
zǔ huà
  • Group painting;series of paintings
组画 [zǔ huà]
  • [a suite of paintings] 一组从不同角度和层次反映同一中心思想和题材的绘画

  1. 水彩作品《矿工日记组画》获省展银奖。

    Watercolor work ," Diary of paintings miners ," provincial Show Silver Award .

  2. 这两幅画是一组画,作者的意图是要挂在一起的。

    These pictures were painted as a pair and were intended to be hung together .

  3. 生命·心灵·表现&蒙克与他的《生命》组画

    Life . Soul . Expression & Monk and his 《 Life 》 a suite of paintings

  4. 罗中立的名字是与“乡土组画”一并镌刻在中国当代艺术史上的。

    The name Luo Zhongli is already indelibly inscribed in the annals of Chinese contemporary art history .

  5. 这博物馆最贵重的藏品是18世纪画家威廉贺加斯画的两组画。

    The museum 's most valuable possessionsare two series of pictures by William hogarth , an18th century painter .

  6. 光与色创造的东方意境&论莫奈《睡莲》组画的审美特征

    An Oriental Ambiance Created by Light and Colors , the Aesthetic Features of the Water Lilies Murals by Monet

  7. 在中国东部的城市南京,劳里的组画正在展览进行时。

    Until now . A collection of Lowry paintings is being shown at an exhibition in Nanjing in eastern China .

  8. 我们受文化部和中国佛教协会的委派,于1985年绘制了《玄中寺组画》。

    In 1985 , the Chinese Ministry of Culture and the China Buddhist Association entrusted us with the responsibility for the work .

  9. 我们受文化部和中国佛教协会的委派,与1985年绘制了《玄中寺组画》。

    In 1985 , the Chinese Ministry of Culture and the China Buddhist Association entrusted us with the responsibity for the work .

  10. 上文多是从组画《1975》、《1979》的社会主题、背景方面思考的,揭示它的文本出发点。

    What you 've just read stems from reflections on1975 & 1979 's thematic social context , which also lays the foundation for the works itself .

  11. 据阿尔·奥马里表示,90%的人对这组画的反应都是很积极的,但是也受到了不少批判。

    While reactions to the series have been " 90 % positive , " according to Al Omari , the artist also received a fair share of criticism .

  12. 郭世英或者组画中的另外哪个受难者,他们之成为牺牲的目标和他们蒙受苦难的方式其实是“随机”的。

    To Guo Shiying and other sufferers , the reason for them to sacrifice themselves and the form in which they chose to suffer , is " instinctive " .

  13. 1976年与詹健俊合作12幅《犟姑娘》组画,参加中央美术学院教师油画作品展;

    1976 " Obstinate Girl "( 12 paintings , collaborated with Zhan Jianjun ) published by People 's Fine Arts Publishing House ," Oil Paintings by CAFA Professors ," CAFA Museum , Beijing .

  14. 《玄中寺组画》的创作构思和绘制技法,是我们本着对敦煌艺术临摹和研究40多年的经验,主要继承中华民族遗产的风格,吸取了敦煌唐宋时代壁画法华经《化城喻品》等艺术风格形成的。

    As Li Chengxian and I had engaged in the study and copying of the Dunhuang Murals for 40-odd years , we did the set of mural paintings of the Mystery Monastery after the techniques and style of the Dunhuang art .

  15. 本文从创作《荷塘》系列组画实践过程中的模糊意象开始,到对如何使意象变成画面上的语言形态?在理论与实践的结合方面进行了一系列的研究。

    This article from the creation " Hetang " series of group practice in the process of painting fuzzy image of the beginning of how to make the screen image into a form of language ? Theory and Practice in the combination of a series of studies .