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Cell elongation was significantly positively correlated with the ratio between promoting hormones ( IAA , GA3 and ZR ) concentration and inhibitory hormone ( ABA ) concentration .
Leggy seedlings ' endogenous hormones which promotion cell elongation and division increased , while the enzymes that IAA catabolism , its activity were decreased , maybe it is one of reasons for seedlings leggy .
A study of elongation of the cotton fibre cell
These results suggest that phenotypic changes in li mutant , including early stop of fiber elongation , are likely related to impaired polar auxin transport .
Relationship Between the Elongation of Maize Coleoptile and its Hydroxyproline-rich Protein
The Role of Microtubules During Cotton Fibers Elongation
The short cell always had higher peroxidase activity than that of the long cell .
The difference in mesophyll tissue between the two soil types was obvious in palisade cells elongation stage .
Obviously it has very important scientific values for deeply understanding the growth and morphological building in higher plants .
Abscisic acid promoted sink activity and unload of the organic material from phloem and facilitated mature and senile of grains .
Extraction and partial characterization of the pollen tube chemotropic factor in the gynaecium of Antirrhinum majus and its inhibitory effect on cell elongation
As an ideal mode plant for the investigation of cell elongation , scientists have been trying intensively to reveal the molecular mechanism of cotton fiber development .
Because of some unique characters of cotton fiber , cotton fiber is regarded as an ideal model for studies of plant cell elongation and cell wall biogenesis .
Study on the regulation of cotton fiber development not only can help reveal the mechanism of cell elongation growth and cell wall development but also provide theoretical basis for fiber quality improvement .
In cell elongation stage , palisade tissue , sponge tissue and the leaf all thickened following the rising of stalk position , and both bottom leaf and top leaf had the relatively well developed palisade tissues .
KCN was first found which could inhibit plant cell wall extensions and this inhibition was probably due to its inhibition of expansin ;
It has strong hydrolytic enzyme activity against barley β - glucan , but did not exhibit cellulose activities .
The elongation of cell was essential and important to plant growth , and it was enslaved to the extension of cell wall .
Plant cells elongation inevitably involved a specific process in cell wall synthesis , the transportation of quantities memberane components , and the cytoskeleton assembly .
It is believed the key regulation gene which control carbon flow , may play an important role in the development transition from cotton fiber elongation into secondary cell wall biosynthesis .
The results showed that numbers of vascular bundles and cylic cells , the thickness of mechanical tissue and stem wall were increased by MET , which resulted in a decreased internode and in reduced plant height .
It also had obvious effects on the wheat growing and the structure of stem and leaf . It inhibited the elongation growing of wheat stem cells , led to the internode shorter and the plant lower .
But the differentiation time of ovule epidermal cells and early elongation of fiber cells and the F / E value of flowering day or the next day in nature-colored cotton are slower or lower than the control ( Chuan 56 ) .
The cotton fiber is a single-celled fiber differentiated from epidermal cells of ovules . The development of cotton fiber can be divided into four stages : initiation , elongation ( primary cell wall synthesis ), secondary cell wall synthesis and maturation .
The elongation growth of organic cells can also be seperated into three stages and two periods of the earlier concave curvilinear growth , the intermediate linear growth and the later convex curvilinear growth , as well as two transition periods at the critical places between every two stages above .
Plant endogenous hormones play a vital role in the ongoing process that the cell split and elongate .
Regulation of plant hormone on the layout of microtubule and cellulose microfibril as well as the mechanism on cell elongation were discussed .
Ethylene is a major abscission hormone that regulates many biological processes involved in abscission such as cell division , cell expansion and cell wall decomposition .
The result shows that CaM concentrates at the new growing point and has closely relation with the dividing and elongation of cells .
BRX family are novel transcription factors , and the key member BRX ( Brevis Radix ) controls cell proliferation and elongation of root through mediating the signaling of BR and auxin signaling pathway in Arabidopsis .