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  • bacteriologist
  1. 英国细菌学家弗莱明逝世。他发现青霉素可能成为一种能全身应用的抗菌药物。

    British bacteriologist Alexander Fleming died who discovered a powerful antibiotic , penicillin .

  2. 法国化学家、细菌学家路易·巴斯德生于多尔。

    1822 Louis Pasteur , French chemist and bacteriologist , was born at Dole .

  3. 存在于昆虫病原线虫肠道内的共生菌,经细菌学家鉴定,将其归属于肠杆菌科(Enterobacteriaceae)。

    The symbiotic bacteria associated with insect pathogenic nematodes are placed in the family Enterobacteriaceae .

  4. 苏格兰细菌学家、青霉素发现者亚历山大·弗莱明爵士诞生于埃尔郡。

    1881 Sir Alexander Fleming , Scottish bacteriologist and discoverer of penicillin , was born in Ayrshire .

  5. “迪博:法裔美国细菌学家,以其对自然抗菌素,气管炎及疾病中的环境因素的研究而闻名。”

    " Dubos : french-born American bacteriologist noted for his research on natural antibiotics , tuberculosis , and environmental factors in disease . "

  6. 其抗菌效果最早于1932年被德国细菌学家和病理学家多马克发现,此后即成为首批用于系统地防治人类细菌感染的化学药物。

    Their effectiveness against bacteria was discovered in1932 by Gerhard Domagk , and they became the first chemical substances systematically used against human bacterial infections .

  7. 由于在研究上的表现杰出,他成为细菌学家助理,并在第一次世界战时投入于对抗伤寒的服务。

    Being good at research he became assistant bacteriologist at St Mary 's and was involved in treating servicemen against Typhoid in the First World War .

  8. 鼠疫的发作要快得多,不过细菌学家称鼠疫为一种隐秘感染&在疾病悄悄吞噬身体之际,受害者却感觉良好。

    Plague strikes faster , but it is what bacteriologists call a stealth infection – victims feel quite well while the illness silently devastates their bodies .

  9. 鼠疫的发作要快得多,不过细菌学家称鼠疫为一种“隐秘感染”——在疾病悄悄吞噬身体之际,受害者却感觉良好。

    Plague strikes faster , but it is what bacteriologists call a " stealth infection " - victims feel quite well while the illness silently devastates their bodies .

  10. 美国细菌学家埃德温·奥克斯·乔丹是最早计算这场疫情死亡人数的人之一,他估计死亡人数在2150万人左右。

    American bacteriologist Edwin Oakes Jordan was one of the first to calculate the death toll , which he estimated to be in the vicinity of 21.5 million .

  11. 因为“营养细胞芽孢营养细胞”循环的结果不产生增殖作用,所以几乎没有细菌学家认为芽孢是一种分开来供繁殖用的细胞。

    Since no multiplication take place as a result of the vegetative cell-spore-vegetative cell cycle , few bacteriologists accept the concept of the spore as a cell set apart for reproduction .

  12. 细菌学家已经发现,某些种类的细菌能够“吃掉”石油产品,例如机油和汽油。

    Bacteriologists have identified certain strains of bacteria that " eat " petroleum products , such as oil and gasoline . Bob : That sounds strange . How does it work ?

  13. 成都生物研究所的细菌学家、该项目的首席研究员闫志英表示,这种除味技术目前还处在测试阶段,尚未向市场推出。

    Not yet available in supermarkets , the odor-killing technology is still undergoing testing , said Yan Zhiying , a bacteriologist at the Chengdu Institute of Biology and the lead researcher on the project .