
  • 网络Haven;New Haven;NewHaven
  1. 我和他都在耶鲁法学院读书的时候,在纽黑文合租了一个房间。

    I had roomed with him in New Haven when we were both at Yale Law School .

  2. 在纽黑文有些人恨透了他。

    There were men at New Haven who had hated his guts .

  3. 渡船行驶于纽黑文和迪耶普之间。

    The ferry sails from Newhaven to Dieppe .

  4. 另外一个证人是来自康乃狄格州纽黑文的消防员FrankRicci。

    Another witness was Frank Ricci , a firefighter from New Haven , Connecticut .

  5. FrankRicci是控诉纽黑文市歧视的白人和西班牙消防员中的一人。

    Frank Ricci was among a group of white and Hispanic firefighters who sued the city for discrimination .

  6. 但是康涅狄格州纽黑文大学市场学教授GeorgeHaley称中国的价格一直比较低。

    But marketing professor George Haley at the University of New Haven in Connecticut says China has always kept prices low .

  7. AmyChua是康涅狄格州纽黑文耶鲁法学院的教授,也是两个女孩的母亲。

    Ms. Chua is a professor at the Yale Law School in New Haven , Connecticut , and the mother of two daughters .

  8. 有一点显而易见,许多大学所在的城市永远也不会成为全球性大都市。美国耶鲁大学(Yale)所在地、康涅狄格州的纽黑文永远也入围不了。

    What is clear , is that many universities are in locations that will never become global conurbations . New Haven , Connecticut ( home to Yale ) will never make the cut .

  9. 康涅狄克州纽黑文大学专攻海藻菌株生物能用途的水文学家CarmelaCuomo指出,海中的海藻养殖场可能会产生很严重的环境问题。

    An offshore algae farm could have some serious environmental issues , points out Carmela Cuomo , a marine scientist at the University of New Haven in Connecticut who is researching algae strains for biofuel use .

  10. 正是在耶鲁,我开始在纽黑文儿童法律机构工作。

    I began working with New Haven legal services representing children .

  11. 他现在就职于康涅狄格州纽黑文市的耶鲁大学。

    He teaches at Yale University in New Haven , Connecticut .

  12. 这发生在我准备离开纽黑文的几年前。

    several years before I had planned to leave New Haven .

  13. 纽黑文位于波士顿和纽约两城中间。

    New haven is halfway between Boston and new york .

  14. 耶鲁和纽黑文附近有流浪汉。

    There 's homeless people around Yale and New Haven .

  15. 飞到了纽黑文来和我待在一起

    flew out to New Haven to be with me .

  16. 她在康涅狄格州纽黑文的耶鲁大学学习建筑学。

    She was studying architecture at Yale University in New Haven , Connecticut .

  17. 从纽黑文时代以来,他样子已经变了。

    He had changed since his new haven years .

  18. 康涅狄格州纽黑文的火警称其是反向歧视的受害者。

    New Haven , Connecticut firefighters say they are victims of reverse discrimination .

  19. 我会杀了你在纽黑文市

    I 'll kill you ! At New Haven .

  20. 可以将它视作康涅狄格纽黑文的一个歌厅歌手训练营。

    Think of it as a cabaret training camp in New Haven , Connecticut .

  21. 皮尔森学院,耶鲁大学,纽黑文,康涅狄格州,美国

    Pierson college , Yale university , new haven , connecticut , usa , 2004

  22. 这所位于康乃狄格州纽黑文的大学现在正面临财政赤字,不得不采用成本削减措施。

    The New Haven , Connecticut-based school is now facing deficits and cost-cutting measures .

  23. 纽黑文位于南部沿海地带。

    Newhaven is down on the South coast .

  24. 我在纽黑文的医生怀特先生

    my New Haven analyst , Dr. White ,

  25. 索托马约尔法官和其他两名联邦诉讼法庭法官支持纽黑文市的决定。

    Judge Sotomayor and two other federal appeals court judges supported the city 's decision .

  26. 飞机试图在纽黑文机场着落时突然坠落。

    The aircraft went down as it attempted to land at a New Haven airport .

  27. 纽黑文是美国少数几个支持麦戈文当总统超过尼克松的地方。

    New Haven was one of the few places in America that voted for McGovern over Nixon .

  28. 他在牛津学习了两年之后,进入位于康涅狄格州纽黑文的耶鲁大法学院。

    He spent two years there before entering Yale University Law School in New Haven , Connecticut .

  29. 由于担心未通过考试的少数民族采取法律诉讼,纽黑文市取消了考试结果。

    The city canceled the test results , fearing legal claims by minorities who failed the exams .

  30. 联邦诉讼法庭的三名法官原本站在纽黑文市一边。

    Three judges on a federal appeals court had earlier sided with the city of New Haven .