
niǔ dài
  • link;bond;bridge;tie;vinculum
纽带 [niǔ dài]
  • [link;tie] 指起联系作用的人或事物

  • 交通运输部门是城乡交流的纽带

纽带[niǔ dài]
  1. 社会风俗在代与代之间起到了极其重要的纽带作用。

    Social customs provide a vital link between generations .

  2. 她是我与过去的唯一纽带。

    She was my only link with the past

  3. 文化交流是各国之间建立联系的纽带。

    Cultural exchanges are a way of building bridges between countries .

  4. 他们之间形成了一种友谊的纽带。

    A bond of friendship had been forged between them .

  5. 一种特殊的纽带把我们两国联结起来。

    A special bond unites our two countries .

  6. 这些项目将会成为公司和大学之间至关重要的联系纽带。

    These projects will provide vital links between companies and universities .

  7. 他切断了和家人的所有感情纽带。

    He was able to sever all emotional bonds to his family .

  8. 将他们紧密联系在一起的纽带正在弱化。

    The ties that bind them together are loosening .

  9. 它们是与一个逝去的年代相联系的纽带。

    They are links to a lost age .

  10. 对很多人来说,这个邮局是与外界联系的唯一纽带。

    For many , the post office is the only link with the outside world

  11. 许多省份之间的文化和历史纽带被认为是很脆弱的。

    The cultural and historical links between the many provinces were seen to be very tenuous

  12. 祈祷书为各信仰之间建起了足够灵活的联系纽带,以期将各个不同教派凝聚在一起。

    The Prayer Book has provided a flexible enough nexus of beliefs to hold together the different church parties .

  13. 商业是工农业之间的重要纽带。

    Trade is an important link between industry and agriculture .

  14. 那时联系亲属的纽带以母方为主。

    At the time , kindred were linked together chiefly through the band of their maternity .

  15. 宾夕法尼亚米勒斯威尔大学的教授卡罗勒·库尼汉说:“进餐是一个家庭的基础,所以大家在一起吃饭会有一种十分重要的相互连接,并且会加强家庭纽带关系。”

    " Meals are the foundation of the family , " says Carole Counihan , a professor at Millersville University in Pensylvania , " so there was a very important interconnection between eating together " and strengthening family ties .

  16. 因为经济纽带从来没有如此强大

    Car les liens é conomiques n'ont jamais é t é aussi forts .

  17. 女校友协会是我和现在学校行政部门之间的纽带来自《简明英汉词典》

    The Alumnae Association is my link to the school 's present administration .

  18. 我们要深化务实合作,巩固利益纽带。

    We need to deepen practical co-operation to reinforce the bond of common interests .

  19. 我们要增进相互理解,巩固互信纽带。

    We need to enhance mutual understanding to reinforce the bond of mutual trust .

  20. 我们要鼓励民间交流,巩固人文纽带。

    We need to encourage people-to-people exchanges to reinforce the cultural bond between our people .

  21. 我们要加强战略沟通,巩固多边合作纽带。

    We need to step up strategic communication to reinforce the bond of multilateral co-operation .

  22. 父母当中第二个人去世,就象斩断了把我们同过去联在一起的纽带

    The death of a second parent is like severing an umbilical cord to our past .

  23. “志合者,不以山海为远。”中国和澳大利亚虽然远隔重洋,但历史和现实的纽带将我们紧紧连在一起。

    As a Chinese saying goes : " Even mountains and seas cannot distance people with common aspirations3 . " Despite the geographical4 distance between us , China and Australia have been closely linked by history and reality .

  24. 供销合作社要完善体制机制,拓展服务领域,加快成为服务农民生产生活的综合平台,成为党和政府密切联系农民群众的桥梁纽带。

    The cooperatives should improve systems and mechanisms3 , expand service areas , and accelerate efforts to become a comprehensive platform for serving rural production and livelihood4 as well as a bridge for the Party and the government to connect with farmers .

  25. 路径规划作为CAD与在线检测系统集成的纽带,在加工中心在线检测系统中具有举足轻重的作用。

    The path planning is the ligament between CAD and on-line inspecting system .

  26. 这样,ES细胞就提供了一个有效的纽带,将动物基因组的体外和体内遗传操作连系起来。

    Therefore , ES cells provide a unique tool linking in vitro and in vivo genetic manipulations of animal genomes .

  27. CRM是一座桥梁,架起了企业和客户之间的纽带,为企业带来了利润和更大的上升空间;

    CRM is a bridge , erect the tie between the enterprise and customer , bring the profit and larger rising space to enterprises ;

  28. 作为超高频RFID系统的核心,读写器是连接分散于各处的RFID标签与上层应用程序的纽带。

    As a core of the UHF RFID system , reader is a bond to relate the lots of RFID tags and upper application program .

  29. 在下一代网络中,由IETF定义的技术协议ENUM是传统电信网和互联网的连接纽带。

    ENUM is a technology protocol created by the IETF that will tie the tradition telephone network with the Internet in the NGN .

  30. 计算机辅助工艺设计(CAPP)是提高设计效率和工业生产率的理想工具,是联系CAD与CAM的纽带,也是实现计算机集成制造的关键因素之一。

    Computer-aided process programming ( CAPP ) is an ideal tool to reduce design time and to increase productivity . It is the link between CAD and CAM , and is an essential key for achieving CIM ( Computer Integrated Manufacture ) .