
  1. 本文详细说明了终端智能引导系统中交互界面的设计理念与实现方法,提供一套完善的GPS定位信息与地图间的匹配机制。

    This paper explains in detail of the terminal intelligent guidance system interface design and implementation methods , in order to provide a complete GPS positioning information and map matching between the mechanisms .

  2. 打开一个HMC终端来监视引导过程。

    Open a HMC terminal to monitor the boot process .

  3. 优点–提供了一种简单,可靠而且容易实现的结构,用于将固定终端的电流引导到转动的电动机线圈。

    ADVANTAGE-Provides a simple , reliable , and easily accessible structure for conducting electric current from stationary terminals to rotating windings of motor .