质的生成量,推测纤维素大分子的降解情况。

    The factors which influence oxidized degradation of cellulose has been studied by gray relational space analysis method .

  8. 这种微粒和纸纤维能够通过离子键和氢键作用,显著地增强助留效果。

    The microparticle could link with pulp fibre through ionic bond and hydrogen bond , from which excellent retention effect of copolymer initiated .

  9. 该产品的耐湿性是通过使用一种化合物将纸纤维粘合在一起而成,如同水泥将砖块粘合在一起。

    The product 's wet strength is achieved through use of a chemical compound that binds paper fibers together much the way cement binds bricks .

  10. 虽然纸纤维艺术在现代纤维艺术中还处于起步探索阶段,但如同许多其他类型纤维艺术一样,实用性和装置性成为艺术家们探索的两种主要的表现形式。

    Although paper fiber art is still the initial stage of exploration in modern fiber art , applied art and installation art become two major forms of expression like many other types of fiber arts .

  11. 但由于纸纤维固有的强度低、易吸水、易霉变、光泽差等缺点,在实际应用上还存在很多问题,其性能不能被人们所接受。

    While the shortcomings of fiber paper intrinsic low strength , easy suction , easy mildew , poor gloss , etc. , many problems exist in the practical application that result in its performance not to be accepted .

  12. 利用石英粉、石灰为主要原料,掺加耐碱玻纤及少量纸纤维,添加少量外加剂,采用动态水热合成法,中试生产成功超轻憎水硬硅钙石型硅酸钙绝热制品。

    The super light water repellent hard afwillite type calcium silicate thermal insulation product is successfully made from quart powder and lime as raw materials , alkali-resistant glass fiber , few of paper fiber and additives by means of dynamic water heating synthesis at pilot plant .

  13. 轻涂纸的纤维分层定向与填料、淀粉的z向分布

    Analysis of Layered Fiber Orientation and Z-Directional Distribution of Filler and Starch on LWC and Pigmented Paper

  14. 第一部分对胶版纸配料纤维的特性进行了分析,包括纤维长度分布、pH值、电导率、羧基含量、比容比表面积、浆料的Zeta电位和CTR等。

    At first , the properties of pulp fibers of making offset paper were analyzed , including physical properties , the content of COOH , zeta potential , specific surface area , colloidal titration ratio ( CTR ) and so on .

  15. 高速纸机长纤维的磨浆策略

    Refining Strategy of Long Fibre for High Speed Paper Machine

  16. 新闻纸矿物纤维加填研究和应用

    Study and Application of Mineral Fiber Additives in Newsprint Production

  17. 圆网纸机顺流式网槽纸幅纤维分布及其数学模型

    Fiber orientation of the paper formed on uniflow VAT and its mathematical model

  18. 以上结果显示,重组蛋白可用于改善纸品纤维的表面性质和机械性能。

    The results obtained showed that recombinant proteins can be used to alter surface and mechanical properties of paper .

  19. 透气度:纸内纤维间的空隙情况,它对空气和油墨的渗入,有直接的影响。

    Porosity : The degree of openness between the fibres of a paper . It is significant to air and ink penetration .

  20. 实验结果证明在相对低温的情况下,制备以锰锌铁氧体为填充物的磁性纸用纤维是可行的。

    The test results show that the preparation of magnetized paper fiber filled by manganese zinc ferrite is feasible at relatively low temperature .

  21. 实验结果表明,宣纸具有随湿度变形的特性,变形程度与纸的纤维组成和干燥方法有关。

    The results showed that the paper had the characteristics of dimensional unstability and the extent of deformation was related to the component and drying methods of paper .

  22. 本文介绍了一种用于实验室检测纸页纤维定向结构的新型仪器,分析了该仪器的基本原理、主要用途及对纸页抗张挺度检测的意义。

    In this article , the principle and application of a new kind of instrument used to test the tensile stiffness index and fibre orientation distribution on a paper sheet were introduced .

  23. 包覆法改性纸用聚丙烯纤维的研究

    Study on Modification of Polypropylene Fiber for Papermaking by Coating Process

  24. 笔落下,既有痕迹渐成形象,毛笔,纸的各式纤维,痕迹墨色;

    When a brush touches paper , ink stains gradually become images .

  25. GB/T4688-1984纸与纸板纤维组成测定方法

    Determination of fiber constituent for paper and board

  26. 要生产出合格的双高卷烟纸,各种纤维原料的配比有较大的影响。

    The proportioning of all kinds of the fiber materials will have great effect on the production of quality " double high " cigarette paper .

  27. 用不同滤纸酶活力和羧甲基纤维素酶活力比(F/C)值的纤维素酶系处理轻量涂布纸二次纤维,研究了纤维素酶系组成对二次纤维性能的影响。

    Light-weight coating fibers were treated by cellulase systems of different F / C value ( ratios of filter paper activity to carboxymethyl cellulose activity ) respectively .

  28. 本文主要从理论和实际方面分析了低定量涂布纸原纸的纤维配比特性及纤维形态特性对纸张物理性能及光学性能的影响。

    This paper theoretically and practically analyze the influence of fiber furnish ratio characteristic and fiber morphology characteristic on physical properties and optical properties of LWC base paper .

  29. 同时该成型纸与醋酸纤维丝束卷制工艺简单,烟支改装不污染机器,成本低。

    Furthermore , this wrap paper can be easily rolled with acetate fiber , and the joints of cigarette will be economical and will not pollute the cigarette machine .

  30. 首先研究了泡沫镍、石墨纸和碳纤维布这三种集流体对制备电极材料的影响。

    Firstly , the impact from three kinds of current collector , i.e. , nickel foam , graphite paper and carbon fiber cloth on synthesis electrode was taken into account .